Searching for Long Term Partners


Rise Up; Resist and Disorder
Mar 21, 2013
Hello and thank you for taking a look at my thread! As the title states, I'm currently in search of long term role plays. So I'll give you a bit of an overview on me. I'm currently holding down a job that has me working odd hours on top of going to school part time. That being said, I usually will have time to reply to posts at least once a day, but it will more than likely be a couple times. I've been writing stories and roleplaying for a near 10 years now and consider myself an advanced writer. I love detail and character development and would like a partner who feels the same way. I usually write 6+ paragraphs- though I understand dialogue scenes could be less. So on to my rules...

I like a well-rounded story. That means, drama, conflict, romance, etc... With that said, while I do prefer romance in my stories, I don't do the whole 'love at first sight' deal. I like everything to develop naturally.

I'd like to get what I give.

Grammar and spelling are important, but I'm not going to jump down your throat for a typo here and there.

Create the story with me. I hate having to pull the plot along by myself. You're every much entitled to a say in what happens as I am. It's our story.

I prefer to roleplay over email or PMs. It's just easier to manage and more convenient to keep up with.

I also prefer to roleplay as a female, considering I am one. That said, I'm more than willing and happy to double.

Now, on to the fun stuff!

Fandoms: (Characters listed below are who I'd like to pair with my OC. If you'd like to double, let me know who you'd like me to play for you.)

Supernatural: Dean X OC
Spartacus: Blood and Sand: Crixus X OC
True Blood: Eric X OC
The Originals: Elijah X OC
The Vampire Diaries: Elijah/Enzo X OC
Lord of the Rings: OC X OC
The Hobbit: OC X OC
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack X OC
Thor/Avengers/Thor 2/Ragnarok: Loki X OC
Skyrim: OC X OC
Oblivion: OC X OC
Dragon Age: Alistair X OC
Devil May Cry: Vergil (old school) X OC

As you can see, I enjoy pairing my OCs with canon characters. If we happen to double, feel free to let me know who you'd like me to play as and I'll be all too happy to ^.^ I'm also open to a score of original roleplays, though I don't feel like listing off all the random pairings, so if you have an idea you'd like to approach me with, please feel free to! I won't bite and I actually like to get to know and become friends with my partners :) If you have any questions or are interested in anything, please PM me.
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