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Five Years Later (Ama + Sully)


Oct 26, 2016
Moving to the Kanto region had been a big change, but Lillie needed it. She needed to move on from Alola because she was never going to reach her full potential when she didn't need to push herself. Over the last few years she had tried to keep in contact with her friends back home but time and distance had taken its toll. Slowly everyone had grown apart, so naturally that Lillie didn't even realize she hadn't talked to Moon recently until it had been over a month. It was part of growing up and moving on she supposed, but at the same time that one day she was going to return home. All she could hope for was that those she had left behind would be well - grown up and matured but still at their essence the people she had loved.

Five years was a long time, though. Lillie herself had grown up and wasn't a kid any more. She wasn't as timid as she had been before - she had grown in to herself as a person and as a trainer. Though she never followed in her best friend's footsteps, never became a champion, she learned what it felt like to be her own person and to put trust in her instincts and her Pokemon. So why was she feeling nervous now?

Sitting in a chair at a Pokemon center she waited, just waited. Her heart raced, pulse so strong she swore that other people might have been able to see it. Talking to Hau had been easy but Moon? The mere thought had the blonde flustered and nervous. Hau and her spent about an hour catching up before he had asked the question she had both ached for and dreaded - "Have you got in touch with Moon, or should I go grab her?" He had left not too long ago; though he had offered to take Lillie along with him she had elected to stay where she was, take the time to build up her courage and get over her nervousness. It wasn't that she thought that Moon would be upset or angry or in any way negative towards her, she couldn't explain why she was so flustered at all.

Every time the door opened she was put on high alert, green eyes scanning over whoever entered. Any time now the person she was waiting for could come in, and Lillie was both thrilled and terrified. (What if they couldn't be friends this time around? What if they had changed too much, spent too much time apart? So many worries flew through her brain.)
Alola's Pokemon League Champion racing through the streets of Hau'oli City certainly wasn't a common sight, and as Moon dashed towards the Pokemon center heads turned to follow her, a mix of surprised and admiration scattered across the various ages of passers by. Those peoples' opinions were the last things Moon was thinking about. Her mind was a jumbled mess of sporadic thoughts as she ran, the wind whipping through her shoulder-length black hair. Lillie was back! She could still hardly believe it, yet Hau insisted it was true when he'd came to tell her. If this was his idea of a joke, he was gonna get a stern smack on the back of the head when she next saw him.

It had been so long since she'd last seen her friend. So long even since they'd last been in touch. Sure they were older and had their own things to do - Lillie had been off on her own journey of independence while Moon had been exhaustingly busy being the League champion. She'd always thought it would be a cushy job, just sitting around waiting for challengers; but it turned out there was a lot more involved, especially for a young teenager having only just finished her island challenge. Still she'd persevered, and it had paid off, she was an icon looked up to by so many young trainers and it warmed her heart to know she had their admiration, but lately it had just been so draining.

Excitement had been the primary emotion that filled her on the run here from the Professor's lab, but by the time the red roof of the Pokemon center loomed in the distance, she felt a mix of nervousness and dread sink in. It really had been a long time and she had no doubt Lillie would've changed from the shy, timid girl who sailed away that day. And yet, here Moon was, still the Pokemon League Champion. Would Lillie be disappointed that she was the exact same girl from years ago? She hadn't changed at all in her own eyes, other than perhaps gained a bit of confidence and maybe some extra skill as a trainer, but those were nothing to write home about. Her body had matured too, that much was obvious from just a glance at her arguably revealing outfit of a floral aquamarine, Alolan styled tube top which showed off an ample amount of her slim, tanned navel; and a long, breezy skirt which fluttered around her right leg while leaving a long slit up the opposite one, exposing her thigh. This kind of outfit would probably be considered inappropriate to just wander around in back in Kanto, but here in Alola where half the population seemed to walk around in swimsuits most of the day, it was perfectly acceptable.

Her nerves and excitement were still warring with one another when she finally reached the Pokemon center, her face flushed from the run and her hair a mess from the sea wind whipping through it. Her chest heaved as she gasped for breath, and a few droplets of sweat glistened faintly on her skin. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside through the automatic glass doors, and the moment her eyes fell upon her old friend, her nervousness decided to win out.

The instant she'd laid eyes upon Lillie, all those old feelings she'd felt for the girl came flooding back. Affection, adoration, love even. While she'd been gone, Moon had tried to convince herself that the feelings she'd felt towards Lillie were just a schoolgirl crush, and the heartbreak she'd felt when Lillie had left was normal when a friend was going away; but that attraction came rushing back the moment she immediately recognized the girl sitting on one of the seats. Blue eyes met green, and she willed herself to close the distance.

"Alola," she finally said when she stopped in front of the blonde, a warm smile on her lips as she gave her the traditional Alolan wave. A moment later those emotions of raw friendship overpowered everything else she was feeling, and a small giggle slipped out of her before she threw her arms around Lillie in a painfully tight hug. "I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed, her words slightly muffled into the girl's shoulder as she held her dearly while trying to blink away the moisture in her eyes. She didn't know where the sudden tears came from, but it was all so real and genuine that she didn't want the moment to end.
Lillie's worries seemed to fade the moment that she laid eyes on the familiar, dark haired girl that had been her best friend once upon a time. As soon as the familiar mop of dark hair passed through the door to the Pokemon center, as soon as her soft green gaze landed on Moon's face, the blonde clambered to her feet. There was nothing graceful about it - Lillie just desperately needed to get to her feet so that she could basically run to meet her friend part way. Her white dress swished around her as she moved, something she had changed in to shortly before arriving on land. While back in Kanto she had dressed up in something more durable and appropriate for traveling, it felt safe to spend the first day back in her home dressed light. After all, Kanto and Alola were very different places - and if she had stayed in her normal set of clothes she likely would have felt like she was burning up.

"Alola," she returned as they were close enough to touch. The word felt foreign on her lips despite the fact that she had grown up with the traditional greeting - at the same time it felt perfectly natural. Then, before she even knew what was going, a pair of arms wrapped tight around her. Everything moved so fast that she audibly gasped, taken by surprise. She was not bothered, though. As soon as Lillie had been able to process what was going on she held on to Moon equally as tight and didn't want to let go. As soon as their bodies touched everything had felt natural, and she didn't need any more time to know that everything was going to be just as it should be. A million years could have passed but the pair of them would still feel thick as thieves, incapable of being anything but good to each other.

Her hold lingered. While she wasn't quite crying, Lillie could feel her own eyes clouding up with tears and though she had always been the more timid and emotional of the pair she really, really wanted it to seem like she had grown up and that she was strong and capable and everything that she should be. The fact of the matter simply was that Lillie felt overwhelmed by the wave of emotions that took her over. Moon wasn't the only one who had tried to talk herself out of a crush - but it was only after they had parted that Lillie had realized her own feelings. She had been young and naive - maybe if they had been a little older or a little wiser Lillie would have realized just how much she cared for the woman who was once again in front of her before it was too late. At the same time was there any chance she would have acted on such a feeling?

"Oh, Moon. I'm so glad to see you, it's been way too long." The blonde squeezed the woman's waist just one more time before she finally gave in and pulled away, though even then it was just enough to be able to look Moon in the face. Her arms stayed wrapped around Moon's waist, hands clasped together, and a wide smile overtook her face. Of course, Lillie had called before she returned and she had spent the last week waiting anxiously for that moment when she would first reunite with her person. It was everything that she wanted it to be. "Can I buy you something to drink? Or a malasada? I can't wait to catch up, you have to tell me everything that's happened since I left."
A wide, joyous grin split Moon's lips as she felt Lillie return the hug after a moment of surprise. It felt like all her fears and anxieties were washing away in that fleeting moment when she knew that Lillie was just as happy as she was. Deep down there was still the lingering feeling for something more, something unreciprocated, but she didn't care, just having Lillie back was enough for now. It all felt so nostalgic, like they'd barely been separated at all. Sure her body was taller and more filled out than when she left, but she still felt like Lillie, accompanied by her soft voice and gentle touch.

When they finally parted just enough to look at each other a giddy grin of utter happiness was plastered on Moon's lips, and her hand only left its spot wrapped around Lillie to brush away the moisture that lingered in her eyes, before tucking a few strands of dark hair out of her face, her fingers brushing against the pink flower that decorated her hair. "Years," Moon nodded in agreement with a small laugh. "Years too long," she leaned back a little, only now really taking in how much Lillie had changed from the slight little girl waving goodbye on the ship so long ago. "Look at you, you look so grown up," she giggled brightly. It felt like her heart was in her throat and beating a mile a minute. She looked so beautiful, so mature. Those feelings rose up once more, and though she did her best to quell them she could still feel the faint blush on her cheeks - something she could thankfully attribute to the run to the Pokemon center.

"Yeah, you're right. I want to hear all about what you were up to in Kanto too, it's probably changed so much since I was there," she said, her smile bright enough to light up the entire Pokemon center as she nodded. "So much has changed here too, I can't wait to show you. There's actually a new malasada place just opened up, we can go grab something there and catch up," she continued, nodding her head towards the doors of the Pokemon center. Still, she hadn't yet released the hug. She never wanted to, she felt like she could just stay here gazing into Lillie's eyes for a lifetime. But she knew she would have to eventually.

"Ohh, c'mere," she says suddenly, giggling as she pulls Lillie back in for another hug, squeezing the other girl almost painfully tight just to get it all out of her system, before finally releasing her. "Sorry, I've got five years worth of hugs stored up," she explained with a sheepish laugh, before reaching out and taking Lillie's hand in her own to lead her out of the Pokemon center.
Five years felt like nothing at all now that Lillie was reunited with her favourite person - somehow barely a thing seemed to have changed. Moon was taller now, yes, more filled out - she wasn't the child that Lillie had left behind back when she was a shy little thing, too timid to lay her hands on a damn thing - but at the same time nothing seemed different at all. It was immediately clear that the bond between them had never faded, it was the kind of never-ending connection that could connect the two forever. How wrong she was to even consider the idea that her and Moon could be anything but close.

Lillie's lips were turned in to their own giddy grin, cheek-to-cheek wide with pearly whites prominent in between. She couldn't help it - nothing mattered more to her in the moment than just making the best of what was happening. There was so much to say and so much to do and Lillie couldn't keep anything straight. In that moment she just wanted to ramble, to cling to her friend's body so hard that the dark-haired girl would never again be able to walk away, to make this moment last forever. Would anything ever feel as good as reuniting?

"Oh I have so much to tell you, too, Moon!" Lillie returned, her words coming out quick in a high-pitched, excited voice as she leaned in for just one more hug. The pair then started their venture towards the door and even then there wasn't enough closeness. When Moon grabbed her hand, that smile of Lillie's just widened once again. "Ok so where is it? I haven't been here in aaaages so you're going to have to show me. Lead the way!"
The sound of Lillie's voice alone was making Moon giddy with joy. Sure she'd heard her every couple of months on the phone, but it wasn't the same as having her best friend from years ago standing right next to her, her melodic voice unfiltered by technology and accompanied by the touch of skin and warm breath. Moon was in utter delight, and she had to remind herself that there was no need to rush things along and hog Lillie for days on end. It wasn't like the girl was leaving Alola again any time soon, and she was sure Lillie probably had other things to do. For now though she was all hers, and Moon was going to make the most of it.

"C'mon, it's not far. Just a nice walk along the promenade and we'll be there before you know it," Moon grinned as they stepped outside and she led Lillie along by the hand. It felt like something was different in the warm, tropical air. Like everything was right with the world now Lillie was back home where she belonged. Moon couldn't wipe the smile off her face even if she tried. They hadn't long left the Pokemon center though before a young girl approached the pair, looking up at Moon with wide eyes and a look of wonder. Moon paused, lightly biting her lip. She was used to this, but she'd hoped it wouldn't happen right now of all times.

Before she could open her mouth, the girl spoke up. "Can I have your autograph, Miss Champion?" she asked sweetly, before leaning up on tiptoes and presenting a Pokeball to Moon. Before she accepted it, Moon glanced around. Sure enough standing not far away was who she could only assume were the kid's parents. A small part of her wished they'd had the tact to not interrupt what was clearly a moment of relaxation for Moon, but she had a responsibility as Champion. Flashing Lillie an apologetic smile, Moon reluctantly let go of her hand and crouched down to take the Pokeball from the girl.

"Of course you can sweetie!" She said with a bright smile, before pulling out a pen that she always kept on her for such occasions. She quickly scrawled her signature across the curved surface of the ball, taking a second to decorate it with little artsy drawings of tropical flowers, before handing it back to the clearly overjoyed girl. "I'll look forward to battling you one day," she giggle, ruffling the little girl's hair before the kid suddenly hugged her. "Thank you!" She squealed, before turning and running back to her parents, showing off the Pokeball proudly.

Moon straightened up with a soft sigh and a warm smile as she smoothed down her skirt. Sure she was a little annoyed her time with Lillie had been interrupted, but she supposed it was worth it to make the kid's day. "Sorry about that," she finally said to Lillie, showing her an apologetic smile before reaching out to take her hand again. "That happens sometimes. You should've seen what it was like five years ago," she giggle softly, shaking her head at the memories as she continued leading the way.
Lillie looked nervously awkward as a young girl approached Moon, and she stood in the near distance to watch the scene taking forth. Man, that kid looked like she absolutely adored Moon. Was that what being champion was? Lillie had known that it likely came with some degree of fame and prosperity, but she hadn't realized just how much people would look up to the champion. She had to remind herself that Moon wasn't just any champion, though - she was Alola's first, and also one who had held the title for five years straight now. People knew her, or at least knew of her - and Lillie herself couldn't imagine being thrown in to such publicity. While she had grown more comfortable in her skin and become less shy and reserved, at heart she was still the same girl she had used to be.

"Hey it's alright," Lillie said after the child had walked away and Moon had apologized. Though it had been a strange scene to witness, it had also been rather adorable. Moon had always been a sweetheart, or at least so Lillie's memory recalled, and while she had been able to see in the woman's eyes that she was a little frustrated by the fact that she'd been so casually interrupted Moon's own tact was still obvious. "You know sometimes I've wished that people would look up to me like they do you. If we're being honest.... You were what made me have the motivation to become a stronger person, become a trainer at all. I'm really happy to see that what the headlines say about Alola's reigning champ having a heart of gold aren't all a ploy."

Obviously, the last part was a joke. As far as Lillie was aware, there wasn't a mean bone in Moon's body. Protective, sure - if the past had anything to say about it Moon would probably still have a tendency to look after those around her even if it required breaking a rule or two or going up against something she wasn't quite ready for - but never mean. In fact that was one of the many parts of Moon that Lillie had looked up to and aspired to emulate while she was gone - Moon was exactly the kind of person that she wanted to be like... though maybe without the champion part - it would be interesting to maybe see how Lillie had grown as a trainer and see if she could stand up to the champion one day, but Lillie was more than happy to let her best friend keep that title even if by some miracle she could win. (She knew there was a very good chance she couldn't - over the years she had collected a few gym badges, but mostly Kanto had been about personal growth and trying her hardest to grow as a person rather than focusing on the league.)
Lillie's kind words made Moon's heart swell with pride. Sure she'd be showered with praise after becoming champion, and plenty of other people still spoke to her about how they looked up to her or how she inspired them or their kids to become Pokemon trainers; but there was something different about hearing it come from Lillie herself. Like she'd been striving for Lillie's approval without even realizing it, and hearing that Lillie admired her as champion and didn't find her too conceited or intimidating due to her fame really meant the world to her. It sparked a faint pink glow on her cheeks as a soft, bashful laugh slipped out.

"Aww, you'll make me blush if you keep that up, Lillie," she giggled sweetly, flashing the girl a warm, grateful smile as they continued their walk along the edge of the beach, the warm evening air filled with the sounds of the waves and the warm tropical breeze, a backdrop to the sounds of families making the most of the last of the sun for the day. "But you know..." Moon paused, turning her gaze to the other girl and letting her eyes wander up and down Lillie's body, lingering on her face for a few seconds longer, admiring how her hair fluttered in the breeze. "I don't think it would be too far fetched to imagine people looking up to you. I can already tell you've changed, just the way you carry yourself is so much more... confident? Assured? It's hard to describe, but I think whatever Kanto did to you was for the best," she says with another light giggle, her sheer giddiness at being reunited seeming to spill out every time she spoke.

"Besides, I'm sure if you could beat me everyone would admire you for finally taking down Alola's champion. I think some people are getting a little sick of me by now," she added playfully. Though her tone was light and teasing, it wasn't entirely without truth. There were some people who were starting to believe the league was rigged, thinking it unimaginable that someone could go undefeated for so long. Even the casual jokes of how boring it must be being champion for so long were starting to sting with malice. People were getting bored, they wanted a fresh face. If Lillie could inherit that title then Moon was positive that she wouldn't do anything to tarnish the reputation and responsibility that came with being champion; but deep down she knew that Lillie really wasn't the kind of trainer to go battling champions. She was strong in other ways. Still... it was nice to dream.
It wasn't even just Moon's championship that had inspired Lillie - it had been the entirety of their journey together. However, Lillie had definitely kept up on Moon's life, at least the public parts of it anyways, and despite the glamorization of it all Moon had seemed to stay the sweet, endearing, kind-hearted girl Lillie had always known even when thrown in to the thick of it.

That blush was beautiful, though. Lillie hadn't meant to light up Moon's cheeks like a fire but that combined with the girl's sweet laugh had to be one of the cutest things that Lillie had ever seen - and given that she once spent a day with a colony of young Meowth and their (surprisingly laid back) Persian parents, getting the claim of "cutest thing she had ever seen" was not an easy feat. The slight tinge of pink to the girl's cheeks, the way the corners of her eyelids creased as she laughed - it had to have been one of the most beautiful things that she had ever laid her bright green eyes on. It was mesmerizing - but just as she had once pretended to not have inklings of such thoughts, Lillie could and would do so again. While she had grown as a person, she still was not about to admit just how flattering she found the dark haired beauty before her.

"Thank you," she instead said in a soft tone, her pale skin and bright eyes illuminated by the smile that took over her face. Though her voice was soft she was still sincere, and Lillie genuinely found comfort in knowing that she wasn't the only one who thought that she had grown. It had been one way to say to herself yes, you're someone you can be proud of and another for someone else to acknowledge it. Her heart fluttered in her chest and maybe it was just because she felt validated, but it was likely because those compliments were coming from Moon's own mouth. There was a strange sense of adoration on Lillie's part, a care for the girl that she had troubles placing when she was younger but grew to know as affection, mixed with a sense of awe and inspiration. Moon may have been the champion but to Lillie that was only a piece of her, and even without that the blonde would seek her praise.

"Aw, I don't think anyone could get sick of you," Lillie replied as they continued to stroll casually towards the shop - though she had never been there, she swore she could see a new building along the edge of a street and assumed that would be their destination. She hadn't realized that the championship had grown stale both for Moon and the people of Alola. "I know for a fact I couldn't."
Once again Lillie's words sent Moon's heart aflutter. She'd known for a while know exactly what her feelings towards Lillie were, and it had been so hard keeping them to herself when they'd spoken while she'd been away, knowing that the last thing Lillie needed while on her journey was the added burden of Moon's feelings and possibly a broken friendship too. She hadn't quite been prepared for just how much her emotions would flare once Lillie returned, yet now she was here it was like every word she said sent Moon's senses on fire. She just wanted more of Lillie, to hear her voice, to feel her hand in her own, to surround herself in that delicate scent that Lillie gave off; but most importantly, she just wanted to see more of her. She felt like she could spend hours just staring at her friend and how she'd grown, admiring those beautiful features that had matured from shy, reserved girl to someone with confidence, yet still the etiquette to not parade it around.

"Well... you'd be surprised," Moon said cryptically, not wanting to bog their reunion down with heavy subjects like her own popularity. "But that's really sweet of you to say. Thanks," she added reassuringly, her warm smile plastered on her lips as she led the way up to the doors of the malasada place. While it was technically new, it still had mostly the same well-known and loved staff of the old one, it had simply moved to a much larger premises after the surge in popularity thanks in no small part to Hau's obsession with the stuff, and his title as Kahuna after his grandfather stepped down. Everyone wanted to try the Kahuna's favourite food.

"Anyway! There's so much I want to ask about Kanto!" Moon chirped cheerfully, changing the subject as they entered the shop while doing her best to ignore the blatant looks she got from some of the customers, as well as the murmured conversations that were no doubt about her. She led the way towards a cozy little corner booth where they'd at least have some privacy and slid into one side of it, the movement causing the slit in her long breezy skirt to spill open around her thigh, almost showing all the way up to the edge of her bikini beneath. "How many badges did you wind up getting? Did you go all the way to the league? Oh! And your Pokemon too, you need to show me them, it's been so long since I've seen a lot of the Pokemon native to Kanto," she giggled brightly, seemingly bubbling with excitement.
Ah yes - this did feel like home. Though the location had changed, she still remembered back in the early days when she had first fled the Aether Paradise and the old version of this same shop had been one of the few places that Lillie would feel comfortable going to. Old faces greeted her, aged as much as she did but there was still that friendly, welcoming atmosphere that she had grown to love over time. It was... perfect. Lillie felt serene and t home, and frankly she was rather surprised that she didn't see Hau here. Just as she had kept up with Moon's activities to the best of her abilities, she also had stayed up to date with Hau. If anything, she had talked to the boy more than her best friend herself.

There were... reasons for that - reasons that at the time she hadn't been able to deal with. Facing emotions, facing emotions for a girl at that was not something she'd had the ability to do in the past. It was easier to talk to someone she didn't worry about crossing a line with, as much as she had ached to spend every waking moment for months talking with Moon. Now, though? Now she was home and she was grown and she'd realized as soon as they first laid eyes on each other that perhaps finally acting on those long-lived thoughts wouldn't be the worst thing to happen - it could actually be one of the best things. Of course, she would need more than a few smiles and some casual hand-holding before she would do such a thing.

After ordering a quick meal (Lillie didn't realize how hungry she was after her long journey until the overwhelming, rich aroma of malasadas attacked her senses) she was able to properly relax. "Kanto was... Amazing. It was everything I thought it would be and so much more, Moon," Lillie started with that giddy grin still plastered on the soft features of her face. "I didn't get to the league but that wasn't my goal - I just... I wanted to make the most of it - and I think I did. I spent a lot of time just travelling and settling down in areas here and there - Cerulean was beautiful, but the safari zone in Fuschia had to be my favourite experience. I ended up with six badges - and of course you can see my Pokemon."

She had them with her, of course - not strapped to her waist currently but rather in her backpack as she had no reason to have them out until now. With her bag rested on the booth seat beside her, Lillie was able to dig them out. She took out five Pokeballs and glanced around the shop to make sure that she had enough space before releasing them one at a time - an Espeon and an Umbreon who were siblings she had adopted as Eevee during her early days, a Raichu, a Dragonaire and a Kanto-form Persian. Everyone seemed calm and tame enough to be free inside of the store, but Lillie still hoped she hadn't missed a "your Pokemon must stay in their Pokeballs" sign at the entrance or something.
Moon could only beam across the table as Lillie began recounting her adventures in Kanto. It actually made her own heart ache slightly for home. Well, that wasn't entirely accurate. She considered Alola her home now, especially since Lillie was back with her again... but even after all these years there were still some parts of Kanto she missed - some of the stunning mountainous scenery and the huge sprawling cities, not to mention the friends that she'd left there when she left to come to Alola. Looking back on it, she would still have left if given the choice. But there was a while after she left where she felt like she'd lost another friend to the far away region. There was always the fear that Lillie might enjoy Kanto too much and decide to stay there instead of coming home to Alola. To her.

"I never got to travel very much when I lived there... I never saw the safari zone myself, but I heard all about it. I remember Cerulean City though, we visited it once and it was all so pretty I never wanted to leave. I got to see their gym leader, Misty, live in action too. For a while I wanted to be just like her growing up," Moon admitted with a bashful giggle. Then Lillie reached for her bag, and Moon's heart fluttered with excitement. She'd wanted to see Lillie's Pokemon almost as much as the girl herself. It was incredible seeing how far she'd come, normally that bag of hers would've been filled with repels instead of Pokeballs.

Moon's expression of shock and amazement only grew more and more pronounced with each Pokemon Lillie revealed to her, especially the Dragonaire. "Oh my gosh Lillie! They're all so beautiful! And they look so strong too, and happy, oh they're amazing!" She exclaimed. One of the most fun parts of being The Champion was seeing the Pokemon challengers brought with them. She adored them in all shapes and sizes, but Lillie's suited her perfectly. "Ohhh, these two are just the cutest little things- and so are you," Moon beamed widely as flattered the pair of Eevee evolutions, before including the adorable Raichu too. She gave each of them an affectionate little pet before swiveling in her seat to the Persian. "And my mom's got a Persian just like you. I bet the two of you would make great friends, he's always feeling lonely with no other Persians like him around," she beamed, cupping the feline Pokemon's head in her hands and grinning when it purred pleasantly.

"And yooouu!" Moon turned to the tallest Pokemon of them all - and the one who had drawn the most attention from the others in the store. While Pokemon were allowed in the restaurant so long as they were well behaved, the lack of space made things a little awkward and a few people seemed to be worried of the Dragonaire's tail knocking something over. Mostly though, they were just stunned at the sight. "Aren't you just the most beautiful Dragonaire I've ever seen?!" She beamed up at it, before holding a hand out tentatively towards it, allowing it to make the first move. Despite its beauty and grace it was still a dragon Pokemon, and she knew better from experience not to underestimate them. The fact Lillie had managed to train one she found amazing. "I used to adore Dragonaire back in Kanto... they're so beautiful, and so rare. I always wanted one, but that was never going to happen back there, and I've never been able to find any Dratini here in Alola," she said in a soft dreamy voice, simply admiring the Pokemon before she turned back to Lillie, her cheeks flushed with excitement and a huge smile on her lips.

"Your team is amazing, I can already tell how much they love you," she said brightly. "They really suit you too. I had no idea you caught a Dragonaire though... it just proves that you really must be an amazing trainer, to train a dragon Pokemon like this."
Moon's compliments left Lillie absolutely beaming in delight. Over the years she had but an incredible amount of hard work in to raising her team to be exactly what she had wanted them to be: putting the effort in to hatching her Espeon and Umbreon, siblings from the same clutch, after a lady living along the route leading to Celedon had gave her them in exchange for a week's spent time helping at her nursery, watching her cute little Dratini grow in to a Dragonaire and the task that had been earning its respect as it gained its power. The Raichu was a Pokemon that she had raised since her early days, caught in the Vermillion forest before she had even been there a month. Out of the whole group, he was who Lillie had spent the longest with,

"Thank you so much," Lillie said with a wide grin on her lips, holding her hand out towards her Dragonaire in a motion that encouraged the dragon type to rest her chin on Lillie's opened palm, something that showed just how tamed the dragon type beast was. Lillie had earned her trust and respect through actions and rewards rather than any kind of punishment - these Pokemon knew nothing but kindness and gentle, but stern, verbal discipline. After giving the dragon a scratch under the chin she made a small motion to Moon's own opened hand, and the beast slunk closer to the dark haired girl. She sniffed, cocked her head - but ultimately bopped her forehead against the girl's hand. If this girl was a friend of her human's, then Dragonaire was cautiously comfortable with her.

"What about you, Moon? What's your team like these days - do you have like... one for the league and one for personal use? I mean... do you even have personal time to battle or train any more anyways? And oh! How's Nebby?" Lillie threw question after question at the black haired woman near her, hands idly distracted once the Espeon decided to curl up in her lap at the booth. Matching his twin sister, the Umbreon pawed at Moon's leg. As soon as Lillie noticed, she laughed and shook his head. "Oh - him. You can say no to him if you want, he just likes doing whatever his sister's doing."
Moon watched with a mix of awe and pride as Lillie acted so at ease around her Dragonair, and the Pokemon responded in kind. It was clear the pair had a strong bond, and Moon of so happy for Lillie that she felt like she'd explode. When the Pokemon then approached her warily, Moon offered it a warm, affectionate smile before receiving the bump in return. A light, airy giggle of joy escaped her and she lightly brushed her hand down the side of the Pokemon's head. "Oh you're so beautiful," she cooed, lowering her head to rest her forehead briefly against the Pokemon's, taking care to avoid the cute little horn on its head as she caressed its cheek. Only when she felt the light pawing at her leg did she pull away, before another light laugh escaped her when she realized what was happening.

"Come on Lillie, how can I say no to such a cute little thing when it asked so nicely?" Moon teased, her beaming smile permanently affixed to her lips as she sat back down in the booth and patted her lap for the Umbreon to jump into. It was hard to imagine anything that could make her happier than being reunited with her best friend and surrounded by all her new Pokemon. As the Umbreon settled in her lap, she glanced up at the sight of the waitress awkwardly moving past the Dragonair that took up most of the aisle leading up to their booth. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you and your friend enjoy your meals, Champion," the waitress said cheerfully to Moon as she set their meals and drinks on the table. Moon smiled in thanks, but the gesture still stung a little. It wasn't that she minded the attention, she was used to it after all, but she felt for Lillie. Twice now she'd been ignored in favor of Moon, and it was already frustrating her to no end. The girl deserved so much better.

"Sorry, you're probably gonna have to put up with this while you're around me," Moon explained in a low, embarrassed voice after the waitress left, her head bowed slightly towards her food. After letting out a small sigh, she turned her head back up to Lillie, her smile back on her lips. "I actually have a lot of Pokemon these days. I try and help out the professor with his research too when I have the time; but you're right, I can't use all of them for my League battles. I have my usual team for that, with a few others I can switch in and out to mix things up once challengers start doing their research and trying to leverage type advantages against me," she explained, giggling lightly. "It's hard to find the time for it, but I do love spending time with all my Pokemon. I might not have the time to train them, but their company is wonderful. I miss them when I have to spend days at a time doing champion work," she sighed wistfully, but after a few second her smile widened and her sparkling eyes met Lillie's.

"Nebby's been wonderful. He's still a big softy, despite his size. Always getting up to mischief though. I usually let him do his own thing. As much as I'm the one who 'caught him', it doesn't really feel like I should be his trainer, y'know? I still look after him, but he's free to come and go as he pleases," she explained after a few bites of food. "I didn't tell him you were coming back though, I thought you might like to surprise him. It's been so long after all, and he's missed you so much, you wouldn't believe it. He was pining for you non stop after you left. Turned out he was just putting on a brave face for you. Once you were gone he just wanted to be with you again," she giggled softly. All the nostalgia and the fond memories were starting to make her emotional. It was all a little overwhelming, and she could feel a small lump forming in her throat. "Once we're finished eating, we can go see him if you like! And the rest of my team too, they're all back at my place. Oh!" Moon paused, a sudden thought occurring to her. "Where... were you planning on staying while you're here?" Moon asked curiously. She didn't want to seem too forward if Lillie had already made plans, but she was more than happy to let the girl stay at her place. It was certainly big enough.
Even though she had suggested that it was okay for Moon to reject her Umbreon's desire to snuggle, Lillie was thrilled that the dark-haired girl acted so sweet towards a Pokemon she had never even met before. She wasn't surprised, no - but she was pleased. A soft laugh escaped her lips as Moon shimmied to the side, making sure that the black-furred dark type would have a space to sit. The Umbreon himself was more than happy to take a seat, though he didn't curl up as nicely as his sister had on Lillie's own lap. He tried to get in moon's face - sniffing and even trying to rub his face along her cheek. It was all very friendly behaviour - which actually kind of surprised Lillie, as the dark-type wasn't known for being overly friendly. Perhaps Moon was just a Pokemon whisperer - this wasn't the first time that Lillie had entertained that thought.

"I'd love to go see him," Lillie agreed, thrilled at the idea of being able to go take a visit. Moon's explanation made sense - Nebby was, in fact, an ultra beast after all. As much as she was sad to hear that Nebby had been sad to see her go (was it even right to keep calling him that? This wasn't the little Cosmog she had carried around for months any more, after all), it also warmed her heart. To hear that those she loved here in Alola had never forgotten about her filled a piece of her that she had worried was gone. While people and Pokemon alike had moved on with their lives, her presence had meant something to someone - more than anything, that was what Lillie ached to have in this world.

"Oh - I was going to stay up in the loft at Kukui's, actually. Just like I used to, you know." Lillie herself wasn't super thrilled about those plans, though - she was grown and wanted a little more privacy than that place would afford her, as much as she was excited to be able to see the professor again as well. "Unless I figured out somewhere else to stay, of course. I'm sure he wouldn't be upset if I did."
Moon giggled in delight at the excited display of affection from the Umbreon in her lap. While other people, and even other trainers, might have been reluctant to allow somebody else's Pokemon so close in her personal space, Moon utterly adored it. With a wide grin and a bright laugh she gently hugged the Umbreon as she returned its affectionate nuzzles, before she brushed a hand up its side to tickle beneath its chin, then around to scratch behind one of its ears, beaming as her affections coaxed out more sweet coos and purrs from the dark-type Pokemon. "Aww! I don't think I've ever seen such a friendly Umbreon. If you're not careful your trainer will get jealous, you know," Moon teased it playfully, giving it a light boop on the nose before turning her attention back to Lillie, her face flushed faintly from the affection and that wide, goofy grin still plastered on her lips. She really was completely in her element when surrounded by Pokemon.

So Lillie planned on staying with the professor. That made sense, Moon knew the professor still kept that loft space cleared out just in case, but with both him and his wife living there, it was bound to be cramped with a fully-grown Lillie sharing the place. Not to mention she questioned whether Lillie could even fit in that same small bed anymore. Those thoughts only spurred Moon on to her next point.

"Oh, well, I'm sure the Professor will be happy to see you again and have you back. It'll be just like old times!" Moon chirped brightly, her hands still more focused on playing with the Umbreon in her lap than the food on her plate. "Although, I was thinking... just in case you wanted somewhere bigger to stay... you could totally stay at my place while you're here!" She grinned hopefully, bubbling with excitement just at the thought. "We never did get the chance to have a sleepover, like we always said we would. And besides, I've got plenty of space, so you wouldn't be imposing or anything. And you'd have all the time in the world to spend with Nebby! I know he wouldn't want to see you go, and I'd feel bad if you had to leave to go to the Professor's, so... what d'you think? It's really no trouble at all, and it would give us all the time in the world to catch up and hang out!" She continued rambling. At this point she was starting to come across a little strong with her insistence that Lillie stay with her, but she knew what the girl was like. At least, she knew what the old Lillie was like. She was so timid and unassertive that she would never dream of imposing on someone like that. Moon felt like she had to make it clear that it wouldn't be troubling her in the slightest. In fact, she would love the chance to spend more time with Lillie. If it happened to lessen the Professor's burden too, that was just a bonus!
While Lillie would have never imposed herself on to Moon by asking if she could stay at her place in the interim, the young blonde was thrilled when her best friend made the suggestion herself. As if she hadn't already been beaming, her face illuminated in a wider, even more all-consuming smile. "Moon, I absolutely love that idea!" She didn't mean to speak as fast as she did - within a second she had blurted that out, speaking so fast her words may as well have slurred together in the process. Immediately her bright eyes went wide and her expression turned shocked and then apologetic. The last thing she wanted to do was come on too strong or seem too eager.

"I mean... Yes. I would love that, Moon. It would be awesome to be able to spend more time with you, and I can imagine that Kukui would like to keep his privacy. Besides - by now you have to have a mansion or something, don't you?" Her last remark was teasing, a soft quip that also accompanied the return of her lighthearted smile. As much as Moon could afford a mansion at this point, Lillie wouldn't have been surprised even if the dark haired beauty was still living at her mother's. Moon was one of the sweetest, most down to earth people that Lillie had met during her years, after all.

"Are you sure you want me, though? I wouldn't want to be imposing on you." And there it was - Lillie's soft nature coming, trying to assure that Moon genuinely wanted her around. No matter how pleasant the girl's offer had been, the blonde was the type to still check and make sure that she was wanted. If so, she would be thrilled to spend some time at her best friend's place - was there even a better way to adjust to being in Alola again? Lillie thought not.
Moon's expression turned into one of absolute joy when Lillie's agreement spilled out. She could hardly wait, she was bubbling with excitement at the prospect of having Lillie staring at her place. Catching up with her and reminiscing was all fine in a public place like this, especially since Moon was used to the occasional staring from people, but it would be so much more personal and intimate when they were in the privacy of Moon's home, and they could really get into all the details. Lillie's last remark did make Moon falter for just a moment though, and she hesitated before speaking up again. It was no secret that the Pokemon League Champion made a lot of money, and Lillie wasn't the only one to have made the mansion joke. Hau, Professor Kukui, even her mother had made similar jokes that Moon could've had a lavish place like that, but it had never really appealed to her, living alone in a house far too big for her.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a mansion, eheh..." She admitted with a small, nervous giggle as she scratched the side of her cheek sheepishly. "Oh, but you definitely wouldn't be imposing on me! It's no mansion, but I still have plenty of space for people to stay. Besides, it's not like I get lonely or anything, I have my Pokemon after all, but... well, it would be nice to have some human company around for a change. Especially when we've got five years of catching up and hanging out to make up for," she said cheerfully, pumping her fist excitedly only to reign in her joy when it caused the Umbreon on her lap to shift uncomfortably.

"I mean, as long as the place being a little smaller than you might expect doesn't put you off, you're welcome to stay for as long as you like," she continued, still a little self-conscious about the whole 'mansion' thing, but she was hiding it better as her excitement grew. "I've always really wanted a roommate, you know," she added, matter-of-factly as she finally made a start on her food, having to move a little awkwardly to manage to eat without accidentally dropping anything on Lillie's Umbreon, but she'd never dream of moving it out of her lap to make things easier. "I would've asked Hau, but he's got his own place already in Iki town near his Grandpa. Besides... after seeing his place, I wouldn't trust him to keep it tidy and free of malasada wrappers," she giggled conspiratorially. "Not to mention he's a guy, so I could hardly go walking around half naked when it's too hot if he was around," she continued with soft, lighthearted laughter. It never occurred to her that it could be a problem for Lillie. They were both girls after all.
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