Look behind my Petals~ (Slots Full)


Apr 16, 2018
Take a peak behind my petals and see what you may find





Thank you for coming and checking out my request thread. I have been at the roleplaying game for almost 10 years. Back then I was what people would consider a Literate RPer. Which means I prefer multiple paragraph content. I still prefer that, but to be honest I have been out of the game a while so my game is not nearly as strong as it once was so I am working back up to my old abilities.

I am not about one line responses. I get that misspellings and errors happen but I do want my partners to try and use proper grammar as well. I'm pretty laid back, I get that we all have lives so no need for instant responses. I know I can't give them so i don't expect you to either.

That being said, I am going to be very upfront. My job has very strange very all over the place hours. So sometimes I work in the morning, sometimes I work at night. Please don't expect me to be online to respond to you every evening. It just wont happen. Also I do have a medical condition that has gotten worse over the last several years that can knock me out for days or a week at a time. If it happens I will try to give you notice but sometimes I can't. It prevents me from getting on computers or looking at phones and screens. If you aren't willing to wait a few days I may not be the writing partner for you.

This is also the reason why I am only going to take on 3-4 partners. That way I can devote my time more wisely to writing quality with them.

If you've made it this far, please keep reading!



Likes and Prefrences

I am rather open to suggestions but like everyone I do have my preferences. For one, I only play female characters when it comes to sex. But i am not above playing any other gendered character when needed to to advance a story. Secondary characters are very important and I feel that both of us should play them to help move the story along.

PLOT over smut. I am most certainly one fore story driven RP. Of course sex and that sort of thing can be used tactfully in roleplay to advance plot and story because it is of course apart of life. But I don't want the writing to be nothing but bump and grind. there is nothing really fun in that for me. I like to develop characters and worlds and advance plot lines. Lets have bad guys and wars or I don't know... other things besides two people fucking every single post.

For that reason I do not have an F-list. I have my own kinks and sexual likes but I prefer things to happen naturally in an RP.

I prefer Threads to anything else. I lose track of emails and PMs, the constant stacking and quoting just gets super confusing to me. and IMs are too chatty. When I'm trying to compose a story I feel like IM roleplay is looking for too much of an instantaneous reply and I can't offer that.

I also write in the 3rd person and I'd like it if my partner does too. Switching back and forth between posts and tenses is just super annoying and confusing.

I love talking OOC in PMs or IMs to build worlds and discuss plot ideas. I don't want to be doing everything myself. Help me make the story fun and interesting for both of us. If I do something you don't like let me know so I can go change it, I would hope it's okay that I do the same. if we talk about something and it seems awesome, but then when it's written all of the sudden, ummmm not so great. Let me know! I want us both to enjoy the story, give me the opportunity to make the writing better so you can enjoy it. Please don't just leave.

If you do for some reason lose interest, I know it happens, let me know! Don't just disappear into oblivion forever! Maybe we can set that one aside and start something new.





female blacksmith/knight

this is by no means a comprehensive list. Listing everything would be quite tedious so please feel free to suggest other things!




Modern Fantasy
Post apocalyptic
Sci fi (I like this one but I'm really bad at lots of the technical stuff that goes with it so I rely on my partner a lot for that aspect of this setting)
Steampunk (another one that is SUPER fascinating! and I have ideas!!! but I have such little experience with I'd need a good partner to help me flesh out world mechanics)



Things I like

Raw Emotion
World Building
Character Flaws



Plot Ideas

1. Mermaid/ human (modern fantasy) TAKEN
Years ago, mermaids were discovered in some freak fishing accident. At first the world was taken with a Disney like fascination. But when the merfolk wanted to be simply left alone and humans didn't listen bad things happened. Mermaids used their voices to lure men to their deaths, so men pursued them in an all out slaughter. But that's all history. If there are any left, they are few and far between and they never surface.

However back in the beginning, one aquarium managed to capture one and for the past century the creature has been spending her life in a filthy unmanaged tank in a back hallway hardly ever visited. Since their near extermination, the truth of what has happened had been warped and twisted over the years so the current generation has no real knowledge of what happened, only that they are supposed to hate them. So what happens when one actually takes the time to get to know the one?

2. (Modern/fantasy)
The last surviving member of the royal family is cursed and exiled to another realm. This other realm being Earth as we know it. But where she is from magic and science are one in the same and the mages can do extraordinary things, including the curse they bestowed upon her. So by day she is once more a small lanky 12 year old girl, but as soon as the sun goes down she undergoes the painful process of becoming the beautiful woman she is meant to be.

Now the hard part. Finding someone in this strange place that can help her break her curse and get home and retake the thrown from the evil men that took it. But how can she get someone to believe her?

3. Prince (or knight)/ commoner (Medieval)
The prince is on his way to meet his future wife, a woman he's never met in a nearby kingdom. An arranged marriage made for the sake of helping to bring peace between the two always fighting kingdoms. But on the way his caravan is attacked. As the only survivor and severely wounded, the prince flees deep into the woods.

There he is rescued by a woman who lives in a nearby village, a small rather pathetic place. But he has no idea of her allegiance or exactly what kingdom he is in so he hides his identity while she cares for him. But as the months in her care pass and he begins to fall for her he must come to a decision. When he is healthy enough to make the journey home in the spring, will he tell her who he is and take her home with him? Will he abandon her and continue on his way to meet his betrothed? What will he do with all the issues the woman faces there in her own home?

4. Princess/ Bodyguard (Medieval/fantasy?)
Very similar to the previous plot
Princess is on her way to meet her future husband in a neighboring kingdom. As the only child, her father hops the marriage will end the war between the humans and the Elves (or some other race?). Her life long body guard and only friend is her escort. On the journey feelings are confessed, but the knight has a duty to at least see that she meets the man, perhaps he isn't that bad and the princess will fall for him. Because she'd never be able to marry a knight, no matter how they feel about one another, right?

But is this Prince really a good guy? Is he evil? a leech? Does he try any number of vulgar things? How does the knight respond watching the woman he loves and is bound to protect? Do they start a war? Do they run away together? Do hey show up at her father's feet begging to be married anyway?

5. Navigator/ Fighter (SciFi *see previous stipulations) TAKEN
**I got the idea for this whole plot from some online comic I read years ago. Never finished it. No idea what happens. So if it at all sounds familiar that's why. Just Roll with it, It's pretty fun**
Humans have moved to military space colonies to help them better defend the civilian colonies from the threatening races of space (and the unknown races). Men go through a 4 year schooling program that classifies them as a Navigator or a Fighter. At the end of their program each cadet is matched up with an opposite to compliment them creating the best pair of Nav and Fighter to utilize a ship and they
are assigned to a station.

It's practically unheard of for woman to even be admitted into the programs. When they are, they almost always fail out. m/c somehow manages to graduate at the top of the Nav class, y/c is the top of the Fighter class. So they get matched. But no one wants a woman as a partner, especially someone as skilled as the top fighter. They live sleep and breathe together. In school the torture as a woman was bad enough, but at war it's only going to get worse for a woman in space surrounded by men who don't want her there.

But there is something different about her. She an execute moves in a ship that most thought were impossible, read graphs and radars near instantly. Her mind works on a different level. The military leaders want you to not only be her fighter, but to protect her because they think she is on the verge of something great.

(I have ideas, and I've tried this one before, but again, lots of this can be changed and arranged depending on a partner)

6. Elf/Drow (Medieval fantasy)
She doesn't know why the other Elves hate her. Her pale skin and white hair, the way the moon seems to give her strength. She is shunned from all community activities and celebrations, barely even given recognition. So when a lone Drow shows up in her forest in the day time she gives him shelter, knowing what it's like to be shunned.

The Drow have always been thought of as evil. Locked away in their dark underworld kingdom they have mastered the art of magic and war in ways the surface dwellers have never imagined. So whats he doing on the surface?

*So this idea is all about collabing with a partner. She's a rare type of Elven race, he's an 'evil' race. was he trying to attack? run away? will he hurt her? help her? I did a RP of this premise years ago and it was super fun and would love to try it again. *

All of my ideas are subject to changes. Some are based on old RPs I have done before with old partners some are new. I'd really like new input from new people to see what other directions they can go. I love collaborating with my partners and making stories.




1. Rav
2. Kolath
3. Leon
4. Victor Kane
5. Rippled Static
6. Rav

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