Fighting Against the Universe (Chaos x Sketchyequine)

Jan 30, 2017
United States

Anat. Year 3753.

Jupiter was named after an ancient planet in the Milky Way galaxy: the galaxy of her ancestors back when they still lived on Earth then Mars once they destroyed the first. It was the largest planet in it’s solar system and Jupiter’s mother had always said her only child would be big on their little planet of Anat. Little did her parents know during her infancy that Jupiter would indeed be big: a big upset to society. She was a wealthy woman at the age of 28. She had married a rich war lord but had since been widowed. Ever since then she had resented Anat for its violent traditions and cruelty to other creatures. If they weren’t so fucking violent her lord husband would still be with her and maybe they could have started that family they had always used to talk about. Instead? Jupiter Forlorn was pitifully alone living in the massive penthouse she had been left by her husband. Her riches were vast, and it was obvious that she would not run out of money within her life time no matter how she spent it. The woman had it all, but she was still not happy.

Her beauty and riches made the widow very popular in her area, but the only men who seemed to get her attention were the gladiators. She would pay for one to spend the night with her about once a week, and from there the rumors flew. The whole town seemed to believe she had fucked damn near every gladiator who survived a few fights, but they were only useless rumors; Jupiter’s intentions with the gladiators were far more innocent than anyone would think, but she made them swear to secrecy before she bid them adieu and not a single one ever betrayed her. Why would anyone ever try to betray a girl with pure intentions? While many of the men who visited her died shortly thereafter in the arena, they were shown sweet kindness in their last days. It was one of the few things that still brought Jupiter joy- helping the essentially helpless- so she refused to give any of it up.

It would be easier, no doubt, to just execute the POWs in an ordered and efficient manner, but there was no entertainment in that. Instead, they made them fight to the death in an arena at the heart of The Capital where the audience was protected by an impenetrable Force field to keep the prisoners from getting any wise ideas about shooting into the audience for shits and gigs. After all, what good was an audience full of their enemies and slave drivers? It was common knowledge that the gladiators didn’t much like the native people of Anat seeing as they were solely responsible for the bloody and painful deaths of each and every one of the gladiators eventually unless they were snatched up for slavery first. As slaves they were usually treated even worse than they were as gladiators so this alternative result wasn’t exactly enticing either. In all reality the POWs really had no way of having a happily ever after once they arrived on Anat. Being brought here was a one way ticket to hell.

Jupiter sighed a bit as she took her seat in the luxury box at the arena that her father and brothers loved oh so much and that her husband had also greatly enjoyed once. Today there were three of them sitting in the box: Jupiter, Aster, and her father. Aster was Jupiter’s youngest brother at 18, a full decade younger than his one and only sister, but the spring buck loved the gladiator tournaments more than anyone else in the family. He leaned forward in his seat with a sparkle in his eye while his sister leaned back looking completely uninterested. She only came to these damn blood baths so that she could decide who she wanted to buy for a night at auction next. Her light grey eyes which matched her tendrils all too well looked up when the announcer began to speak. The man thanked the sponsors, shared some stats, and even pointed out some honorable guests at today’s tournament: including Jupiter’s family. The girl scoffed and rolled her eyes in disgust. There was nothing honorable about watching this.

“...and now it’s time for round one folks!” the announcer finally said, and without hesitation a buzzer rang and two doors on opposite ends of the arena shot open, releasing the prisoners inside so that they may fight to their death. Jupiter could only watch and wait for the inevitable bloodshed.
The blue elf slowly stepped out of the pit he was kept in, holding an impressive sword and shield, but had been stripped of his warrior's armor. He felt as if they did not want to live, especially when he looked upon the Ettin before him. It was a massive hulking brute, over twenty feet tall with two heads and gray skin, and wore some kind of thick grungy leather as some form of armor. In it's hands it carried a massive and crude metal club of some kind, with which it planned to splatter it's opponent.

The elf sighed as the two heads snarled before the creature rushed at him. Surely they expected him to die, but they were fools who did not know who he was when they captured them. To be fair had ditched his uniform when their group was over run to avoid being ransomed, but he had not expected to be thrown into a gladiator pit. This would complicate things for getting home.
At least they had held onto his sword and shield that he fought with. It was not an ornate set of weaponry like many nobles had, but completely practical in design, simple but elegant.
The blade was slightly shorter then an ancient gladius, and the shield was round and slightly oval shaped.

He started to run, picking up speed as they two combatants neared each other, and waited for the Ettin to strike first, leaping out of the way as the club came smashing down, and dashed in past a leg, slicing at the calf muscle, clean through the thick leather armor.
The Ettin howled, and shouted at him. "You should just give up tiny elf!"
"SO STOP RUNNING AROUND AND LET US HURT YOU!!!" the two heads taunted him.

The blue elf grimaced, and shook his head, and began the dance with the Ettin where it would swing wide and hard at him, and he would narrowly dodge and occasionally get in a slice or two at it's arm or leg.
He was hoping he was wearing it out, but it didn't seem to slow down.
"Foolish elf, you will die in this fight, I am always chosen to kill the undesirables."

"I think not. Do you not tire of entertaining these blood thirsty fools?" The elf responded back, wondering if he could talk some sense in to at least one of the heads. "I will not be trapped here forever, and I will certainly not die here."

"You are a fool to think that little elf, everyone dies in here eventually."
And with that the monster swung it's mighty club again.

The elf sighed, and lept to the side before grabbing the club and swinging himself up towards the Ettin's heads, bashing the smarter one in the face with his shield and smacking the other hard on the top of it's head with the pommel of his sword, before leaping away as the Ettin stumbled back in pain, falling to one knee before the Elf.

The elf rushed back in, slashing and stabbing with short controlled slices and thrusts to cut through the armor and skin of the Ettin, but not to gut him entirely. He did not relent until the Ettin fell forward, wounded and loosing blood.

The crowd cheered, and shouted for him to finish off the monster, as the Ettin looked to him. "Just do it, and finish the job, why do you leave me to live?"

"No." He said, and tossed the sword into the ground. "I may have use for you yet, and I'm sure they'll be mad if I kill their prized Gladiator Killer." he said, and looked to the crowed, shoving his hands in the air. "I will not be contained."

The Ettin rolled his eyes. "You are a fool."

As the blue elf was declared the winner, much to the dismay of some, but to the surprise and joy of many many more, guards came over to bring him back to his cell.
He picked his sword back up and walked back into the holding area without a fight, handing over his weapons begrudgingly. He would not be held here long, and he was sure his family would want him back once they found out he was still alive. He just had to hold out until then, unless he could start a revolution and escape.
As soon as the two headed beast appeared Jupiter knew that this wasn’t a fight. It was an execution. These large beasts were well trained and they were usually paired against much smaller men and women who the government did not want to see survive these tournaments. Luckily for the victims at least, these kills were usually rather quick and less painful than slowly bleeding out from lesser wounds. Jupiter knew that if the roles were reversed she would much prefer to die via a quick clubbing than to suffer the agonies of these battles. She simply toe her eyes away when she saw the small, blue man entering the arena. She didn’t want to see this.

When the crowd began to cheer, Jupiter finally looked up and cocked her brow in surprise. How he hell is that man still alive? She wondered, head tilting to the side in true disbelief. He was an impressive specimen indeed for being able to defeat the ettin without even killing him, and for that she had her sights on him. He had won an event in the public eye today meaning that he would surely be prostituted out tonight. The champions always were if they were attractive enough for the rich girls to want to fuck. The tricky part would be for Jupiter to get him rather than one of the older women still cheating on their husbands.

“I bid you adieu, family. I must depart.” She stated, and quickly made her exit. She wouldn’t have much time to make arrangements before heading to the auction.

Jupiter walked briskly to beat the crowd out and waved down a taxi which soon took off into the air towards her home. Upon arrival she moved briskly to check the guest room. This was where she kept the prostitute gladiators when she bought them for the evening. Jupiter was unconventional in that she frequented the auctions and spent ridiculous amounts of money on taking home these men for a night, but she had never once placed one of them between her thighs. There were multiple reasons for this. One: She didn’t see the appeal in having non-consensual sex with a man who was completely immobilized. Jupiter enjoyed touch and affection during love making sessions. Two: Jupiter saw these gladiators more as people than animals. Three: these men were constantly sleeping with other rich women if they had been around any duration of time. That sounded like a great way to get an STD. That was the last thing Jupiter needed. She was more into clean, unused men.

She straightened things up and checked the locking mechanisms on the door of the spare room before nodding her head. It would hold. Keeping the gladiators chained, bound, and locked up was a manner of safety for Jupiter. She was the widow of a high ranking military general and the daughter of an influential, wealthy governor. Seeing as most of these men were POWs or screwed over by the military and government in some way or another it was safe to assume that she might be a hit on their hit list even after providing them with care and a warm bed to sleep in at night. She couldn’t trust them enough to take the risk of losing her own life, so she kept them locked up as any sane woman would do, but at least she allowed them to keep on their trousers.

Soon, it was time to head back to the auction house near the arena. Upon arrival Jupiter was overwhelmed by just how many men they were auctioning off that night. It must have been a good day for fights and intakes. Looking around, Jupiter offered a smile to a man who she had paid fo previously, glad to see that he was still alive. However, that was not the man she was hunting for. She kept looking, weaving through the countless women in ridiculous outfits just to get through. At the auction, the gladiators were bound in heavy metal shackles that kept their hands behind their back and completely concealed while ther feet were shackled both together and on the pedestal that they had been assigned to keep them from stepping down or wandering off. Most of them still wore the clothing they had been captured in as the government decided to forego uniforms to save on money. Stripped of everything except the fabric, hey wee then housed in tiny cells unless they were fighting, prostituting, or being sold as slaves to the locals. It was truly a pitiful existence.

Finally she saw him was his blue flesh reflected in the dim lighting of the room. Jupiter pushed through more urgently until she found herself standing directly in front of the elf who was elevated above her for viewing. She placed on her facade and softened her expression to more closely resemble that of a desperate house wife looking at fresh meat and she reached out, trailing her fingertips along his thigh. “Hey there, hotstuff.” She purred, the entire thing fake but believable. “You did well in the arena today. I think I’m going to take you home. What do you say? Not that that matters.” She smirked, moving over to the screen beside him that held the biddings. She sighed seeing just how high his price was already, but she put in her bid then stood in front of the monitor, glaring at anyone who seemed interested in making an approach. He was hers tonight, and she would make sure of it no matter the price.
Bel' Ran-Ta put up little struggle, and said nothing as the guards rebound him, and dragged him off to the auction house. He was not particularity fond of the idea of being auctioned off as a fuck stick for some lonely house wife, but he felt there were far worse fates for him then that. Perhaps being tossed into a blackhole would be more miserable. Probably.
He sighed as he was put up there, staring down at the people before him with disgust, although he did not let it show on his face.
Although many of the women were indeed attractive, he care not for their company. He watched silently as bids were placed, parts of him were groped, and the women moved on to gossip about the most useless things. The sooner he got off this forsaken planet, the better. Perhaps he would be able to use this opportunity to escape if the women unchained him. Although he knew that if he tried to just run for it he would be caught in no time. He did not know this planet. He did not know it's dark corner's to hide. He would not have an easy time here.
No, his best option would be to play along for now, and maybe see if he could make a call to his people, or one of his contacts. If he could just get word out of his location, and his situation, then he was sure his family would be here within a week with an army more than big enough to take on this entire bloody wretched planet.
They'd probably find him within the month regardless, but he wanted that time shortened as much as possible.
Of course once they did rescue him, his parents would probably never let him go to war again, but that was better then being a chained up gladiator. Anything to get off this stupid planet.

He looked down again as another woman came to look at him, and he sighed, as unnoticeably as he could. Her fingertips sent a shiver up his spine, the delicate touch of a woman stirring something in him, unlike the rest of the mindless grabbing the other women did. It had been quite some time since he had laid with a woman, and something about this one in particular stirred that desire.
She acted like all the rest of them, but her eyes couldn't lie to him. She was something different, and had piqued his interest. He felt there was a softer side to her behind that thin mask she put on, and he looked deep into her eyes, searching to know, as she flirted with him.
He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as she pretended to ask for his opinion, and he stared at her a bit longer, taking a moment to look her up and down, before rolling his eyes off to the side. "I suppose it wouldn't be the worst."

It wasn't long before a group of the usual women showed up, eyeing Jupiter and showing their disgust with her. The leader spoke while the rest just giggled like useless toadies mooching off the popularity of the leader of the pack. "Oh look girls, It's Jupiter, and she's already laid claim to the best meat in the house. I'd almost dare to bid against her just to waste her money but it's just no fun anymore. You enjoy your fuckboy there Jupiter, I hear he was a soldier on Krangzan, he probably has more diseases then you can count." The women then went off giggling and laughing like they had won some battle, all the while getting a deep and raging glare from the elf.

The rest of the bidding was mostly uneventful, one timid woman put a bid on the elf as well, but none of the previous bidders came back to bid against Jupiter.

He was hers for the night, arrangements were made, and soon he found himself being delivered to her penthouse. He hoped she would unchain him, who could have sex bound up like this after all? And perhaps he could get that call out.
Jupiter stood there calmly as she was taunted by the group of women, but her posture and stance was unmoving. They had mocked he before and they would do it again, but there was no lie that he was the most desirable of the group tonight. That's why she had to protect him. Otherwise one of these sickos might use him to sure a blue infant... wouldn't that be a sight to see. No. She wanted to keep him out of that mess. He was hers. At least for the night. "Don't worry, ladies. I'm up to date on all of my shots." She retorted, a bit of a crooked smile toying at the corner of her lips as they walked away. They didn't know the truth of what she did, so she couldn't expect them to respect the most loyal customer to these auctions.

Jupiter sighed as the timid lass put a bid on her elf, and she quickly topped it. She didn't have time for these games. She just stood there waiting as the auction ticked by. Only the timid girl dared to bid against Jupiter, but many others came over to cock a feel on the elf. They touched his body anywhere they desired, but his genitals and muscular abdomen were popular choices. Jupiter didn't lay a hand on him past her initial flirting. She wasn't interested in knowing what he had hidden in his trousers. He could keep that to himself. When the auction concluded and Jupiter was named winner of the man, she nodded and departed. I'll see you soon, my champion. She thought.


When they knocked on the door to deliver her prize, Jupiter opened her door, looking much different than she had at the auction in all her fancy garb. Now, instead, her face was wiped clean of all traces of makeup, her silver tendrils were locked tight in an elastic atop her head, and she wore her dead husband's oversized undershirt over her body. Thankfully it was just long enough o cover the panties underneath. She looked dressed for bed, but she didn't mind. She was comfortable and it wasn't her intention to seduce anyone tonight.

"Thank you, officers. You can come pick him up in the morning. You're dismissed." She said, shooing them away and shutting the door and locking it tight with an eye scanner. Even if the elf did manage to escape his bounds he wasn't getting out of her home without a scan of her cornea. Jupiter turned to him, hands on hips, and offered a polite smile before lightly touching his arm and leading him to the massive sofa to take a seat. Not once did she make any indication that she would violate him, but she also didn't plan on releasing him from his chains either.

"You fought well today. Gladiators usually don't survive tournaments like that and you hardly even have a wound that needs mending." She sat beside him, crossing her legs and facing him as she sat sideways on the couch. Her cream colored skin contrasted greatly against his own. The pair seemed to be total opposites in every way and they certainly didn't appear to belong anywhere near one another even on a planet as diverse as Anat.

"I'm not going to sleep with you, warrior. You can relax. I frequent the auctions a lot, but I havent slept with anyone since my husband, so you have nothing to worry about. Consider this... a safe house. I'll treat your wounds,not that you have many, and let you sleep. You'll be ready if you're made to fight again tomorrow." She said, one hand gently resting on his shoulder in reassurance.

"I've never been a fan of the gladiator games."
The blue elf looked both annoyed and bored with the situation as they brought him to her door, and stared blankly at her. She was not dressed fancy at all, she wore comfortable clothes, ones too large for her, a husband? A dead husband? Or perhaps just a lover. If there was a man in her it would complicate things for his escape, but as he was brought in it seemed clear she was alone, at least for now.
He sat down on the couch, annoyed that his hands were still bound behind his back, and listened to her words as she attempted to relax him. She was kind, perhaps he could trust her. She had no interest in sleeping with him, a thing he was somewhat disappointed with, but all for the better as he could not let himself get distracted.
It seemed she had a late husband then after all, so there would be one less obstacle. She also didn't seem to care for the senseless arena fights, perhaps she could be an ally in all of this.

"I am not a fan of them either, It's pointless bloodshed for the sake of sick entertainment." He said, and sighed as he could not get comfortable. "If you truly do not like them perhaps you can be an ally to me. I can't say I trust anyone on this planet but I intend to escape it the first chance I get. I have not been quiet about it either, that is why they tried to have me silenced right away. I fear what they will put me against next." he said, although he was sure he could handle whatever it was.
He shifted in his bonds some more, and sighed. "Could you please unbind me? I can not sleep bound like this, and I have no desire to hurt you. I know you can't trust me either but I assure you, I have nothing to gain from harming you." He said, looking hopefully to her. He doubted she would concede though, and so he tried his best to get comfortable, but how does one sleep with their arms bound behind their back?
“Anat is a cruel planet, my friend. Many of our customs disgust those that have kinder hearts.” She said simply, breaking her eye contact with the elf as she looked down somewhat ashamed. “Unfortunately, I do not have enough influence to change anything, but I can help the gladiators who deserve my help. You became deserving the moment you spared your opponent rather than making him your first kill. It is very brave of you not to take a life in the arena like that. Although I fear you may be right. They’ll probably put you against something much larger next time. Or even a team of somethings.” She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to attempt to comfort the gladiator, but she knew already that it was probably to no avail.

“Everyone wants to get out, Elf. Every single man I have ever brought through my doors has planned on escaping, and all but a few of them are dead now. I would recommend that you keep your expectations low.You won’t be disappointed that way.” She sighed, delivering the ugly truth to the man. She already knew that he would likely be killed- perhaps even tomorrow. It was best to keep his head on straight. Maybe then he could fight like the other could not have.

She stood as he began to request being unbound and she shook her head. “You must forgive my rudeness, sir, but I cannot unbind you. A lone woman like myself would be far too susceptible to rape or murder. While you are not as large as many of my house guests seeing how you performed today lets me know that you are definitely strong enough to take me down in your desperation to be free. I value my life just as I’m sure you value yours. I cannot allow you to ruin it for me.” She said, walking into the kitchen of the open concept home, still completely in view. She began to run the sink to get warm water and she took a clean rag from he drawer beside it. The elf was mostly unharmed, and she could only assume that the minimal injuries he did have did not mch hurt him he had probably received from the guards dragging him from place to place.

Once the water was warm she filed a ceramic bowl with it and the rag before adding just a touch of lavender oil to the concoction and reapproaching the man. She knelt in front of him and looked up at him with her sweet and forgiving eyes. “What is your name, warrior?” She asked softly as she rang out the rag into the bowl and gently began to dab it on the small cuts and bruises that her had. Her touch was gentle, affectionate, and she was careful not to hurt him as she ended to him gingerly as a mother would their child.

“And what would you like to eat?”
He looked to her as she spoke on about the other men and their failures, and subconsciously rolled his eyes. He was not those other men, he was a royal prince and a general, not some simple soldier. Perhaps he had shown his skill too soon, but he could not afford to die to an ettin, or sustain too many injuries just for show. He was sure the next fight would not be so easy, but he had no doubt he would survive. He would escape. It was only a matter of biding his time until help arrived.
His shoulders slumped as she refused to unbind him, and he doubted there was nothing he could say to convince her. He did not hide his displeasure in this, and looked away from her. "I will not sleep bound like a beast, but I can not ask you to trust me it seems." He said sounding defeated.
"My name? It matters not. I simply a captured soldier forced to fight for my life. Call me whatever you wish." He couldn't trust her to know his true name, his true stance. He may have already said too much when he told her he planned on escaping, but he trusted her enough not to rat him out.
But then what if she knew who he was? Would she risk everything to help him in exchange for sanctity from this world? Or would use that information to do him harm? This whole kindness thing could be an act, however she seemed genuine. He just didn't know.

Food was a good distraction from all these thoughts. "Meat and bread and other foods full of protein and carbs, I will need them to keep my energy up in the next big fight. I can not eat with my hands bound though, so you will have to feed me by hand." He said to her, looking in her direction, but now avoiding eye contact.
“Yes. I will feed you by hand. I have done it more times than I can count. You are not the first man who I have refused to untie. Nor will you be the last.” She commented, patting his cheek lightly before standing and sauntering on long legs over to the kitchen, still in plain sight of her guest. She began rustling through pots and pans as she gathered supplies. She then rummaged through her refrigerator and pantry as she looked for all the ingredients she would need to make her intended dish. When the man asked for high carbs, the first thing that came to mind for the woman was pasta. There was no better meal for a quick shot of energy. It should be able to help him fight tomorrow.

“If you aren’t going to give me a name then I suppose I’ll call you Blue for the night. Your hair and skin color truly is beautiful, soldier. You’re a sight to be seen in the arena, but you’re just as handsome now as you sit on my furniture.” She stated, stirring the pasta in the pot before beginning to cook the chicken breast she had thawed out. There were countless recipes that would give the gladiator the energy he was looking for, but she decided on chicken parmigiana. I primitive dish that tasted just as good now on Anat as it would have for their ancestors on earth. Jupiter cooked quietly, focused on the task. These meals were finished much more quickly than once upon a time thanks to modern technology. It wasn’t long until Jupiter was carrying over a platter.

Without hesitation, Jupiter crawled into the gladiator’s lap facing him with the platter resting between them. She didn’t say much, the position hardly bothersome to the young woman, as she curled the spaghetti around a fork and held it to his lips. “If you spit on me, I’ll have them come pick you up early.” She threatened. “And then you won’t be nearly as comfortable, understood?” She asked as she continued to feed him in silence. Bite after bite he worked his way through the plate of food. Soon enough it was empty and she set the plate aside, Still perched in the man’s lap.

“Are you tired?” She asked. “Or is there something else you’d like to do on your night of freedom? Tv? Music? Whatever you’d like.” She offered politely.
He glared at her a bit as she patted him on the cheek, feeling patronized by the action. He was no child. A growl rose from his throat as he watched her hips and legs move towards the kitchen. Perhaps it had been awhile.
"Blue is fine. I do not care." He said solemnly, sitting there patiently as she cooked.
As she climbed into his lap he almost blushed a little, feeling a bit awkward with a pretty lady in his lap like this. It was a nice sensation, and his nether regions may have agreed a little. He hoped she wouldn't notice.
"Spit on you? Do I look like an animal? Do not insult me woman, I am... Just feed me..." he said, sighing, almost letting something slip, and went quiet.
The food was good, and he ate it readily, eating every bite she fed him.

"I desire no trivial forms of entertain such as television, they only dull the mind of the masses and keep people complacent. All I ask is that you allow me a private phone call. There is little else I desire and nothing else I shall ask for. If can't have that then I shall wish to be left to rest." He said, looking to her, and doubted she would give him what he asked.
Jupiter just cocked an eyebrow as he made his requests and looked at him. He was quite bold to ask for something as big as a private phone call, and his boldness almost made the wealthy young woman want to give in to his wishes, but she shook her head. There was no way she could allow it. She leaned back in his lap, her weight pressing into his knees rather than his upper thigh or groin regions. She just looked at him for a moment as she processed her thoughts. She saw an individual rather than a pawn in the gladiator games, just like she always did. She regretted that his fate was already predetermined to be what it was.

“I can’t let you use the phone. It’s against the rules. Plus… who knows if you’d call someone in to come after me. You don’t know this yet, but I promise I’m a friend and not a foe.” She spoke softly to him, trying to help him get more comfortable around her and feel less on edge.

Her hand moved up to softly cup his cheek. She stroked her thumb left and right over his strong jawline and just looked into his eyes as she sat upon his legs. “I’m one of the few people on this planet who have no interest in hurting you, Blue. Try to remember that if you ever see me again.” She spoke before raising up from his lap and gently guiding him to stand as well.

“Now…. lets go get you to bed.” She said kindly. She lead him through the hallways of the extravagant penthouse that she called home until she came to yet another locked door. She scanned her cornea and it clicked upen to a room with a bed far larger than any normal human would need. It was big enough to fit even the largest of gladiators and it laid alongside a massive, wall length window that overlooked the city. She let go of the elf and motioned toward the large room.

“This is your pad for the night. You’ll find that the mattress is comfortable and the TV and radio are voice activated if you decide you would like further entertainment. They’ll be over in the morning to pick you up. Usually around 0900 to allow people to sleep in after a busy night.” She gave him a playful wink and chuckled before patting him on the back. “Have a good night, Blue. If you need anything just say my name, Jupiter, and the system will dial my room so that you can get ahold of me.”

With that Jupiter exited, locking the door behind her and allowing her gladiator guest to get comfortable and get some sleep. He deserved that much.
Of course she would say no. Why did he think there was even a chance she would agree to that? No matter, he would survive each and every fight and eventually he would get word to his people on where to find him. It was hardly a set back.
He listened to her and said nothing, sitting there silently with no emotion on his face. There was little sense in trying to take some into her.

He sighed as he saw the room that she planned to hold him in. A retna scan on the door, but, a wall of glass facing the city, he considered if it would be worth busting through in the future, for half a second at most. That would cause him all kind of problems, and the glass looked far too thick.
He shook his head, and turned to her.
"It won't be all that comfortable with my shackles bound. I prefer to sleep on my back." He told her coldly, still unpleased with being bound.
"I'd like to know why you're so scared of me hurting you. I wouldn't kill an Ettin, why would I kill you?" He said, and then sighed. "Nevermind. Night to you." He told her before letting the door close.

He considered at least trying to sleep, but then a thought crossed his mind. Perhaps he should acquaint himself with this planet's propaganda, so he decided to turn on the news for a few hours before attempting to sleep. It was all he could do for now.
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