Looking for New Rp Partners

Apr 28, 2018
Let's create a story
It's been a while since I've been on and I'd like to change that, my writing mood seems to be back and I'd love to find some new partners, I had taken some time away because my mind could no longer concentrate on my stories, and that wasn't fair to my partners when they had to wait so long on my replies, but my mind needs to write now, so many stories running through my mind. I am always looking for new role play partners. I am not interested in a whole rp about sex, I love there to be a story, I love romance. I love supernatural stories as well, I play a lot of Xbox games so my imagination is pretty big. Lately I've watched a lot of new shows, my friend got me into anime. I always like to respond to my partners at least a couple times a day, but like everyone else I do have a real life, and sometimes I can't always get on, but I usually send my partners and OOC message saying if I am going to be busy and when I will be on next. I always try to post on my status as well so my partners always know what I am doing.

I'm on pretty much on everyday, I can respond pretty fast, I hope to write one to two paragraphs with my response.

I do not mind violence.

Stories I'd love to create -
Vampire x vampire hunter
Vampire x vampire
Vampire x demon
Vampire x Angel
Lycan x vampire
Angel x Demon
Cop x Supernatural
Super here (we can create our own)
Werewolf x Werewolf
Kaname/Yuki (From Vampire Knight)
Kaname/ my own character (From Vampire Knight)
Yona/Hak (From Yona of the Dawn)

(These are just some ideas of course I'm up for anything so if you have something you love tote then please message me with you're ideas.)

Plot Idea #1 (Craving)
This will take place back in the day when there were Kings, Queens, Prince, Princess, Knights.
(You're character will be the king)

Our characters grew up together as children, they were both a Prince and a Princess, they played together everyday, they were very close until one day the young Prince had to return to his country with his father due to some threats against his father, the King. He vowed someday he and she would see each other again. They were both each others first loves even though they had both only been 10 years old. When the young prince returned to his kingdom he began his training to someday become king. Now so many years later the young prince was now 24 years old, but he was no longer prince, he had become king at the age of 16, his father was killed in battle. Though he was only 16 when he became king he had proved to his county that he was the right choice for his kingdom, he was strong in battle. Now as king he is harassed daily buy his noble men to find a queen to rule by his side and bare his children, however he did not wish to have some queen he did not love, but he knew he needed to find someone to rule beside him.

However the young Princess had also begun training to become queen someday, but one night her kingdom had been attacked by assassins that had entered the castle to kill her father, however her father had been gone, he had gone hunting, the princess had been sleeping in her mothers room one night after having bad dreams, soon she witnessed the assassins kill her mother, soon their attention turned to the young princess, they attacked her, but they did not kill her due to the royal guards killing the men, though the princess had not been killed, the knights were to late to save her from being raped. The princess held her mothers body in her arms, she cried and vowed to protect her family, she became a knight, after years of training she became one of her fathers royal knights. She was feared in battle when ever men heard her name (The Black Raven). Raven's father was embarrassed that the princess lost her virginity, he knew most men wished to have a virgin bride when they married, this was the way of the people for a very long time, so he allowed her to become a knight, knowing she'd never marry a king. The King always loved the princess, but he knew no King would ever want her, so he never introduced princes to her, or dukes, knowing they would ask about her virginity.

Plus part of the princess would always fear men, she had never let a man touch her since that horrible knight, she always had nightmares, she always remembered that night.

Now there is going to be a royal ball at her kingdom, and you the king have been invited, when he see's the kingdom name, this brings back memories of the girl he had loved when he was only 10 years old. He knew he needed to find a queen, and he thought this might be his chance to find his queen, and shut his noble men up. Though he did not stay in contact with his princess, he hoped she had not married, but if she had he still wished to see her once again.

Plot #2
My character is a Female Knight, her family has been Knights for generations, her father had been in many battles, many hard heard his name, her father never had a son to take his place so she began training to become a Knight, to keep her family name alive. She was use to everyone always questioning weather she belonged as a knight, but she never got bored with proving why she was a knight. Many warlords and kings like to hire my character and her men to fight in battle for them, she has made a name for herself, many have heard the name of her and her men, they are called The Black Knights. Though to hire her and her knights was not cheap, but many warlords, and Kings hired them to help them in battle.

My character spent years being trained by her father, she even trained when she was supposed to be sleeping, she was not a normal girl when she was a child, she always watched her father train and fight, she knew from a young age that she wanted to be just like him when she got older. He gave her a sword at the age of ten, though she had a very hard time holding it, but soon she grew much stronger and could hold the sword up, once she was strong enough her father began her training, they would train for hours until she was so sore she could not lift her arms. Eventually she became just as good as her father, she could block all of his moves and even knock his sword from his hands, he was very proud of his daughter.

at the age of 15 she began fighting by her father's side, but he would keep her back at camp when there were big battles, she was still far to young for battle. As she grew older she joined him on the battle field and they fought side by side killing enemies, but one day her father was baldy injured in battle, he continued fighting until he could no longer stand, he did not survive his woulds, but he had enough time to tell his daughter how proud she had made him and how much he loved her.

My character continued to carry his name, and never stopped fighting, now she is 23 years old and have been in more than 50 battles, she has been wounded a lot but nothing had killed her, she continues to keep her father's name alive.

Plot Idea #3 - This Idea just came to me randomly, plus after an Anime I watched.
My Character is human, when she was 5 years old she was attacked by a vampire, the vampire had bitten into her neck and had almost drained her of all of her blood, your character rips out the vampires heart and hold the unconscious child in his hands, he never understood how vampires could hurt children, he carries her to one of his old friends a retired vampire hunter and asks that he takes care of her, the old friend ends up raising the child as his own daughter, because when she awoke that night she had no memory of her parents or anything, she didn't even know her name, so he decided to adopt her and raise her. He had always wanted a child, and never had a wife, so this was perfect for him, plus she was the sweetest child he had ever met.

My Character is now a young adult (19) who is attending collage, she is unsure of her future, your character also goes to the same collage, but attends night classes with other vampires, of course the humans do not know that the night class is for vampires and werewolves and anything else supernatural. The head master running this collage is the Vampire hunter who had adopted the child so long ago. His dream is to teach vampires how to be among humans without wanting to hurt them, but of course not all vampires can be trained.

When your character arrives at the collage, he runs into my character, he feels like he had met her somewhere before, then when he finally meets the head master, he realizes she is that young child he saved so long ago. Your character is a powerful vampire, he is feared by many vampires.

Plot Idea #5 - Your character can be whom ever you wish him to be from another vigilante to someone supernatural anything you want. -

My character is a Detective during the day, and a vigilante at night. She lives in New York city one of the cities with the highest crime, she became a detective to fight crime, her parents had been robbed when she was a child, her father refused to give the criminals his wallet and her mother refused to give up her diamond ring that he had given her on their wedding night, this ended up with both of her parents being killed. My character grew up in many different foster homes, when she turned 18 she was finally out of the foster system and on her own, she got a job as a waitress then when she was old enough she went to the police academy, soon becoming a cop, she worked her way up to becoming a detective because she was very smart, and very strong. Though she had become one of the youngest detectives, she still felt like she was not doing enough to fight crime, so she started dressing in black at night and covering her face, she started small, taking down thugs and drunks, soon she became taking down drug cartels, and sex traffickers. Soon the all of the city had heard about the woman dressed in black, she was known as The Black Raven. She took down crime, as a detective and as The Black Raven.

Shows I love and wouldn't mind writing with someone -

(Anime shows I'd love to role play, we could even create our own characters.)
Vampire knight (my favorite)
Dance with devil's
Diabolik lovers
Hiiro No Kakera
Yona Of The Dawn

Of course again if you have anything you'd like to try feel free to ask.

Videos games
Assassins creed
Dead rising
Dying light
Fallout 4
Tom Clancy's ghost recon

Things I am not a huge fan of

Smut: Don't get me wrong, I love sex. I don not mind having sex in our story, I just do not like when the story is 100% based on sex. I love having a story with romance and a plot. So if you're only looking for someone who likes smut, then I am not the partner for you,

One Line Responses: I hate when I take my time and write a few paragraphs to our story and in return I get one line, it makes me not want to respond, of out as much effort into my responses if you're not even going to try. After all this is a site for us to write what ever we want, so why not write a paragraph or more?

Grammar: I am not the perfect speller, but I do try to re-read my responses making sure I spelled a lot correctly, I'd appreciate if you did the same. I just want to be able to understand what you have said in you're response.

I look forward to making new partners and creating stories. I am a very nice person, so don't be afraid of me turning you down.

Always feel free to message me with anything you'd like to try, I'm very friendly and would love to hear you're ideas.
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