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Ghost in The Shell: Standalone Complex~me and Wraith


Jan 11, 2009
"Minister Todokoro, it is an honor to be invited to such a wonderful gathering. I only hope I am dressed appropriately for such a fancy event." Said Section 9 commander Matoko Kusanagi. Though, the pleasant little greeting was just for show. Section 9 had set him up to believe that a skilled thief was after something important in his personal vault. Thus, he had used his political influence to bring them as added security. He had no idea it was all a set up so that Section 9 could steal what was in the vault to prove he was corrupt. Still, the exceptionally beautiful "Major" as she was called was in quite the sexy get up and had her own little part to play. Which primarily involved keeping the minister busy with her......ample feminine wiles.

The dress she pretended to worry about went a long way to doing so. It was white, clingy and VERY revealing. While it reached down to her ankles, it was skit up each side, showing off her amazing, toned legs. It was quite backless, showing plenty of silky smooth skin, ending just above her curvy rear end. The front was especially eye catching, cut low and quite open, showing off her flat, athletic tummy. But few men at the party seemed able to keep from staring at her large, perky breasts barely covered by the dress. They seemed ready to pop out at a moment's notice. It was all just part of the distraction, meant to get Todokoros attention and keep it in her all night.
"Please, just call me Tsutomu." The bald man replied in return, smiling politely to the Major. Of course, behind that smile were hidden all sorts of thoughts, most revolving around what was underneath that dress, which was in truth too tight around her form, obviously just to showcase her spectacular form and make the man her thrall from the very first moments. It wasn't much of a secret that the man was a grade A sleazeball, something which was further proven to be true by the atmosphere of his party, where scantily clad women were accompanying all the men that he'd invited, and where behind curtains visible shadows suggested only the things that happened on the other side. Though now, all of Todokoro's attention was on Motoko, and not only his. It seemed that she had a natural talent for attracting the gazes of the other men around her, who drew close to her much like butterflies to the flame that would burn their wings. She was by far a special flavor and Tsutomu knew right then and there that he wanted her, and that he would get her by any means.

Pleasantries were exchanged as the host led Aramaki and Motoko through different rooms, talking to them about different matters while trying to get the right moment, that one moment when he could ask the woman a certain question. He was itching to be all alone with her and the old man was in his way. By the information he'd gotten from Section 9, the theft was supposed to happen later, and with a look at his expensive golden watch, Mr. Todokoro turned his full attention to Motoko, smiling politely. "Well, there's still time left until the theft should happen, so until then, do you care for a private tour of my place? I'll gladly show you anything you'd like to see."

His voice was honeyed yet only a fool would be unable to detect the double meanings of every of his words as well as the lust that those words dripped with as he couldn't keep his eyes from roaming across the cyborg's form. Indeed she was a work of art, one that he would surely add to his collection that night. If only the fool knew he was falling right into the trap that the Section had laid for him.
Makotos plan was working like a charm. A pretty smile and a sexy dress and she had him in the palm of her hand. But still, even as he spoke, she was talking to her teammates over the comms, making sure everything was set. If something happened, her charm would work TOO well. She'd really prefer to not sleep with the sleazeball. But, the mission always came first and she was prepared to do whatever it took to complete it, no matter what awkward position she was put in.....literally.

"I'd be delighted to join you." Raising her arm so he could take it and walk with her like a gentleman. As perverted as these people were, they still kept up their fancy manners. Still, she knew exactly what he was referring to with his thinly veiled innuendo. Little did either know, some poorly timed bad luck was going to lead to the greatest night of his life.
He led the beauty away from the buzz in something of a disguised haste, disguised under a well-faked excitement to actually show her around his house, which was much like a labyrinth of corridors and doors. He wanted to have her only and only for himself and so Mr. Todokoro continued to show her this and that. A long hall entirely decorated with very valuable paintings, and another with sculptures but most importantly his collection of robotic female bodies that he had put on display like dolls.

"Each of them is unique in her own way, you see." He explained with a smile, gazing behind just to make sure there was no one else anywhere nearby. And when as much was certain he allowed his arm to slip and to wrap about Motoko's waist, very casually and yet rather suggestively for there were mere inches that kept his palm and her firm rear apart. A boundary he did not, yet, overstep, knowing that she could break every of his bones in a matter of minutes. "Yet you, my dear, you are the most perfect I have seen so far. A work of wonder, really. I suppose I am incriminating myself as of now, making such confessions after selfishly taking you all for myself, am I not?" The man said with a sleazy smile, allowing his hand to slip those few inches below Motoko's waistline and touch her rear, feigning an accident.

Major, we're dealing with a situation. Batou's voice sounded over the comms. Keep Todokoro busy a while longer and whatever happens don't let him rejoin the party. Else all our plan is fucked.

"Where would you like us to go?" Tsutomu asked after a few short moments, hoping with all his being that his advances weren't in vain.
Funny that you use that term because if I have to keep him occupied for too long, I'll be in a similar predicament. Makoto replied to Bayou with a bit of wit in regards to her own predicament. All the while, letting her target keep his arm around her waist. Not did she react when he quite clearly copped a feel of her butt.

"My, aren't you a flattered. If my body weren't cybernetic, I do beleive I'd be blushing right now." She replied to Tsutomo with an alluring smile. Not many of her mission required her to turn up the charm, but when she did, no man could resist her. He was clearly no exception. If anything, he had been particularly easy to get around her little finger.

"I'd love to visit your personal office. It'd be great to see where you do your best work." She added in response to his second question, her voice laced with the same thinly veiled innuendo he himself had used. She had also taken a subtle step towards him, putting their bodies even closer. As much as she'd rather not, she was tempting him with further contact. Looking was one thing, but actually touching her body would put him further under her "control".
Any man who'd use his brains instead of his balls should've been able to figure that something was not right. Motoko practically bit the bait way easier than she should have, especially when her mission was to take care and make sure the thief was caught, not to satisfy Tsutomu's personal needs or be his escort. Yet that closeness between them, how she'd pressed herself against him, it all worked out towards further trapping him under her spell. His eyes were now trained on her almost obsessively, especially on that large, generous bosom of hers. The feel of her firm ass against his hand had fueled the fire that practically burnt in his veins and had she not suggested his personal office, he'd have sure as hell tried his luck out there, in the corridor, whether on the floor or against a wall or a cushioned couch.

"Oh, and I'm supposed to be the flatterer here." He responded with a chuckle as he continued walking, turning right on another corridor and taking the direction of his personal office. There was still a fair walk until there. "I assure you, even my best work tends to get dull from time to time, people always say we have an easy job of just sitting on a chair and dictating how things run but they're sorely wrong. I suppose having authority and being well-known is nice however there are many downsides to it, too. It makes me need to unwind a lot. There are many ways to do so, luckily." He said, squeezing Motoko's side gently. "But I shouldn't be complaining, you're Section 9, you're the ones who keep the likes of me safe and I bet that's even a more difficult job. Makes me wonder, how do you unwind?"

The question was obviously riddled with the same innuendos he's been playing thus far, even if it was disguised under mere small talk. The closer the two of them drew to the door to his personal office, the more excited Tsutomu became at the prospect of taking the cyborg on practically every surface of the room.

Soon, they were there, and the man only needed to input a security code that allowed the door to open into a rather large room. A desk filled with paperwork was in the middle, a couch was neatly positioned facing the desk and there was a virtual fish tank on one of the walls, in addition to the large windows behind the desk that offered a beautiful view into the gardens outside.
"Personally, physical activity helps me unwind. I never feel more relaxed than when I'm hot and sweaty." Matoko replied, continuing to go tit for tat with him in their back forth innuendo filled flirting. It worked wonders in keeping his focus on her but had the unfortunate effect of fanning the flames of libido. If the rest of her crew didn't hurry up, she'd have no choice but to sleep with him. But, at least that would insure his distraction extended period.

When they entered his office, she finally slid from his arm, heading towards his office window. As she did, she gave a subtle twitch of her right shoulder that he wouldn't even be able to see, but what he would spot is the right strap of her dress suddenly slip down her arm a bit. This exposed her back a bit more and left her right breast just barely covered by the front of her dress , which he'd easily spot in her reflection as she stood looking out at the gardens.

"It's a gorgeous view. But you're well aware of that, I'm sure." She said, looking out over the gardens....or at least appearing too. She was really watching his reflection, knowing full well his gaze would surely be on her.
She was really just putting the thoughts in his head. There could've been so many ways in which the beauty would've gotten hot and sweaty and there was only one that was on his mind. Oh, he definitely wanted to get her hot and sweaty, as hot and sweaty as he could. And it seemed as though that would actually happen, much to the excitement that threatened to send his heart into cardiac arrest. While his eyes shot towards the Major as she spoke, he noticed that subtle movement that caused the right strap of her dress to slip down her arm. Even more generously, he could see in the window how her right breast was so annoyingly close to popping out of its cover in his full view. How he wanted that.

"It is an... extraordinary view indeed." He said, his words referring completely to Motoko's image rather than the gardens outside. In his movement as he approached the desk, a subtle press of a hidden button caused the door to lock, and the only key to its opening was in his mind. He'd have been stupid to try and force himself onto the cyborg yet he couldn't help but approach her. She had been nothing but positive so far to his advances so there wasn't much of a reason for him not to grow even more ballsy. The tips of his fingers touched and felt the revealed skin of her back under feigned curiosity and surprise.

"My word, I wouldn't be able to distinguish between this and real flesh. So... perfect. I can only guess it's the best technology available, or is it limited edition and not available on the market?" He asked, continuing to feel around the skin, wishing to feel more and resisting the impulse of copping a feel of her breasts.
"Yes, it is quite limited. Only a special, select few get access to it." Replied Motoko, the implication quite obvious. She was trying to make him believe that she was highly selective of those she took as lovers. Only the best of men. In truth, whilst she wasn't a loose legged slut, she had had her fair share of intimate encounters, both with men and women. And if Batou and the others didn't hurry, he'd soon be added to that list. Likely sooner rather than later as he was becoming increasingly forward and daring. Notmally, she liked that in a man. It was possible she was enjoying the flirting a tad more than she let herself beleive.
Was Tsutomu among the special, select few that Motoko spoke of? By his standards, he should have been. And by how her words sounded, he indeed was, or so he believed as he bit even harder on the bait that the woman was setting up. And seeing as though she didn't seem to mind his fingers roaming her skin, he pushed the envelope further, stepping just a little closer, forgetting about the concept of personal space. He yet disguised these efforts under the innocent disguise of amazement with how well the prosthetic body imitated real flesh.

"I see." He said with a low tone as he allowed both his hands to gently rest on her shoulders and slowly travel down her arms, making sure to move the other strap of her dress in the process in the same way that she herself had done with the previous. "And I assume it's a perfect replica of the human body in all aspects?" He asked, obviously interested in what was underneath the dress and most importantly, between the cyborg's legs.
Matoko looked at her arm, watching with a sly smile as the remaining strap of her dress was slid down her arm. Her breasts were practically bare, just a bit of lingering fabric covering her nipples. It seemed the worst case scenario was playing out as she had no choice but to keep going, regardless of what he wished to do with her.....and to her.

"I beleive it is but'd like to perform you're own examination to make sure." She added with the best seductive tone she had, which was highly effective. As much as she wished it weren't the case, she needed to keep him occupied with her. So, she needed to insure that a simple peek wouldn't satisfy him. Thus, she put her arms around her waist, just under her breasts to keep them covered, teasing him, as she leaned forward before whispering in that supremely seductive voice.....

"Tonight......I'm yours...."
Tsutomu should've been thinking long and hard about whatever had given him this sudden advantage and what made the Major practically throw herself at him. It was far too easy, to the point where it was surreal, yet all he could think about was that large, stone-hard bulge that pressed against the zipper of his suit pants. It only made him throb with excitement to hear that the cyborg was his for the night and any and all suspicion were completely absent as the man only followed his desire and not cold logic.

His hands were eager to feel around that marvelous body, to inspect, and so they did mindlessly starting off right from the legs, those firm outer thighs fitting in his palms perfectly. There was a huge, sleazy grin on his face as he realized that indeed, Motoko seemed to be his and as the thoughts of everything he could do that night and he could barely contain his excitement. His hands clasped behind her waist and he trapped her against himself, reaching to kiss those utterly perfect lips. It surprised him how real they felt, all to the point where he began wondering if she was really a cyborg and not just a human. She had to be, everything felt so real.

And the bulge in his pants kept throbbing, threatening to break its confinements as the man started planting soft kisses upon Motoko's neck, groaning with pleasure as he pressed himself against her.
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