Mx Female A Relic of the Past


Old dog
Jul 21, 2011
This Old Dog has done a lot of digging on this moon, so I know there are a lot of craters tucked away. Since you've stumbled into mine, I'll welcome you to stay and explore. However, if you choose to crawl out and scamper off, that's fine by me.

You may call me Raivh or Rai. I've been on this moon for over 10 years, but I've been role-playing for quite a bit longer than that.

  • I am writing a character. I am happily married IRL with a partner supportive of my hobby. Respect my boundaries as you can expect me to respect yours.
  • I will only write and accept 3rd person perspective.
  • I am a multi-para writer.
  • Face claims are not my style.
  • Static characters bore me and will fall flat. A little bark and bite is a nice dynamic.
  • I am here to drive a story forward with someone, to collaborate. Collaborating is the awesome thing about role-playing. If I'm putting in all of the work and coming up with 100% of the plot, it's not longer an RP. I might let it slide a post or two here and there, but if it's constant, I will end the game. Bring me fresh material and I will craft my posts with great zeal.
  • My life can get hectic in 0-60, so my posting frequency will vary. Generally, I will strive to post 2-3 times a wekk.
  • I'm getting too old for just ghosting people, so I will be upfront and honest if I've lost interest. There's no need for either of us to beat around the bush. If you're bored, tell me.
  • My grammar and spelling are workable, not perfect. I expect the same of interested writers.

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Bump. All plots are open. If you come at me with a pairing, please have an idea to pitch. Happy to help develop it further.
Bump for consideration of fresh collaborators. If nothing is established, but you seem promising, I'm liable to follow you if your profile isn't locked down like a fort.
Bump for expanding my pool of collaborators. Again, if nothing is initially established but you seem promising, I'm liable to follow you and reach out sometime in the future.
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