Looking for Roleplay


Feb 15, 2013

I'm currently seeking one or two new role play partners. Below is the current character I'm wanting to play. However, I'm open to playing different characters in different scenarios.

Sabrina Martin had everything going for her as a teen. Upper middle class parents, popular in school, beauty. A cheerleader she had been homecoming queen and dated the schools quarterback. However, things had taken a turn when she became interested in a new boy that had just transferred in from a big city school.

Her parents hadn't approved and Sabrina had ended up running away with him to go live in California. A few years have passed, and as probably expected that relationship hadn't worked out. The boyfriend had gotten too much into drugs, and had only wanted to lay around their small apartment, never able to hold down any kind of job. Sabrina had finally gotten enough of it and moved out, getting her own place.

With no real job skills, she'd turned to stripping and was currently working in a gentlemen's club near L.A. The money she made stripping was actually pretty good, but the high cost of living in the L.A. area and her own growing drinking and drug habit consumed most of it. Only time would tell where Sabrina would go from there, if anywhere.

Sabrina: https://flic.kr/p/23EphkG


I am open to discussing various plot ideas revolving around this character.

I prefer to role play through PMs.

Kinks: Breast play, fondling, groping, drinking and drug use, bad boys, players, men close to my characters age as well as older men.
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