My Seeking Thread (longterm, literate, m/f or f/f) Ideas coming soon.


Apr 19, 2018
Not looking for RP’s at the moment. But feel free to contact me if you like one of my ideas, or you’ve got one you think I’d like. I’m always up for a chat about a cool story idea and maybe starting it when I have the free time.

About Me:​

Writing has been a hobby of mine since childhood, and I've been writing online in message boards and PBP's for around sixteen years at this point. Erotic RP has been a part of that for a while--apart from the obvious appeal, I love the writing challenge of creating quality and engaging smut. I've lurked here for a bit, and decided to hop in.

If anything written below appeals, drop me a PM!

RP Preferences:​

I strongly prefer message-board, but would consider emails. Real-time RP isn't my cup of tea, I prefer time to consider what I'm writing.

I prefer third-person posting, with the odd exception within a story (ie, telling a flashback in a different style).

I'll play men or women, though I tend to more readily have ideas for female characters. The RL gender of a writer is unimportant to me.

My posting rate is once per day on average, and once per three days as a bare minimum. Sometimes if we're online at the same time and there's good chemistry, it can be a lot more. I'll do my best to let you know if I can't post for any reason. I'm looking for the same sort of posting rate and courtesy from any writing partners. Nobody likes people who just vanish without taking a minute to say "Sorry, need to pause / leave the story.", do they? You don't want to be that person, do you? Didn't think so. I get that RL happens or inspiration just dries up, and that's 100% fine. Just let me know. Or talk to me and see if we can do anything to get you engaged again.

I'm adaptable. If anything about a certain post didn't work for you or you've got an idea for where you'd like to take a scene, then ask me about it! You'll find me a very low-drama poster, and I want to improve as a writer.

I most strongly prefer fantasy (inc. urban fantasy), historical fantasy and sci-fi settings, but I'll try a mundane-modern RP if the plot & characters are good.

Literacy doesn't have to be perfect, but I do want to write opposite someone who makes an effort.

I don’t play canon characters (I’m too worried about getting the details right to properly enjoy it), but I can go for OC’s in a canon setting, characters strongly based on a canon character, or playing an OC opposite a canon character.

One last thing is that I don’t take on RP’s unless I’m sure that I can keep them up at a high standard, so this thread will often be listed as “not seeking”. But feel free to contact me if you like one of my ideas, or you’ve got one you think I’d like. I’m always up for a chat about a cool story idea and maybe starting it when I have the free time.

Things I Like:

Character development is vital. I'll put effort into making my characters feel like believable people, and I'd like you to do the same. Two dimensional characters who have nothing to them but an archetype (the passive-lump submissive, the so-alpha-he-humps-the-furniture macho man, the brainless bimbo, etc) need not apply, thanks. Give me a reason to care about these characters, and for me to want to see things turn out well. I find that an interesting plot and believable characters deepens the erotic potential and emotional power of a story, and erotic scenes can be a great vessel for character and plot development.

Story and setting development, likewise. Let's put a bit of thought into why these sexy situations are happening, and come up with a world that would be an interesting place even without any erotica.

Humour isn't essential, but it's a nice touch. After all, sex is quite a silly thing when you really get down to it, and the things we do to get sex can be amusing as well. I like to keep things relatively light and positive (especially sex-positive)--there's still room for drama, high stakes and tension, but I prefer to steer clear of excessive angst, torment and darkness.

Collaboration, because I'll quickly lose enthusiasm if I'm the one doing all the work for developing the characters, story and setting, so I'm looking for writers who will spread the work reasonably equally. I'd like to write with someone who enjoys planning and talking about stories, since I like to take some time to chat with a writing partner to bounce ideas between us and make sure the story will be something we’ll both enjoy. The best stories I’ve written are those that came from a relaxed and friendly creative partnership.


Furries / nonhumans: I'm in the middle here. Generally, I like characters I play as or with to have human or near-human faces, genetalia and bodies, with an exception for the last one for lamia or mermaid-type characters.

Dom / Sub: Both! Though again, I'm not going to play as or opposite a character for whom that sums up their entire personality.

My firm, unbending Nopes are: non-consensual, toilet play, severe pain as part of sex, incest, underage participants in sexual RP, beastiality, degradation, and any form of verbal, emotional or physical abuse.

Apart from that, I'll give a lot of things a try, if I either like them (see below for the f-list link) or can get into the mind of a character who would enjoy it. Just ask, the worst I can do is politely say no. However, I don't like the RP becoming an exclusive vehicle for one kink unless that was agreed on beforehand.

Though they don't NEED to be in any particular RP I do, my especial likes / turn-ons are:

--Clothing. Sexy outfits, uniforms, stripteases, titillating clothing damage or defeat-by-modesty, semi-clothed sex, so many possibilities. Why waste that to just get naked within one post?

--Playing as or opposite female characters with big breasts, and all the wonderful things that can be done to and with them. Lactation being a nice extra, if appropriate.

--Romance / emotional closeness. Casual hookups can work to a degree, but I like it when there's some sort of deeper bond being created and reinforced through sex.

--Sex as a positive and empowering thing. Being found desirable, emotional support in rough times, coming to trust someone with your body and heart, hate and anger melting away in the heat of desire....those are all things that can do a lot of good for people.

--Teasing and flirting, often beginning well in advance of physical contact.

--Being naughty or turned on at inappropriate times. Wandering hands under the table in a posh restaurant, being dragged into the bushes during a garden party, a remote-controlled vibrator buzzing away when she has to look cool and collected during a business meeting, that sort of thing.

--Multiple partners (usually played by me). All together or sequentially, a harem-style arrangement or a one-off. Yes, I’d be prepared to play as the girls in a harem scenario, but with the proviso that their characterisation doesn’t solely centre around the guy and he’s interesting / likeable enough to plausibly warrant all this attention. The hentai titles Ring X Mama and Kanojo di Ippai by Manabe Jouji are good examples of the kind of dynamic I’d like to see (and well worth checking out for their own sakes).

Writing Samples:​

Some work I've done elsewhere, to give you an idea of my writing style:

Afterwards, it was hard to say exactly what the dance had been like. It had the quality of a dream, feeling incredibly real and important while it was in progress--but afterwards, it was hard to remember anything specific beyond the impressions of something beautiful and wondrous.

Her movements were precise and graceful to begin, each of her bare feet moving to form an elaborate pattern as she almost floated across the stage. A white pair of paper fans had appeared in her hands from somewhere, moving with equal precision. Her lips were tensed, hinting that whatever she was doing took great concentration. It felt almost like a story was being told through movement alone.

"Princess Kokoro...." breathed the awestruck girl beside Genjuro without realising that she'd said anything.

The priestess seemed entirely unaware of what had to be hundreds of people watching her, and even though her eyes were hidden, there was no uncertainty or fear about falling off the stage or colliding with a flame.

The pace seemed to increase and maybe it was just his eyes adjusting, but the mysterious light around her seemed to be becoming brighter. As she gathered speed, her motions became more elaborate too. She leant backwards at an angle that seemed impossible to sustain, but a flick of the fan in one outstretched hand appeared to effortlessly push her back upright. She seemed to dance with the motes of light like a child playing with butterflies, sending them playfully dancing around her and chasing them with her sash and fans. She swept the sash across the torches, lighting the end on fire and then sending it spiralling around her body in a way that left a glowing trail across the eye, before throwing it behind her before her hands could be scorched.

Perhaps it was her faint moan, or perhaps it was the crowd. But as she held her hands up towards the black sky, her limbs tense and trembling and her garments visibly stretching across the curves of her body, there was a sense of tension, that this was a crux point where either something wonderful or tragically disappointing was about to all depended on if this lone woman had the strength.

To one side had been set a light and fluffy meringue, with an abundance of cream and fresh fruit, and something else was on the stove where Bel was working, the source of the alluring smell. She looked over her shoulder as Molly came round the corner.

She was dressed appropriately for cooking, wearing a white apron that went from her chest to her knees, and a frilly cap. Although with that said, most cooks would have worn something under the apron.

From behind, Molly's view was only obstructed by the fastening around Bel's waist & neck, tied in a bow. Her legs, back and buttocks were completely bare. Allowing the other girl enough time for a good, lecherous eyeful, Bel leisurely turned around, to where she was mostly hidden from sight--other than the curves of her breasts peeking out of the sides of the upper part of the apron.

"You're drooling." she said with a wicked smile.

Simon watched her nervously. The battle against her masked allies had been a simple matter of seizing the initiative and keeping his nerve. This woman was different. Her intent was unclear, she was smiling as if she knew something she didn't, and--

Oh, seven saints.... he thought as the cloak fell away. Bruno had not been joking when he described her beauty, even after the exertions of the day and her desperate flight through the alleys. He tried to watch her face and hands to watch for any sudden movements, but his eyes betrayed him, one glance enough to take in the curves of her body, and the half-moons of her bosom as they swelled with each breath. He knew she had noticed his surprise, and felt suddenly foolish and embarrassed.

His grip tightened on the hilt of the rapier. Words are her weapons, weapons that sting as bad as any blade. he reminded himself.

"That's enough." he said, trying to keep his voice calm. "Your name is Volana Tessio? If you know my name, you know why I'm here. I could claim vendetta and pierce your black heart now, but I'm going to bring you in to the constables of Turcio and the Exalt himself. You can tell them who you're working for, and why."

Not looking for RP’s at the moment. But feel free to contact me if you like one of my ideas, or you’ve got one you think I’d like. I’m always up for a chat about a cool story idea and maybe starting it when I have the free time.
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