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Metropolis Origins (ComicFandomMan and Izzy325)


Apr 28, 2018
In many ways, Metropolis was the finest city in the world. It had all of the culture and industry of a city like Gotham, but most parts of it lacked the crime that seemed to seep from every pour of Gotham.

One of the exceptions to that rule was Suicide Slums, perhaps the city's darkest district. As the city had been restructured during the industrial revolution, most of the poor had been pushed into Suicide Slums. It hadn't taken long for many of those isolated individuals to resort to all manor of crime.

Two of those struggling individuals, Johnny and Mark, were following a young woman, doing their best to stay just far enough away that she wouldn't notice them. They were waiting for her to move somewhere where she would be isolated, somewhere where nobody would notice if the two confronted her and took whatever she had in her purse. Of course, this was Suicide Slums. Even if anyone did notice them, few would do anything about it. There were precious few police officers in the slums, and most people would rather pretend not to notice a crime than get involved in trying to stop it.

As they slowly closed the distance with their target, Johnny nervously worked his hand back and forth inside his worn leather jacket, taking comfort from the presence of the small pistol he had in his pocket. He had never been forced to use the weapon before, but its mere presence gave him confidence he couldn't describe.

Now that they were getting closer, the two men picked up their pace. In their shabby attire and disheveled clothing, if their prey saw them, she was certain to suspect that they were up to no good. Better to grab hold of her now, before she could slip off.
Suicide Slums was without a doubt the worst part of Metropolis. This entire section of the city was where the poor were pushed when Metropolis was gentrified.

Lois Lane walked down a dark and deserted street as she made her way back towards her car. She knew it was a bad idea to head to Suicide Slums during this time of night but what could she do? She was about to break one of the biggest stories of the year. All during her sophomore year at the Daily Planet.

A slum lord charging the poorest people in Metropolis outrageous prices for their rent without providing adequate living conditions. The tenant who she finally convinced to meet with her lived in one of the most run-down buildings in this section of the city. Which was saying something because Suicide Slums was nothing to rave home about. The tenant showed her the conditions of her living space. Lucy and her three children shared a one bedroom apartment that only had running water in the kitchen. If Lois broke this story she'd make a name for herself but she'd also be helping the disenfranchised people of Suicide Slums.

Lois pulled her phone out of her bag as she drew closer and closer towards her car. The pretty brunette stopped for a moment looking at the street signs. "Shit...where the hell am I?" She thought to herself. She was sure she had already walked down this street. She looked at her phone checking the time. The longer she stayed out in the street the more trouble she'd find.

The reporter having grown up in a more desirable area did not see the two thugs encroaching behind her. Her focus was clearly on how she was going to find her car. Thank god her phone was linked to her car and she could use Google Maps to find it. Sighing to herself the reporter took a turn down a dark alleyway in hopes of reaching her car quicker.
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