- Joined
- Apr 30, 2018
First and foremost my new f list!
About Me:
Hello There friend! Good to see you wander into these parts of the woods. There's not much to say about me. I'm friendly and will never turn down someone who sends a PM.
I would like to have a little more story before getting into smut. Kind of some build up. That's been hard to find with the stuff I do like to play.
I reply a decent amount on weekdays more than weekends. I get very busy on the weekends.
Rules and/or Requirements:
First off I love PMs. They allow me to really get crazy and weird. Like a good weird not like a oh my God what's wrong with you weird. Or maybe that's what it is. I really can't tell. Either way PM makes it so much easier to be myself. Threads I find myself editing over and over and over again because I know everyone will see it...and you get the point.
I don't really have much other rules other than please tell me if you don't like what we are doing I can change it and savage the RP. There's no fun in an RP If both sides aren't having fun!
If you want out and leave just ask me... just not responding makes me sad. I've had a few people do it to me. The one that's the craziest was I had a good rp going and the person went away for Christmas I asked questions but they just did not respond. Heck tell me I'm annoying and you can't stand me better then saying nothing.
I like fun RPs, sometimes comedic and most of the time light. I am trying to get to a darker side with a couple of the stories I have here. If you are into darker things and have an idea let me know.
I also like revenge rps pitting two people against each other allowing them to see how far each will go.
Transformations are always fun as well mind control being forced to do things are favorites of mine. I like some dom/subs but for the most part I like when the two characters are battling each other and my character has someone to compete with.
I really don't have any need or feeling for any of these for the most part I play with humans have never really gotten into vampires and werewolves.
I have a few ideas. They can be manipulated and changed. Working on a story between two people is always fun I enjoy trying to make it perfect for both sides.
F-list - Warning

About Me:
Hello There friend! Good to see you wander into these parts of the woods. There's not much to say about me. I'm friendly and will never turn down someone who sends a PM.
I would like to have a little more story before getting into smut. Kind of some build up. That's been hard to find with the stuff I do like to play.
I reply a decent amount on weekdays more than weekends. I get very busy on the weekends.
Rules and/or Requirements:
First off I love PMs. They allow me to really get crazy and weird. Like a good weird not like a oh my God what's wrong with you weird. Or maybe that's what it is. I really can't tell. Either way PM makes it so much easier to be myself. Threads I find myself editing over and over and over again because I know everyone will see it...and you get the point.
I don't really have much other rules other than please tell me if you don't like what we are doing I can change it and savage the RP. There's no fun in an RP If both sides aren't having fun!
If you want out and leave just ask me... just not responding makes me sad. I've had a few people do it to me. The one that's the craziest was I had a good rp going and the person went away for Christmas I asked questions but they just did not respond. Heck tell me I'm annoying and you can't stand me better then saying nothing.
I like fun RPs, sometimes comedic and most of the time light. I am trying to get to a darker side with a couple of the stories I have here. If you are into darker things and have an idea let me know.
I also like revenge rps pitting two people against each other allowing them to see how far each will go.
Transformations are always fun as well mind control being forced to do things are favorites of mine. I like some dom/subs but for the most part I like when the two characters are battling each other and my character has someone to compete with.
I really don't have any need or feeling for any of these for the most part I play with humans have never really gotten into vampires and werewolves.
I have a few ideas. They can be manipulated and changed. Working on a story between two people is always fun I enjoy trying to make it perfect for both sides.
I have to give it up to my partner for making this idea so fun! A couple is getting divorced. The 20 million dollar estate is getting divided up in half. But both of these greedy characters what it all. My character comes up with an idea. Instead of letting the lawyers collect a chunk of the money and dividing up the rest what if the two of them played a game of truth or dare, minus the dare.
Dares would be sent via text message. The first person to either give up or to not do one of the dares loses and gets 0 dollars. The winner gets all. The house, the cars, the money. Its great story that pits former lover v former lover. Will they find a spark again in their life? Or will they just ruin each others lives in the process?
Dares would be sent via text message. The first person to either give up or to not do one of the dares loses and gets 0 dollars. The winner gets all. The house, the cars, the money. Its great story that pits former lover v former lover. Will they find a spark again in their life? Or will they just ruin each others lives in the process?
(This idea i'm actually doing now... as Link with my partner playing Zelda its wayyyy to fun!)
Your character has just gotten into an exclusive school shes beyond excited for it. My character has grown up with yours and has become her protector as anointed by YC (Your characters) father. Well now, the new school is an all girls school. Unbeknownst to my character he has been volunteered to go undercover as your roommate.
The fun here is coming up with a ridiculous profile for my character to play as your roommate. There's also hanging out on campus together, my character having to go to class, not to mention what happens when a true boy and a true girl are roommates in a small studio apartment?
Your character has just gotten into an exclusive school shes beyond excited for it. My character has grown up with yours and has become her protector as anointed by YC (Your characters) father. Well now, the new school is an all girls school. Unbeknownst to my character he has been volunteered to go undercover as your roommate.
The fun here is coming up with a ridiculous profile for my character to play as your roommate. There's also hanging out on campus together, my character having to go to class, not to mention what happens when a true boy and a true girl are roommates in a small studio apartment?
Character A and Character B move into a new house together. It's very old and the person who used to live there just suddenly disappeared one day. The two friends, now fully moved in, decide to look around the attic. And in the attic, their amused to find all kinds of kinky toys. The old owner being a massive sex freak. The friends look around a little longer to find a small box on a dusty bed in the attic. The open it to find a book with a bit of tape over the top that say's "BOOK O SPELLS" written in poor hand writing. The friends being curious, the decide to open it and take a look. They flip to a random page that say's "Body Improvement" on the top and some strange words in Latin. Character A, not thinking any of it's real, reads it out loud. But, nothing happens. Character A has a try but once again, nothing happens. They head back down stairs and they head to sleep.
The next morning though, they wake up to find the spell had worked. Both Character A and B wake up to find they're breasts had grown significantly Even their asses had became a perfect bubble butt. Their skins became extremely soft and smooth too. That wasn't the only change either, all their clothing had became tiny and skimpy too.
Even the clothing they wen't to bed in. No matter where they looked, there was only skimpy clothing and no underwear in sight. Quickly realizing this was the books doing, they head back to the attic to try another spell, maybe even find a spell to reverse the one (or both) having a huge cock, though they secretly loved the feeling (Or they openly loved it if both of them grow one). They come across a couple different spells like "More desirable" and "Great in bed". They tried them both of them and the next morning, both of them got what they wanted. The only problem they didn't think of was the fact that they both became extremely desirable, even to each other. And worse yet, the were extremely turned on and nothing was taking a way the feeling. They both tried to resist the urge but it wasn't long before the spells worked their magic too well causing them to even leave the house to seek some comfort.
The next morning though, they wake up to find the spell had worked. Both Character A and B wake up to find they're breasts had grown significantly Even their asses had became a perfect bubble butt. Their skins became extremely soft and smooth too. That wasn't the only change either, all their clothing had became tiny and skimpy too.
Even the clothing they wen't to bed in. No matter where they looked, there was only skimpy clothing and no underwear in sight. Quickly realizing this was the books doing, they head back to the attic to try another spell, maybe even find a spell to reverse the one (or both) having a huge cock, though they secretly loved the feeling (Or they openly loved it if both of them grow one). They come across a couple different spells like "More desirable" and "Great in bed". They tried them both of them and the next morning, both of them got what they wanted. The only problem they didn't think of was the fact that they both became extremely desirable, even to each other. And worse yet, the were extremely turned on and nothing was taking a way the feeling. They both tried to resist the urge but it wasn't long before the spells worked their magic too well causing them to even leave the house to seek some comfort.
A mother tired of the way her 20 something son acts. He needs a little structure in his life after finding a magic device. She decides he needs to live a life like hers as the MILF next door. The magic device turns him into a MILF as well. She takes charge and The two go out together and more he's forced to grow some responsibly while at the same time finding a side of it he never knew his mother had.
A fun new machine goes hay wire leaving our two heroes in well not the outfits they were thinking of! There is a lot here to work with but could be lot of fun!
This is a world builder!!! But oh my god is it fun! Hooray to Kat for making this one amazing, I didn't even know how good it could be!
Two friends find themselves remembering all the fun they had with Disney as kids looking over their old books when suddenly they are transported into the books and find themselves to be Disney princesses. Meeting lots of characters on the way how do they get out can they get out? Is this the Disney we really remember as kids... or is it something darker
Two friends find themselves remembering all the fun they had with Disney as kids looking over their old books when suddenly they are transported into the books and find themselves to be Disney princesses. Meeting lots of characters on the way how do they get out can they get out? Is this the Disney we really remember as kids... or is it something darker
This may be the safest, I ALWAYS have fun with this one
We both find a magical device together that allows us to alter reality into whatever we want. Which is fun of course until we start using it on each other! Things get crazy, sexual and anything else. I imagine there will be new roles, most likely some switching genders, making ridiculous stereotypes and lots of compromising positions. Cause where's the fun in using the device if you can't humiliate each other? This one has a lot more smut in it then other ones. If your into a lot of kinks this is the one where they come out. It seems to be the most popular and I've had it go in drastically different ways.
We both find a magical device together that allows us to alter reality into whatever we want. Which is fun of course until we start using it on each other! Things get crazy, sexual and anything else. I imagine there will be new roles, most likely some switching genders, making ridiculous stereotypes and lots of compromising positions. Cause where's the fun in using the device if you can't humiliate each other? This one has a lot more smut in it then other ones. If your into a lot of kinks this is the one where they come out. It seems to be the most popular and I've had it go in drastically different ways.
Since I'm putting myself out there here's one I've thought of recently that really hasn't taken off. But it's an interesting concept but part of me thinks falls into the weird category. Is a bachelorette party where my character would be the brides male maid of honor. He would have everything all set up for a very naughty night for the girls but then find out he's going to be one of the girls for the night. Which means all the dirty things he set up to try and get the brides attention would be his as well. Lots of smut in this one and craziness. This one seems like it would be for specific people.
A rich macho man cheats on his soon to be wife. She finds out about it and takes a hold of him making sure he can't get away. Through her powers of of deception and well anything else she wants to use he is turned into what he chases a big beautiful blonde haired bimbo. Forced to live a life he never wanted.
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