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The Anomaly of Hogwarts(Chalice x Frogger)


Aug 4, 2017
Miles Thorot always was torn between the choice of joining Voldemorts cohorts like many of the purebloods in Slytherin. His father and mother constantly berated him saying he was "half" the wizard that they were because he had never joined them in meeting with being evil like a normal Slytherin. Miles was a very fit student though had a well-toned body, but at the same time was obviously thin, his hair was very curly nearly engulfing his head in the blonde mess that it created.

After the fight ended though he had found out about how his parents met their demise at the hands of muggle-born people a fate no pureblood should have to face, but one they had. So now he was alone and attending his final year at Hogwarts, but had at the very least inherited a vast fortune from his family, but at what cost to him?

Quickly wisping through the wall as he had done every year he was once again in awe looking around the grand train station that never ceased to amaze him. Quickly ducking inside the train he looked around the cars with his light blue eyes making sure no one could recognize him since he would be ridiculed mercilessly for even having any ties to Slytherin, even though he had chosen the right side and even fought off multiple Death Eaters he would find no haven with his fellow students.Closing the door with a slam he peered off into the distance quickly scouting into the corner as he watched the scenery pass him by the train making a "click, click" sound as it made haste towards Hogwarts.

Swish! The door seemed to open magically for a moment looking around at the oddity Miles couldn't tell if he was just being pranked or not. "Uhm, hello is someone there?" he inquired into the darkness as he baffled tried to figure out what had happened.
Holiday Bell is a proud Gryffindor, one that fought alongside countless others against the witches and wizards who threatened to… disrupt their lives forever. Her parents were Muggles, so of course they had no idea of the war, or the fact that she was part of it. Don’t get her wrong, she loves them, but they’d only worry for nothing. Holiday kept all the gorey details to herself. Maybe that’s the reason she feels so distant from them now, seeing as how there’s a lot she can’t tell her parents, or won’t.

“Oh, honey. I’m going to miss you,” Mum sniffled, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. As always, Dad is hanging off to the side, not so much shy, just… not quite part of the moment, either. It’s the way he is. Holiday has never seen the man cry, and never has he said anything of sentimental value. It’s sort of sad, really. He’s there when she needs him, that’s about it. “I’ll miss you too, Mum,” Holiday replied automatically, even if it’s only half true. Yeah, she’ll miss them, but she belongs at Hogwarts. It’s more her home than home is.

After another minute or two of promising to write, Holiday went through the barrier… onto Platform 9 ¾. It never ceases to amaze her that a world of magic is just beyond the boring, ordinary world she grew up knowing… hiding behind anything and everything Muggles know. Holiday waved to a few familiar faces, but otherwise made her way to the train, since it’s super loud and totally impossible to carry on a conversation here. Not only that, but… being with everybody like this sort of makes her claustrophobic. Dark forest green eyes glanced out at the families exchanging their goodbyes, a small smile gracing her lips. Holiday chuckled softly in the back of her throat before moving on to find herself a compartment. It won’t take long for friends to flock together, making it really… really hard to find a place to plant your butt.

Swish! A door off to the right opened right then and there, nearly causing Holiday to trip over her feet. Huh? What the-? Holiday blinked, not entirely sure what to think. It doesn’t look like anyone whipped out their wand, either… so it doesn’t explain things. A quick glance up and down the corridor revealed… absolutely nothing. Holiday frowned, deciding to take a look into the compartment. Maybe the person inside knows her-? It’s always a possibility. As Captain of the Gryffindor team, Holiday gets to interact with a lot of people on a daily basis.
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