┊╱.• ° – CAUSE A CONTUSION —「 request thread 」— { FxM, FxF }




Hail, you reader, it seems you've stumbled onto the request thread of one Contusion/Ridley! Though I have a tendency to ramble, I'm going to (attempt to) keep this as succinct and structured as possible.

For a brief overview of myself, I'm a nineteen-year-old woman located in Australia, in the AEST timezone. This may lead to a difference in timezones with most other writers, but I'm used to that by now. I have too many interests to name, but those relevant would be reading, writing and a litany of media that may or may not be the basis for some of my ideas around here. Roleplaying is my way to continue to write and improve while still remaining social.

All relevant information about myself as a writer will be found at the beginning of the thread. If you're interested in anything below, simply send me a PM on whatever format you would like!

Note: Simply sending a one-line message will get you ignored. Give me something to work with.


¤ For myself, there is no set ideas: no specific character model to follow, no preferred sex/gender. Enthusiasm is all I require to fully engage in a plot, from both writers involved. I can write the fluffiest of scenes that'll give you a relentless sugar rush, or something too gory for the faint of heart. Give me your time and creativity, and I promise, we can create something spectacular together.

¤ I will write over most formats - my preference would be messengers (Skype or Discord), followed by threads and then PMs. If you would prefer to contact me at a messenger rather than through PMs to plot, you can find me as wilde#3249 (Discord) or live:rosetales999 (Skype). I can adapt to whatever is requested, however.

¤ I intend to be able to reply at least twice a week. This may sound few, but as I have several real-life commitments and a social life, along with my style of writing, I think this is a steady approach to take for now.

¤ For the ratio of writing, plot-heavy is my go-to. Sex without substance isn't entertaining for me to write. A 70/30 to 80/20 ratio is an accurate estimation. In terms of length, my replies can range from 500-1k words. I don't count paragraphs or lines since that can be easily manipulated by formatting. I always match my partner's length, and quality over quantity is my motto.

¤ I write in third-person and prefer if my partner does the same. It breaks up the flow of the writing otherwise.

¤ My chemistry with my partners grows exponentially when I know who I'm actually writing for. Though I'm not here to share my life story, being friends with my partners and being able to talk OOC is important to the longevity of my writing.

¤ Thoughtfulness is essential to being a healthy partner. Not comfortable with an idea? Let me know, we'll change it. Not as passionate as I am about a ship? All good, let's write something we'll both enjoy. Following this note, please tell me if you're no longer interested in writing with me. I won't be irritated at all since nobody sane wants to force somebody into writing with them.

¤ As a writer, I'm a proponent of visual aids. This means referencing FCs, Pinterest boards, graphics, settings and so on.


¤ Romance /// I don't believe I could write for any extended amount of time without including love in there somewhere. My romantic obsessions know no bounds, it seems, so any pairing of mine must include romance somewhere down the line.

¤ Enemies-to-lovers /// An overused trope, I must admit, but yet I keep coming back to it, especially when it includes characters who have been raised with the unshakable doctrine of hatred. Give me this to any extent, and I'll love you forever.

¤ Character development /// If there is one thing I despise to read and write, it's a lack of character development where there clearly should be. It makes no sense for a character to remain the same in terms of thoughts and feelings month down the line. Characters who both grow and cause more mistakes within themselves as time goes on is what I'm looking to write.

¤ Roughness /// Don't let my flowery writing confuse you, I am not after (well, not always) soft, genteel love-making. Write a character that can't stand throwing their partner up against the wall, who feels as though roughness is the only way to show tenderness and I guarantee we'll get along fantastically.

¤ Tension /// Tension is, in my humble opinion, one of the most important things in a story, especially when it comes to creating a compelling relationship between characters. There has to be build-up, moments between the two characters, time spent away from each other, et cetera. I need it.

¤ Hickeys /// Because baseless markings, especially on parts of the body that are difficult to conceal, are as alluring as they are amusing.

¤ Secret relationships /// Simply, there is an irresistibility about two characters who have to hide their relationship for whatever reason. It forces all kind of scenarios to sink your teeth into - the lengths they go to hide it, the times they almost get caught, the guilt.


¤ Characters being forced together/no chemistry /// This isn't entirely to do with sex, either, though that's certainly to do with it. Throwing together two characters who barely know each other or have no chemistry (yet) isn't remotely interesting to me.

¤ Vore and unbirth /// Keep it away from me!

¤ Incest /// Though similar forbidden dynamics are encouraged, the actual relation is a hard limit for me.

¤ Sissification/emasculation/bimboification /// Not my cup of tea, though I understand the appeal.

As clearly stated, this is a post seeking myself playing as a female character. Another request thread for myself playing as a male character can be found on my profile soon.


All roles I intend to play will be on the left. All highly desired plots will be bolded.


--- Thief x Apprentice [ F/M, F/F ]
Secret relationship, age difference ( older woman ), hatesex, battle couple, violence, roughness

Raised from a young age to be lethal, Thief never had a choice in what their life was going to be from the age of five. Preferring material targets over those made of flesh, an unintended encounter led to Apprentice falling right into Thief's lap. With her instincts and his charm, the pair becomes unstoppable. As the stakes continue to grow higher and higher, both come to realize that even criminals can't survive alone.

--- Muse x Artist [ F/M, F/F ] / inspired by: The Neon Demon
Blackmail/coercion, abuse, degradation, teasing, dubcon, adultery

Muse never intended to become an obsession, but it appears her face has enraptured Artist beyond sanity's sake: still, being crafted into artwork everyday by their delicate hands pays the bills, and prevents Muse's partner from asking too many questions. As the pair grow closer and closer, Muse discovers that Artist desires her for more than simple fame.


--- Quidditch Captain x Quidditch Captain [ F/M, F/F ]
Teasing, secret relationship, enemies to lovers, uniforms, roughness

To be plotted out with partner; too general to give individual description for.

--- Pureblood x Muggleborn [ F/M ]
Secret relationship, hatesex, enemies to lovers, unintended pregnancy, dating

As destructive as she is, Pureblood has always been simple to understand: the Pureblood society is as opulent as it is predictable, and she is no exception. After being confronted by her own prejudices by Muggleborn, his words won't seem to leave her alone, and there's only one way Pureblood has been taught to deal with ridicule: confront the speaker with a cloying force that could be missed in the blink of an eye.

--- Death Eater x Order member [ F/F ]
Adultery, abuse, roughness, enemies-to-lovers, begging, choking, discipline

There's some glory in it, Death Eater thinks, by betraying your own kind twofold Death Eater is betraying both the Pureblood culture and her brothers and sisters in arms, and yet Order Member is the only thing they can remember ever caring about. Wars will come and go, prejudices will be broken down and created once more, but this devotion refuses to fade.


--- Jedi x Sith [ F/M, F/F ]
Enemies-to-lovers, secret relationship, violence, roughness, abuse, kidnapping, multiple partners

Jedi is nothing more than a Padawan, and a suboptimal one at that, but when the Sith invade Coruscant and end up kidnapping Jedi before she even has the chance to defend herself, soon she'll discover that the inescapable serenity found in the Jedi Temple is squashed every time by the passion felt with the Sith.

--- OC x OC [ F/M, F/F ]

To be plotted out with partner; too general to give individual description for.

THE 100

--- Raven x Octavia [ F/F ] / canon-divergent may be more interesting to write
Battle couple, fighting, military themes, slow-burn, frustration, denial

Raven Reyes doesn't half-ass anything - she's a genius, of her own admission, born rebel and possesses more willpower than all the machines left on Earth combined. Upon getting to the ground, Raven and Octavia are both stolen away by grounders and forced to spend every waking moment together. What cannot bend must break, and will ultimately create something newer and stronger from the ashes of the past.

--- Grounder x Skyperson [ F/M, F/F ]
Kidnapping, roughness, secret relationship, enemies-to-lovers, dubcon, discipline

To be plotted out with partner; too general to give individual description for.


--- OC x OC [ F/M, F/F ]

Note: I have not played ME:A so I would like to explore the universe in ME1-3. OCs of different species and allegiance would be more interesting for me to write at this stage than canons in the game itself.


--- Exile x Sion [ F/M ]
Noncon, roughness, corruption, cocercion/blackmail, enemies-to-lovers, abuse, kidnapping

The Jedi Exile has lived and died a million times over. Lovers' faces have etched themselves in their ghostly way into her mind, every time her eyes dare to close. Peace is a lie. Even if this excursion across the galaxy to save it may still be a success, the woman who was Meetra Surik should have been dead and buried years ago. Sion has hunted the Exile relentlessly, and upon discovering her location at an opportune moment, steals her away and hides her at the end of the universe. What neither of them expected to find was something that transcended both the Jedi and the Sith, the living and the dead... even the holy and unholy.


--- Persephone x Hades [ F/M, F/F ] / open to Hades being a goddess instead of a god
Dubcon, horror, gore, domination, degradation, corruption, exhibitionism

Veins unfurling with ichor itself, Persephone is the image of youth: the doting daughter, the ideal bride-to-be, a girl becoming as intelligent as she is beautiful the more time progresses. When Hades steals her and forces her to accept the proposition of being Queen of the Underworld, Persephone learns that the line between love and hate is thinner than once could be conceived.


--- Siren x Other Supernatural [ F/M, F/F ]
Gore, coercion, power exchange, roughness, humiliation, pleasure control

Touch me, Siren whispers, touch me and understand everything you could not before. Siren spends her days luring insignificant heroes to their doom, regardless of the setting or being. Everyone can be broken and brought to her will. However, she gets more than she bargains for when setting her sights on a creature more similar to hers than once thought.


--- Johanna Mason x Character [ F/M, F/F ] /// OC or CC, I don't mind at all.
Violence, control, roughness, enemies-to-lovers, dubcon, dirty talk, choking

Note: this is difficult to provide a summary for, as I've created my own version of Johanna. She is inspired by both the book and movies' interpretation, I've simply gone into more detail and added my own thoughts about the character. I would be interested in both the canon setting throughout her usual timeline or any number of AUs.
These fragments I have shored against my ruins --
Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.
To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.
It's gonna hurt me to hate you, but loving you is worse.
I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe.
Will your shadow remember the swing of my hips?
I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old.
I shall go on shining as a brilliantly meaningless figure in a meaningless world.
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