Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are *« F// & M// »*


Apr 18, 2018
Ok Hello, hello, to you, my new roleplaying buddies! Or, as Charlotte might write, 'Greetings and Salutations'! <3 I am trying this forum roleplay thing, again, so, hopefully someone(s) of you can help me out a bit and come play? I am a plentifully experienced roleplayer, and, I have to say, with a total lack of modesty, that I do believe that I write pretty well. At least, I really, really enjoy it, and that is what I am here for - to have fun... So, lets.

About me... Though I am not here to get deeply personal. Oky doky - I am cis female, old enough to know better but (I will always be!) too young to care. Well enough educated, and a dedicated and delighted pit bull mom. Bi, but much weighted towards the ladies, Pagan (Lokean), and with an enormous affinity for Fae. I'm madly in love with Poppy. And.. Yeah, that would be all I wish to share, though I will always be friendly, polite and respectful, OOC.

I would like to do either f// or m//, as far as pairings go. Futa partners are dandy, as well. I have more of a craaave for f//, but I will happily play with the boys, too. Nothing against it, but I don't enjoy M x F pairings in RP, so I don't write it.

I have rules. Rules suck, I know, but, I have them, anyhow; these are not preferences, but absolutely nots.. So, no:
° Scat, vomit, and anything like. This is just gross, and I don't ever want to hear about it. Ever.
° Vore, inflation of anything, sexual torture, extreme S&M, mutilation.
° Objectification, mind control, mind break, bimboification.
° Bestiality, meaning non-sentient critters. Furries are a turn-off, sorry not sorry, but Naga, Dragons, Selkies and Were-creatures are all awesome.
° And, absolutely no children, by which I mean, under seventeen. Squick, no, please. Brief back story explaining trauma is ok.
° If I am playing male, absolutely no pregnancy, I don't even get that trope at all. Females, I just would prefer not, but it's not insane, at least.

That's it, for the rules. I am fine with most everything else, just ask, and I have no problem with descriptive violence and such like. So, now, onto the meat. Which is odd for me, as I am a vegetarian. (Onto the tofu, perhaps?) Lol!
° Story and plot are must haves, please. I love the porn, too, I do, but it can't be PWP, or I will lose interest quickly. 60/40 is about right for me.
° I'm not grading your literacy; anything between basic to advanced is fine. No one-liners, please, however.
° I write in third person and I want you to do likewise, please.
° I am peachy with PM or thread and also have Discord and Hangouts for pre-roleplay plotting and talking. I will also play via Discord if you wish.
° I am mostly a switch, in both f// and m//. All over the place, really. I can do a sort-of-sub in some m// if desired; might try either end, in f//.
° Fantasy is where I'm at, high, low, modern, supernatural, whatever. I rarely will do a slice-of-life RP with no magical elements. Dystopia is a Yes!
° I most like to play Fae, Faeries, Elves, Changelings (Sidhe, Sluagh, and Pooka.) My #2 faves to play are vampires. *Chomp! *
° Dark and tragic, please and thank you, though, I also love romance and happy endings. Humor, sarcasm, and wittiness encouraged!
° My most beloved part of writing roleplays is relationship building, and I adore power struggles and schemes and controversial characters.
° Time periods I like are especially Medieval and Victorian, and then modern, but I am willing to try anything, really, in this regard.

So, lets move along to: The Fandom Question. I don't play canons, only OCs, and unless you are really good at a role, please don't play a canon, either? This something I am picky/peevy about. With that covered, however, I am totally cool with borrowing fandom universes, settings, and themes. There are very many that I like. Some are the worlds and concepts of: Alice's Wonderland, Tolkien's Middle Earth, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Game of Thrones, MCU, Amazons ala Wonder Woman, Anne Rice's New Orleans, Dungeons and Dragons, Gunslinger/Dark Tower, World of Darkness roleplaying games, H. P. Lovecraft, A Gentleman's Guide To Vice and Virtue, Ready Player One, Twilight, Troy: Fall of a City, Year One, V For Vendetta, The Host, Star Wars, Bright, Neil Gaiman's brilliant American Gods. If you have a fandom setting in mind, just let me know - I either know it, or know how to read a wiki.

I don't have pre-made characters, but I do have certain pairings and plots that I enjoy. I am splitting these into f x f, and m x m. The character I want to play are always the first one listed, and, for your listening pleasure, these are also the bits in bold.

So, as Effie Trinket says, "Ladies first!" My f// pairings:
° Knight/Warrior x Princess/Noblewoman
° Tribute x Tribute
° Fae or Changeling x ANY (or, almost)!
° Goddess x Priestess
° Elf x Human
° Orc x Elf (Bright, not Tolkien, for this.)
° Vampire x Werewolf
° Vampire x Vampire (Humans and Hunters, also)
° Faerie x any (Year One)
° Changeling x any supernatural
° Pirate x Aristocrat
° Selkie x Human Woman
° Ex/Runaway Covert Ops Assassin x Girl in Trouble (this one can be slice-of-life.)
° Rebel x Good Girl or Society Type (Dystopian)
° Amazon x Amazon

And now, onto the fellas.. Some are the same concept, some are not. I can also play a trap, with m//.
° Knight x Prince
° Prince x Knight
° Femboi x Tough Guy
° Vampire x Werewolf
° Vampire x Vampire
° Changeling x Any
° Elf x Orc (Bright, again)
° God x God (any Western pantheon/mixed pantheons)
° Fallen x Angel
° Unseelie x Seelie
° Tribute x Tribute
° Younger Gangster x Older Gangster
° Gentleman x Scoundrel (or the reverse!)
° Rebel x Other Rebel or Good Boy/Society Type (dystopian, again)

And, actually, there is really so much I like, pairings and such. Just ask - probably your pairing will quickly become mine. I am up for a pretty wide range of scenarios, too. Current cravings include Gods/Goddesses, arranged marriage, rescuing maidens fair, post apocalypse or dystopia, and age of piracy. I would love to do a f x f based on The Shape of Water, also, perhaps in the more recent era.

And, damn, I really rambled on a whole helluva lot! Thanks for reading, and if you are interested, please send me a private message and I'll get back to you! <3
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