Raivh: Resurrection and Resurgence


Old dog
Jul 21, 2011

There aren't many people on this site that I recognize anymore, and if you do, we've probably already reconnected.

On that note, I wanted to extend an invitation for those that don't know me but might like to. If you enjoy my writing, read my games even if you're not my partner for it, and just want to establish a connection, reach out. You'll find I'm a sociable person and willing to make a new acquaintance or two. When BMR chat was around and I was on regularly, you could usually find me there.

A little background.

I've been around here since 2011, although I drifted to a different site for a spell before throwing it the middle finger. If I have any stalkers, you probably already know that, and you probably also know that I haven't been active onsite for 7 consecutive years based on my stats.

Don't let that fool you. I never stopped writing. I just didn't role-play every day. Yeah, I had periods of writer's block, same as you, but I was always putting ink to paper.

With that, I'm curious, what goes through many of your minds when you write?

For me, the creative writing sector of my mind is like a long hall that seems to stretch on forever. It's dimly lit. The floor is concrete with shadows swirling over it. Each door is painted black. These are where I house my characters, and when one wants to come out to play, that character makes it known. Drifting around this hall are whispers, kind of like voices in my head. They tell me what to write and how to write it.

I've explained it before as some of my distinctly "bad" characters are in cages. No one ever really gets this. My mind is their prison, and they roam free and run fast when others here want them to come out to play.

Usually, when I'm writing, my muse is music. I listen to a wide variety and adjust it depending on what I'm writing. Is it something with a lighter or darker theme?

Right now, a lot of what I'm writing is a bit dark, or it focuses on a different period in time than the one we live in. Currently, my theme is Danheim, the deep, eerie beating of drums, the bellowing of horns, and throaty reverberation of intermixed chanting.
RE: Raivh: Resurrection and Resergence

For Your Reading Pleasure (Active Threads)





In addition to the four you can see above, and just to get an idea of what I have going on and if you want to join in on the fun, I also have two ongoing games via PMs.
A note for any of my partners: I may not be as active this weekend. Will get posts out as soon as I'm able to those waiting. Thanks for your patience.
I'm back and will be catching up with posts as I'm able. Thanks for your patience.
To all my partners: Apologies I haven’t been on much lately. Things picked up at the office. I have vacation starting Friday and will crank out some posts after that. Appreciate your continued patience.
Well, I owe another apology to my partners. I promise I'm going to get around to those of you who may be suffering from lack of literature from me. Vacation turned out to be more work than play. Thank my dogs. Fuckers busted through a portion of my fence and another fucker had buried the old posts in 4' of concrete. No backhoe, so old school digging it was. If you've ever any questions, please feel free to PM me. I'll always return to you, especially those of you that keep in touch through my rough patches and hectic schedule.
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