Monsters and Elves - Breeeding & N/C (MtG Fandom Inspired NOT Required)


May 16, 2017
Why hello there! I've always been a fan of monsters and beasts having their wicked, cruel ways with women. Or maybe the creatures in question are driven by entirely natural urges and don't intend any harm at all - but they are massive and strong and going to get what they want regardless.

I'm looking for someone to play a creature like this. I have some preferences but I am totally willing to discuss and incorporate a partner's proclivities.

The elf I would like to play, specifically, is Nissa Revane from the Magic the Gathering card game. In the event that someone would RATHER play this elf lady and have me play the monster, I would also be 100% down with that! I've always had a particular desire to see her laid completely low and bare. Knowledge of the game or the lore isn't terribly necessary, but know that I might make some passing references to it. If you DO enjoy the game and it's story then all the better and I'll be doubly delighted. I have some more fandom-involved roleplay ideas separate from this one as well if you are familiar with the canon and would like to discuss those I would be tickled.


Images! For interested parties:


Some main themes and topics I'm hoping to explore:
(I'm more than willing to discuss including others, bring your ideas!)
-Size Difference
-Non-Human Creatures
-Large Insertion
-Large/Non-Traditional Cocks
-Excessive Cum
-Pregnancy (I don't enjoy writing live births however)
-Eggs and Egg laying
-Breast Growth/Lactation
-Public Scenes
-Forced Nudity and Exhibitionism

Other Notes:
I've been off site for a while due to the usual IRL concerns. I'm coming back now for a while and may still not be available much on weekends.
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