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Pokemon: An Unexpected Encounter (Viktoff Samson x N7Biotic)


Apr 14, 2017
The Void of Lost Time
Ever since she was a little girl, Emily always dreamed of going place to place to see the world and all the Pokemon in it. She use to spend hours reading about each and every Pokemon she could get her hands on and watching countless hours of Pokemon battles and documentaries on TV. The idea of one day owning her own Pokemon and travelling from region to region to seeing all that the world had to offer was exciting and something she hope to one day be able to do. That was what made the day she graduated from school one of the best days of her life. Emily had graduated as one of the school's top students and her mother gave her a very special present for doing so well and making her so proud. It was a present wrapped in red wrapping paper and a white bow on top and inside of it was a little red and white pokeball. The ball had opened up after a few seconds on its own and a little Growlithe puppy had popped free from within with a little red bow around her neck, yapping excitedly and nearly jumping onto Emily the second the little puppy saw her. Emily tried not to scream in pure delight at the sight of the little Growlithe as it leap into her arms the moment she opened them out to her and started to lick her cheek. Emily must of said thank you a million times to her mother that day. She spent the whole day playing with her new little Growlithe and found them both to be quick friends. At one point, the little Growlithe slipped and fell on it's clumsy little paws and a little flame burst from her maw. After a little giggle, Emily had decided to name her new best friend for life, Blaze. In the middle of the night as Emily was falling asleep, she could hear the sound of a little panting beast as the sounds of claws tapping on a hardwood floor approached her bed. Before she knew it, the little puff ball had jumped up on her bed and curled up beside her. Her new friend was warm like a gentle fire and the feeling of fur against her as she laid in bed made her feel so safe and comfortable that it was easy for her to fall asleep. It was by far the best rest she had gotten in a long time.

The next morning came as a even bigger surprise when her mother greeted her with breakfast and a packed bag for her after she got woken up by a couple of eager licks to her cheek. That was when her mother smiled proudly down at her daughter and a eager Blaze with tears welling up in her eyes as she told her it was time her little girl got to fulfill her dreams. Emily almost couldn't believe what her mother was telling her, but she got up and hugged her mother tightly with tears in her own eyes. She spent the whole morning with her mother before grabbing the packed back and starting her journey. Her mother had packed her enough to get her started: five pokeballs, pokefood, potions, antidotes, snacks, personal hygiene products for bother herself and Blaze, several changes of clothing, and enough money to get her started and that was the beginning of her journey. She went from place to place, seeing countless pokemon and meeting just as many people. She won battles and lost some, but Blaze was always eager to accept any challenge thrown her way. Emily never put Blaze away in her pokeball unless she had to due to the fact she didn't have the heart to put Blaze away when she looked so happy to run around and see the world with her trainer. It took her by surprise one day, when the little Growlithe returned to her with a fire stone in her jaws with her tail wagging excitedly before evolving right there before her into the massive companion she had now. Blaze had been strong before, but now the newly evolved Arcanine never seemed to lose a challenge thrown her way and soon enough, Emily had enough money to be set for the rest of her journey and then some. The Arcanine was still her sweet and energetic Blaze, seeming to forget about her new size and often knocking Emily down whenever she pounced on her, but Emily simply laughed and let Blaze lick her face until her heart was content. Emily managed to snag a few other Pokemon like her that she took good care for and played with on her way through her journey, but Arcanine was always her number one. She ended up with a Elekid who eventually evolved into Electabuzz, she hoped to evolve into a Electrive when the opportunity showed itself. as well as a Magikarp who evolved into a mighty Garados. Most recently, she had managed to capture a male Nidoran who quickly evolved into a Nidorino that she hoped to evolve into a Nidoking once he had became stronger and learned a few special moves.

However, there was something else in her sights for the moment. After winning a recent battle, a trainer told her she could find some pretty great Pokemon to help fill her missing slots in the nearby forest. Some even said there was a pretty strong Zoroark there, but no one has been able to find him and catch him due to his ability to turn into anything and anyone. Emily had never seen a Zoroark in person and would give anything to have one on her team. Another powerful Pokemon could very well even help her beat the Elite Four one day! Needless to say, Emily headed there as soon as her Pokemon rested and given the attention they deserved. However, the chances of her finding said Zoroark seemed nearly impossible. Emily did managed to capture a little Rufflet in the meantime, but decided to save her final spot for the Zoroark she had heard so much about. The forest was thick however, and no matter how long she looked, she hadn't even seen a sign of its existence, even Blaze with her excellent nose couldn't seem to track it. Emily began to suspect that the trainer had given her false information and decided to set up camp since it was getting late. After setting up the tent, Blaze used her breath to lit a campfire from the bundle of sticks she had gathered before curling up behind to tired Emily to keep her upper body propped up off the ground. The search had made her rather tired. Her long auburn hair was slightly disheveled by still had it's natural curls and waves that seemed to catch the eye of her follow trainers. Her eyes were emerald green and full of tiredness from the day. Her skin was lightly tanned from her journey, but still looked soft and flawless from what was shown. Her black tank top showed off a good bit of her upper body, allowing her well developed breasts to be seen without effort along with the curves of her body. Her white, slightly dirty, shorts allowed her firm, plump rear to be in shown off as well as her plush thighs while her black boots reached up to her knees. Emily pulled a berry out of her bag and let Blaze get it out of her hand before laying her head on the fluff of her best friend's body before dozing off with the heat of the camp fire and her best friend to comfort her.
During the day, before the established but growing trainer Emily would make her way to the forest, a different battle could be heard deep within the woods shrouded by distance and the shade of the leaves. The unmistakable shape of an illustrious and beautiful female espeon and her male trainer could be seen as they begin combat with an unusual wild pokemon for this area. Though the fight could just barely be seen by even the most sharpest trainers on the planet, the discernable sounds of this encounter would be quite concerning for all beings who knew the language and understood the names and attacks involved.


"Espeon, use Psychic!" And just as the instruction was uttered the purple blast escaped the gorgeous shape before being completely deleted upon reaching what sounded like a wild Toxicroak, a Poison/Fighting type pokemon. "Wh-what?! That was a direct hit! You're not immune to psychic attacks!" The trainer declared with an explanation. It would appear he was shocked as he was so certain this would be an easy fight for his prized Psychic evolution of the crowd favorite: Eevee.

The shape of the wild pokemon extended it's long arm toward both the trainer and his Espeon. "Croooak!" Came another guttural sound before a pulsing black attack launched from him to send the trainer flying backwards clear out of the scene and the busty unmistakable Espeon's slapped into a tree from a powerful super effective hit. Even though most trainers and pokemon generally escaped with their lives from such encounters, and even though they approached this wild pokemon instead of the other way around, it would appear the wild pokemon had it's own ideas about a prize he should claim for the trouble. The shape of what evidentally should have been a Toxicroak with a questionable move set had shifted into that of a monstrously large human-like pokemon. The shape could have been attributed to a pokemon like Lucario, though it's large mane of hair suggested otherwise. Either way, what happened next was unmistakable as this wild pokemon approached the unquestionably fainted Espeon before crouching over her. While some less creative minds may have suggested the movements seen were the acts of a nefarious Dark type pokemon scanning the Espeon for a held item to pilfer, a more perverse mind would be far more accurate to claim that the wild pokemon was fondling and licking the Espeon in unconcerned foreplay. And the shift of positions and sounds to follow would entirely confirm this theory as grunts from the wild pokemon, soft sounds from the unconscious Espeon and very lewd noises could clearly be heard. They were breeding beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Even though the trainer would be leaving with a fainted and thoroughly bred Espeon, and several exaggerated tales of this very true event, no one was permanently wounded or killed. And stories like this were gathered as this obscenely powerful pokemon was spoken about locally by female trainers and anyone with exceptionally beautiful female pokemon found themselves trading their tales of their encounters with either a strange hauntingly handsome man who wouldn't utter a sound or a powerful pokemon who seduced or molested their own pokemon. In any case, the tales that held any significance evidence-wise directly suggested this beast would most certainly be an unfairly overleveled Zoroark who was improperly released by some ace master trainer. Though some information wouldn't quite line up, like the Zoroark having mated and fathered eggs with females outside of his proposedly known egg group, and itself having taken on a human form and keeping it's illusion up after taking on a direct hit, these were often considered hoax stories. At times there were reasonable means to discern these "hoax stories" as local trainers trying to pass off a mundane egg as the offspring of this mighty legendary Zoroark that preyed in the nearby forest in order to catch a better trade for the egg. Other times local young women who shared stories about finding this speechless male that rocked their world with a full night of passionate and forceful sex had been accused of simply being lonely and telling tall tales after a spree of months without lovers.

In any case, the advice to search the forest for this Zoroark was founded on true stories. Though, it was likely that the young man who directed Emily this way had nefarious intentions to get more info on the Zoroark after the silent man of myth had his way with the physically gifted young woman. The odds of a female lasting a night in the woods alone unmolested by this menace seemed to be about 50/50 anyway and the Zoroark tales definitely lined up quite well with Emily's looker of an Arcanine as her best friend who would be with her. No bodies or serious wounds coming out of the forest could be traced back to the mysterious cretin. So, in any case, the young man probably justified his selfish deception with either Emily having a sexually gratifying night or getting an egg of a potent pokemon in the process. Rape wasn't a pleasant concept, but the tales spun by women who left the forest rarely painted this as anything other than a world altering experience. Even if it would seem scary and violent.

The sun set and Emily and her trusty Arcanine had snuggled up for the night. To hug a warm and loyal pokemon like Arcanine before falling asleep marked Emily as a lucky lucky girl. The body of Arcanine gave of the most excellent heat and they were often attributed as the most trustworthy companions of the pokemon world. Sharp senses and a bond that could never be broken, with the power to dominate fights with any wild common pokemon to boot. There wasn't a safer place than laying beside such marvelous beasts known as Arcanine. And to their credit, the wild Zoroark admired them from afar for this very reason. Only one thing beat the sight of beautiful women and female pokemon, and it was the rarest moments that brought an unrivaled warmth into the heart of this sex machine of a Zoroark. And with this warmth, his imposter illusion ability would be triggered. Leading him flawlessly into countless wonderful heated encounters with the opposite sex before, the ability took his budding warmth in his heart and made him shift into the sharp unmistakable shape of a primal and bulky male Arcanine. His white fur around his torso flowing with the wind.

With his proximity to the girls, his male Arcanine mating scent soaked over their campsite. Likely being found by Blaze's nose that wouldn't fail to discover if anything was out of place while Emily's human nose likely wasn't able to discern this scent from the smell of her companion. As part of his plan, Zoroark wanted to catch Blaze's attention after Emily had nodded off to a slumber. Being a pokemon who understood people and their pokemon well enough, Zoroark assumed that the loyal female Arcanine lacked the tenacity and callousness to awaken her trainer in the middle of a peaceful sleep. He'd await any response calmly a fair distance away as the male Arcanine increased the distance slowly over time.
Blaze nibbled on the berry that her trainer had given her within her hands while Emily rested her head against her thigh. The fluffy Arcanine smiled down at her trainer with a warm gaze. Emily had been good to her since the day she first laid eyes on her and Blaze was undoubtedly loyal to her. Blaze was always the first to attack whenever a wild pokemon attacked Emily and gave warning growls at trainers who insulted her or looked like they were going to hurt her. No one got to Emily without passing by Blaze first. She shifted the berry to one hand before using the other to stroke Emily's beautiful hair. Blaze's own body wasn't too far off of her trainer's. When she was a little Growlithe, she looked more like a child then she did now. Ever since evolving into an Arcanine, her fur grew more majestic with beautiful colors of red, black, and gold as her body became more adult and feminine. Emily always had such a desirable body, but once Blaze evolved, she grew one of her own. Her curves were similar to Emily's, but Blaze's breasts were a tad bit larger due to the fact that she was now taller and more muscular then Emily was and her rear was just as firm as her trainer's own plump, firm rear, the only difference being the massive fluffy, golden tail that trailed behind her. While their shape was similar now, the Arcanine still looked a bit different from Emily in other ways besides height and muscle mass. Instead of long auburn hair and sparkling emerald green eyes like her trainer, Blaze had a mane of golden fur and strong brown eyes. Blaze's cheeks were fluffy with golden fur while Emily's was smooth to the touch. It was also easy to see that Blaze had no need for clothing while her trainer had a need to be modest for some reason so it was easy to see everything of Blaze's with little effort, but luckily the mass amount of her soft fur concealed her more vulnerable assets in a similar way that Emily's bras and panties did.

A strange scent pulled Blaze's attention away from her peacefully sleeping trainer and made her ears perk up as she sniffed the air. It was a strange, but alluring scent that was completely new to her roster of smells. The closest thing she smelt to it was a Raichu who was in heat while they were battling. Blaze growled a bit suspiciously at the idea of what the source could be as her fur fluffed up a bit at the idea of something sneaking up on them while Emily was vulnerable. Then, she remembered that Emily had been desperately searching for the Zoroark they've heard was extremely powerful. The idea of finding said Zoroark, defeating it, and awakening her sweet trainer with the Zoroark at their mercy and for her taking made her tail wag happily. Blaze was always eager to impress or get something for Emily she had been working so hard for. Emily always did her best for all her pokemon and Blaze wanted her to have the best the world had to offer and if this Zoroark was one of them, then she would do what she had to to give it to her. Blaze had never smelled a Zoroark before, so she wasn't too sure if the scent belonged to one or not. Either way, she had a need to investigate the source.

She carefully slide herself out from underneath her sleeping trainer, deciding that Emily needed the rest and wanted to see the surprised expression on her face when she brought her the Zoroark they've been looking for all day. Once her lap was free, Blaze used her hands to hold Emily's head up while she slowly lowered her down comfortable on the backpack she usually carried on her back before getting up onto her feet and walking deeper into the forest. Blaze used her sharp nose to follow the scent, ignoring the strange feeling that grew between her legs from the scent. Her ears perked up at every sound the forest made, making sure nothing would surprise her. Emily had warned her ahead of time that Zoroark had an ability to transform itself, so she kept her sharp eyes looking around actively while her nose hunted the scent. Blaze kept walking, the need to hunt making her lose track how far she was walking away from Emily. She seemed to be wondering forever trying to track the scent, but her need to sate her curiosity and attempt to gift Emily with something she desired clouded her judgement as her instincts became fixated on the strange scent.
While the unusual Zoroark's numerous facets included a good nose, he certainly wasn't in the same league as a genuine Arcanine like Blaze when it came to this game of hide and seek he was putting on for her. His scent had to linger long enough to keep her attention and help her find him, but he couldn't allow himself much of a window to pause and brush up against something to leave a better chase. They were both very fast. Despite his physical advantages he wouldn't be able to take her as far away from the other wild pokemon and Emily as he'd like too. If she raised any alarm, it'll come down to a fair split of luck whether the branches and wind would carry that out to any unwelcomed third parties. Zoroark wasn't afraid of voyeurism and he definitely thought it was kinky that such a concept could make certain females wet, but he was certainly annoyed by distractions. His schemes were often one cock jobs, and letting the weaker prey of the forest in on sloppy seconds was rarely a generous offer he'd conceive of unless his victim had been particularly difficult and he felt a bit of malice he needed to exorcize.

In any case, she was gaining on him and he couldn't quite tell if she was gunning for him prepared to throw a punch or just coming to investigate like a playful and curious puppy. Either concept excited him as she seemed to be at least a formidable challenge, but he was growing tired of pounding his big pokecock into fainted beauties and only fucking lucid victims if they're human. Being a Dark Type pokemon did lend him towards accepting and finding joy in the easy ways out, with moves like thief and the like. But, for once, he wanted to try plowing a wonderfully built goddess of another pokemon species while she was wide awake. He certainly had the talents and tricks to pull it off with his nasty plotting mind and the Imposter Illusion ability he's been gifted with since he was a mere Zorua boy.

He came to a clearing that spanned three hundred yards in each direction before making his way to the trees on the other side and turning to face the way Blaze would be pursuing from. In this moment he could finally admire his majestic masculine form that his ability granted him now. In a way, this largely served to better reflect the kind of strength and fire power he was really working with as opposed to his more lanky true form and pretty boy human form. As a Male Arcanine, his colors were just like Blaze's while his build was tall and thick with muscle and manliness. A large fluffy mane extended down his back and covered his head like hair while a single black stripe extended down the bridge of his muzzle which ends with what appeared to be a powerful nose and a toothy confident smile. The shade covered this and the rest of his upper torso of shapely broad shoulders and bulkier arms with large powerful hands. Just within the moonlight was his furred hips and legs which paired with the theme his upper body set quite handsomely. The most significant difference between the larger male that'd examine Blaze lustfully and her feminine form would be the most pronounced part of the male which wore the moon's shine exquisitely. This would be the deeply red cock and giant pair of balls between his legs. The tip of this manhood was pointed, but the rest was broad like his beefy form leading down to an almost pulsing knot that was almost as large as the pair of cum storage units just beneath it. Precum scent filled the air as a shiny drop of excellence glazed downward the tip of his semi-erect primal red cock. At the sight of her, his already pleasure-garunteeing size grew even larger and harder. It's function was self evident and his intent was written with his eyes. Had he been a sculpture, any woman looking would know his hands were crafted to hold their hips as they bury their face into his warm, muscular, furred chest. Something like this existed in the wettest dreams of the most honest pokepervs whose wombs yearned to give the most deserving male countless offspring.

And his eyes, the same color as Blaze's, looked right at her.
The scent was getting stronger so Blaze knew she was approaching her target soon. She was catching up to whatever it was that had interested her in the strange new scent. Curiosity controlled her at this point as she more wanted an answer to what was causing such an alluring scent. If it truly had been a Zoroark she was chasing then she would attack it for the sake of making Emily happier and stronger, but if it had been some other pokemon then perhaps she would simply lose interest and return to her sweet Emily. There was an odd effect the scent was having on her. Blaze had never felt her sex between her plush thighs tingle in response to a smell. Lately it had been bothering her as if she needed something she didn't even know she needed and the scent only agitated it more. The fur around her sex was already starting to feel damp and hot, hotter then it normally felt and Blaze wasn't sure why. Sometimes when she saw a male pokemon in battle, she had the urge to roll over for them, but often stopped herself to focus on the battle to please Emily instead. Now, she was having a similar urge. If it wasn't for her need to make Emily happy, she probably would have done it, but instead she hunted forth until she stumbled upon a clearing.

There was nothing but grass for at least three hundred yards all around, but it wasn't the clearing itself that interested her, but instead what stood in it. Her eyes widened a bit and her ears perked up as her head tilted curiously. Blaze had never seen another Arcanine before, at least not one in the wild. Her eyes couldn't help but roam over his form and admiring him. His fur looked majestic, his stripes rather striking, and the thing that hung between his legs looked...alluring. The sight of her had made it grow longer and harder and that made her pussy ache in response. The scent was overwhelming here. She had found her target, but instead of walking away like she had planned to, Blaze found herself moving towards him. Her tail wagged behind her gently as though it was trying to move itself out of the way of something. She stepped carefully, not wanting to trigger a fight between them since she was just curious of him at this point. Blaze sniffed him and soon found his scent intoxicating. She didn't know why his scent had allured her so, but she suddenly found herself nuzzling his neck as her hands touched his shoulders. Her nose rubbed against his cheek, neck, and underside of his jaw. Her body instinctively pushing itself against him, feeling his hard cock against her soft belly as she let out a little non-aggressive growl.

Blaze wasn't too sure why she felt the need to do these things, but it was too late for her to stop now. She licked his cheek sweetly before giving his ear a playful nip. Her hands started to wonder on their own, running down his muscular chest as she let out a heated breath. Her hand contiuned to go lower and lower onto him until her fingertips touched the tip of his cock. She could feel something wet on it, but didn't seemed to care. Blaze let her hand touch and graze over the strange thing that made her feel so hot and wet between her thighs. Her sex started to ache and she didn't know why. She let herself touch his cock for a minute before finding herself unable to control her body anymore as she turned herself around, her plump rear pointed towards him and getting down on her hands and knees. She lowered her upper body until her breasts squished against the ground, making her lift her hips up high to him. She looked behind herself as she lifted her tail to the side to show off her perfect, firm rear and soaking wet pussy lips, the fur on her thighs soaking with lady juices as a gentle whine escaped her throat. Blaze wasn't sure what she was doing or why she wanted his cock so badly, but at this point, she didn't really care anymore.
In the moments of nothingness with his target on pursuit, the Zoroark steeled himself over to seperate his actual expressions from the majestic male appearence he wore now. In his mind, his eyebrows raised as he seemed less non-chalant about the encounter that was on the way. He could tell Blaze was in a tier well above the wild pokemon of the forest that he's dominated for years. Should any other trainer or her own enter in on the fight he wasn't too comfortable with the concept of multi-directional fights. Two attacks at once might have been enough knock this formidable Zoroark off his win streak. He specialized in knock-out blows, one quick attack that snuffed out his opposition before they had a chance to exchange with their own attack. His ability granted him the additional window to invite attacks from faster opponents that carry psychic type attacks that he was purely immune too. Blaze was definitely fast. Even with his headstart, she was on the hunt and she'd catch up to him even if he wanted to bitch out now. Arcanine's had powerful attacks that he held no resistance too, and Blaze might have been one of the few non-wild pokemon he's encountered that could last an attack or two of his Dark Pulse. He didn't wanna risk the chance of being enslaved to a human. His mating spree over his many wonderful years had been glorious and he most definitely fathered an army of potent pokemon with his inclinations, and that's exactly why he never wanted this to end. He envied the love and loyalty Blaze gave to Emily, but there were some aspects of the pokemon / trainer bond that he wasn't fond of.

And the moment came. An exotic beauty like no other stepped into the clearing, looking to him. The male Arcanine continued looking to her in the same lustful ready to fuck way, he was built to tackle that longing in her loins. Well, it looked that way at least. His inner-self was sincerly concerned. Her sex appeal wouldn't calm him in any fashion as she approached him. The hardening and growing cock was his natural reaction, and it was very real. But, it was Zoroark's experience that such gorgeous looks was a tell tale sign of confidence. The fact that she didn't come flying at him with a Flame Blitz or an Extreme Speed didn't quell him for a single second. Zoroark could really be animated about his feelings in his natural form, but he had to keep up appearences or she'd most definitely strike him down. And keeping up his illusion wasn't hard with the mutation that allowed his ability to be levels of depth superior to a regular Zoroark's illusion. This cock was real, his ability to mate her was very, very real. The scent that would otherwise give him away was very clearly really having an effect from the look in her eyes as she finally came directly in contact with him. And just like that, Zoroark's inner-self's confidence grew to match the supremely mascluine smile his illusion wore.

Her nuzzling of his neck made some of his muscular structure respond so naturally. Clearly, despite this countless intimately shared actions, this 'Male Arcanine' has never felt the soft and warm embrace Blaze gave him. If he was aroused before, her hands on his shoulders and her soft belly fur against the bottom of his length essentially doubled his arousal. Instead of just being a sex-hungry hound like he always was, this pokemon in her grasp was now primed to mate her proper and the way his tongue slid out from his Arcanine lips on the opposite side of the cheek she licked was proof enough of that. Her growl invigorated him, but he kept his responses to looks for now as he wasn't super confident in his ability to purely immitate Male Arcanine's mating sounds. Though, he was sure if she never heard it before he'd be safe to let loose vocally when they're a little more wrapped up in each other. Her hands came to his cock, touching him in a way that almost clearly translated her inexperience. But, she also didn't fail to make him even hornier as he enjoyed her touch as she was just so full of lust.

He'd have his hand on her ass, beneath her tail, as she touched him like this. His eyes on her own. The window to a soul, almost exactly where a human was conditioned to look for certainty in order to read a person. And yet, Zoroarks eyes were masters of deciet in ways that even surpased his tricky ability. She couldn't read anything her sexualized and heated imagination didn't wanna see. His big manly hand grasping one of her round and perfect cheeks that he had previously held. And then the most glorious sight would come to him following this. She turned away with her delicious rear facing him now as she escaped his hand. In the next moment she got to her knees and pressed her upper body into the gound as her tail drew to the side. Despite what he already deduced about her inexperience, her instinct as a female Arcanine must be so spot-on that he display here could summon such a feverish and heated emotion deep within Zoroark. His plan previously was to faint Blaze in any devious underhanded way that he could. But, now he was certain as he approached her and climbed over her with his much larger body covering her own and his large knees flattening the grass around her, his new strategy was to carve a raw message into her with his sex and attempt to open up such a wonderful world of mating that she would be unable to oppose him as her dominate lover. To fuck her so hard tonight that she lacked both the will and energy to keep him from corrupting her lovely human friend as well.

His pointed tip that she previously clensed of the precum was already glistening again and dripping warm substances over her ass while his hands make their way up her belly to slip beneath her bountiful breasts and massage them. The scent of his seed was so powerful and self-descript that it would be impossible to mistake it's purpose and how good at that purpose it was. After letting her feel the bottom of his cock between her cheeks as he'd lightly hump her enough to make her body move, he'd raise his upper body from her back and let his hands swim down over her fur to her ass. His thumbs, large enough to pleasure her holes thoroughly on their own, would spread her wonderfully round ass even further in an attempt to increase the surface area of the wet fur around her cunt and greatly decrease the odds of missing her sex as his hips alone pressed his pointed tip against her. This next part was a gamble. He registed that she was so aroused beneath him that anything could happen. Yet, with her closeness to that human he imagined she was never spread by such a monsterous meaty red delight before. He didn't want to risk ruining sex for her forever with a bullheaded move. But, he wanted to get her hooked on his cock to such an extent. He had to do something drastic. He had to intoduce her to the payload of pleasure in ways that nothing else could. That any imitation of sex could never possibly do. And with that idea in mind, he pulled his hips backward and climbed over her simultaneously so that his abilty to thrust forward was maximized while his cock tip pressed her sex. It was shaped for her. His right hand gripped the base of her tail as his left hand smoothed over her left shoulder to her throat as he peered into her eyes and shoved all of him inside of her. They weren't humans or feeble low leveled pokemon. Blaze and Zoroark were physically sturdy, mentally sound and powerful pokemon. Such a raw act would ruin a human woman, but he was hoping to cash in on the very delicious fact that they weren't human. He wanted all of the milestones of her first cock to hit her womb in a symphony of cascading sensations that conflicted like sweet and sour. His hands on her would tighten just a bit, pulling her closer.
Feeling the male Arcanine's own tongue slip from his lips to return the lick made her fur rise a bit in excitement, not nearly as much as it would while she was fearful, but enough to show. The looks of interest and the way the male's cock reacted to her display of affection to earn his interest in mating with her made her need for him to grow even greater. Never before had Blaze's thoughts been off of Emily for so long. All she could think about was what she wanted the male to do to her. Normally, she would never leave Emily's side for long, but she couldn't leave to join her until her needs were sated or else Blaze would go crazy, at least at this point. She didn't even care that the male was silent while she let out low growls and little whines to show her interest in mating with him. As long as he wasn't actively trying to push her away or bite her, then she would assume that he was interested in her as well if his cock wasn't enough for her to assume that. Blaze was inexperienced in all things mating related given that she was so dedicated to her trainer, so she relied on her instincts to guide her way and so far, they served her well.

The feeling of his hand grabbing her plump rear made a little whine escape her maw, not a whine of pain or fear, but one that sounded like one of a female in heat, similar in a way to a human moan. Her hips naturally pushed back into his hand as though her body wanted his hand to grab more of her as her tail started to lash in excitement. His eyes were almost as intoxicating as his scent. She couldn't see anything in his eyes, nothing that gave away who he was, but she was convinced that his gaze had lust and heat within them, while her own were filled with similar things. She was tempted to stay there, her body adoring the way his hand was touching her and arousing her even more, but she couldn't control herself anymore. She had to have him. Blaze needed to fill his cock plunge into her untouched sex that ached for his attentions and made her thighs wet. As she bent over for him, offering herself to him, Blaze let out soft whines in desperation. Now that her heat was in full, her own scent started to fill the air and it only made her more desperate for him then before as she could smell a mixture of both of each other's own arousal.

The second she felt the male climb over her, her hips bucked back eagerly as though it would get his cock inside of her faster. A low growl rumbled in her throat as she felt his pre-cum get itself on her ass as he readied himself to mate her eager little cunt. The sensation of his hands roaming up her belly to grab as her bountiful breasts made a little moan-like whine escape her. Her upper body pushed harder into his hands, her tits filling his hands nicely as she responded to his hands grabbing her there. The scents in the air were driving her wild. Her hips would readjust every few seconds she didn't feel him inside of her, thinking that it would aid him in sheathing himself inside of her. Another moan was brought out of her the moment she felt his hump her hard enough to make her body jerk forward a bit and giving her a good feel of the base of his cock. Her whines grew more inpatient as her sex started to hurt from all the stimulation, but nothing to relieve it. While the hump he gave her gave her pleasure, the need to feel his cock inside of her was growing harder and harder to ignore. The way his hands touched her body was enough to make her light headed. Just feeling him run his hand from her breasts and down her back made her arch her back into his hand like a Meowth getting a nice pet from their trainer. Blaze let out a hot breath with a little flame pushing from her cute little nose feeling his thumbs spreading her ass cheeks apart, feeling that he was nearing the moment he would take her and found herself growing more excited by the second. Blaze's breath caught in her throat as she felt the tip of his cock against her sex, her hips bucking against it to try to push it inside of her on her own, but failing to do so. Another hot breath left her feeling his hand grab the base of her tail, learning that it was sensitive to touch, especially in the way the male grabbed it and added onto her pleasure. Normally, the feeling of a hand on her throat would cause her to attack, but now, she only titled her head up some so his hand could have more access to it and helped her meet his gaze as he finally pushed himself inside of her.

A little flame escaped her maw as she opened her mouth to let out a pleasured little roar feeling his cock finally push itself inside of her. Her sex, so unused, struggled to fit his massive, meaty cock inside of her. Her claws dug into the earth below her as a bit of pain rushed through her body along with relief as she felt his tip hit the back of her womb in one quick thrust. She panted hotly, her tongue letting out of her mouth as a look of drunken pleasure grew on her face. The pain didn't bother Blaze. Pain wasn't something she was afraid of or not use to, but it was the pleasure that joined it that drove her insane. Her hips eagerly pushed back on him, making sure every inch of him was sheathed inside of her incredibly tight, wet, cunt. It was shocking to see how much her snatch was stretching to fit him inside, but eagerly did so to accept him as a mate. Each throb and twitch she felt against her walls and inside her womb made a moan-like whimper and whine rumble in her throat. She had never felt anything like this before and found herself quickly adoring the sensation. Before, she never saw the appeal of a mate or mating in particular when she had such a perfect trainer, but now that she was bent over with a male's cock inside of her, she couldn't believe that she didn't want it earlier. It felt even better then winning against another trainer or Emily's pets and cuddles. Her hind legs dug into the ground behind her, steadying herself and getting a good grip on the ground in case he started to thrust against her as she found herself quickly enjoying the fat, red, meaty, cock that forced her once virgin pussy to stretch as wide as it possibly could.
To the Zoroark, it was the look on Blaze's face that truly made his night. Of course their sex, and anything else he'd be getting away with, would be immensely pleasurable for Zoroark. But it was that 'drunk with physical love' look Blaze wore that really activated his imagination. Pairing that with the sounds she'd make, from the little ones she probably didn't even notice to the louder ones that made him wonder just what could approach them from the wilds should her voice beckon them forth, it all had a profound effect on the grossly under-civilized Zoroark as he lined himself up with her hot wet sex. The delightful sensation of her fur helped him guide his tip to her sex with ease as he couldn't possibly miss if he kept this factor in mind. Even now as he had her throat in his hand, the base of her tail(just above her round ass) in his grasp, he couldn't stop thinking about the way her body responded to his palms. The way her rear pressed back to his hand, her bossom pushing into his palm, and even her head raised to give his hand more room on her neck for his own pleasure. Now he only had to test one thing before he'd know for sure if he could plow her into complete and total submission that'd last even after their encounter. Given the way her lower body pushed back on his cock tip like she was prepared to get this show on the road all on her own, he imagined there was enough fire in this Arcanine to melt her into precisely what he needed. This was a suitable picture of a dark pokemon topping a fire type, at least in his mind.

His grip on her tail tightened. The air surrounding them thickened with her scent, mixing with his own. Under the light of the moon, he'd memorize her scent with his nose pressing up to her cheek before giving it a lick. Of course he had to mind the fire leaving her lips as he'd like to avoid his fur catching fire and unveiling his disguise too early. This very thought would make him wonder if she'd even fight him off of her now that they were like this if she discovered he was a Zoroark instead of an Arcanine. The illusion looked right into her eyes, a similar mask of pleasure written on his face after all of their contact and her direct stimuli being applied to him. This moment of allure and their dance of attraction would come to a close as the very next chapter of their mating would open and his cock plunged all the way to the end of her depths. Almost as if it were all at once, his pointed tip would spearhead his red meat's entry by spreading her very little at first and then allowing the rest of his force to work his way inside of her eager virgin pussy. And to his delight, she didn't seem to recoil in horror or shock as he went right to her depths and her pussy lips kissed the start of his knot.

A low grumble built and escaped up through his throat and then through his own muzzle against the side of her head before he'd lean over her and start to move his bulky masculine frame over the curvy Blaze. His hips drawing toward her further, pressing her insides more as his knot simply couldn't enter her. And then, now with the increased room behind him, he'd pull backward with his lower body, the big red cock following suit as it'd escape her hot tight depths inch by inch. Whether it was his own heat or Blaze's wasn't certain, but the night air appeared visible around their mid-mating sex. Unlike his slow draw backward that was meant to allow his prey to really feel the weight of their act, he'd slam into her rear so hard that his knot would slam her pussy lips and his large sack would slam foward pontentially giving her thighs a good thud with their size and density. And this repeated as he'd draw back and slam foward against her, slower on the draw and harder on the slam. His intent was to move her, to make her feel his power. His own grumbles would turn to real growls from his open mouth as he'd move his head above her own to spare her good Arcanine ears from overexposure to his own voice.

By now, if she weren't completely mentally melted by the sensation of his cockhead slamming to the back of her insides reverberating through her body, she would definitely have the ability to discern the difference between what a male Arcanine should sound like and his dark menacing powerful growls he let loose from his muzzle. Escaping his hand on her tail would surely be difficult, not to mention his superior bulk and advantagous positon over her and the impossible length he had inside her that surely her cunt would suction to regardless of her truest desires, it'd all add up to her disadvantage should she choose to escape from under him now. Either way, he was confident in his odds of remaining ontop of her until they'd finish. Though, when this bright colored beauty would climax was surely a mystery granted that he was well aware of her virginity that he had stolen by now.

There really wasn't a way to argue that she had consent to this act through the sheer trickery he had employed, and he drew even more pleasure from plowing her with this knowledge. Being a Dark pokemon lent him that sort of desire, that sort of personality. Each slam was followed by another pull backwards, each demonstrating his immense practice and muscle memory with this very act as he left no room for his cock to be pushed out from her even if she suddenly pulled forward and away from his mighty shaft. However, he knew he shouldn't hold back from what he can really do over her, especially if the window of decieving her really was coming close to an end. And just like that, with a sudden switch, he'd lean over her just a little more with his hand from her throat pressing into the ground above her head and his claws digging into that ground. With the full force of his lower body and his strong hand on the base of her tail pulling her into it, he'd repeatedly slam over seven inches of his cock into her like a machine gun. So fast that every time he'd grunt and grumble he'd actually interrupt a mid-growl sound to do it as he was moving faster than even his mind could keep up with and the powerful thrusts leading into her and then in a slight upward curve had rocked them and the ground beneath them so hard that his claws left deep cuts even into the hard ground that splintered as though he were performing mini-earthquakes with his slam into her. His shapeshifted cock was too large to permit even the beginning of his knot inside her, though he had a clever plan to make it possible to fit it into her without fail. His massive sack swelled in preperation, his cock tip couldn't possibly keep the very hot pre from rolling into her anyway. The creamy and hot seed was very quickly painted over every inch of her insides as it quickly left a warm white glaze to his cock and around her pussy lips which grew and then dripped off from them to the ground with his every movmement.

Their mating could sincerely go on, having already lasted a mere ten minutes. Though, with his heart racing and the fun he was having with Blaze, it felt like they had only just begun. Perhaps if she could last as long as he could(if he really wanted too) then they most certainly were just starting. Though, he had some plans for that spunky trainer of her's who was equally as womanly gifted. So, he was eagerly thursting into her again and again with such force with coordinated efforts to make her climax as hard and as fast as possible. He surely wouldn't stop until she'd completely surrender. If one massive climax wouldn't do, he simply wouldn't stop there. Zoroark had his menacing plans. To succeed fully, he'd have to win this Arcanine's heart and body over after melting away her rationality. He'd have to write the addiction to his cock deep witin her in a place that no Hypno could ever possibly reach. After all, he was currently competing with what appeared to be quite the extensive friendship. Trainers that trusted their pokemon to the extent he could observe with Blaze was quite rare in his eyes.
The feeling of a swelling knot against her hot slit made her tongue escape her maw as she closed her eyes to feel it hit against her cunt in attempts to push itself inside to lock them together. However, her little cunt was so tight from not being in use, that it work take some effort to actually allow it inside of her. A low grumble rumbled in her throat as she felt his cock slowly pulling itself from her warm pussy. He was freeing his cock from her so slowly that Blaze could feel every detail of his cock as her pussy struggled to keep it inside of her with it attempting to grip around it even tighter. Feeling it slide out of her almost felt better then feeling it push in if it wasn't for the empty feeling it left her once his girth had stopped stretching her once it freed itself. In just that short amount of time that it was out of her, Blaze felt herself whine as her claws flexed impatiently into the ground. The fur around her plush thighs were becoming flat and wet from her own wet sex as her tail wagged excitedly in his hand to feel him push himself inside of her once more. Her breath had become so heated that puffs of steam began to escape her maw as she panted hotly for the male to take her as she looked at him over her shoulder with desperate and hungry eyes. Suddenly and without warning, the male thrust himself so hard inside of her that Blaze was nearly knocked off balance and had to dig harder into the ground to keep herself in position. A little burst of flame burst from her maw as she let out a pleasure roar as she felt his heavy balls slam against her thighs as his cock forced her sex wide open again making her entire body scream in delight and pleasure as her hips bucked up against him as though she was begging him to mate her more. With every draw and thrust, Blaze let out a little whine, similar to a human moan as she closed her eyes to enjoy every single sensation of his cock fucking her tight little cunt.

The sounds he began to make however were a bit off. While she hadn't met many males, she's never heard any of her kind make the same kind of sounds as him. If she hadn't been so needy with heat then maybe she would of picked up on it sooner or suspected more of the male once she heard his voice. Yet, his dark and menacing growls only added onto her pleasure. She felt her fur rise with chills running down her spine with every strange sounding growl he let out. One thing was sure though, Blaze was losing confidence that the male was what he appeared to be. A part of her suspected that she had fallen prey to a clever trick to get her to mate with him, but another part of her just didn't care. Despite realizing what might have been at play here, she couldn't find it in her to pull away or try to turn on him at this point. Her needy cunt wouldn't let her. She could turn on him and bit his neck, but the feeling of his fat, meaty cock slamming into her cunt over and over again just felt so good to feel that Blaze herself was tempted to attempt to over power him to take what she wanted from him as hard and as quickly as she wanted, but her body refused to let her risk ruining this pleasure filled moment as her ears could hear the deep wet claps of their sexes meeting and his heavy balls slapping her thighs with every thrust he forced into her. Besides, his position over her prevented her from getting a good strike or hold on him with his larger and more powerful body looming over her own as he fucked her. So, instead of fighting him, Blaze took every inch of his thick cock with little resistance as her own body betrayed her to lust and heat.

By the way his hips were so well practiced, Blaze doubted she was the first of the females he had tricked into mating with him, but in a way, Blaze found herself unable to complain about it purely because of how good he was fucking her. It almost made the trickery worth getting caught into just to feel a thick, meaty red cock finally make her virgin cunt sing with pleasure. Every time she attempted to fight her lust by moving her upper body away to pull her hips away from his, the male would easily make up the room again just by pulling himself into her again with strong hips and powerful hands keeping a grip on her. Suddenly, Blaze felt her entire upper body be forced to the ground as he let go of her throat to push his own hands into the ground. It felt like her lower body was being lifted up higher into the air as he fucked her cunt as he used the grip on her tail to pull her harder into his thrusts that pushed the every single inch of his cock inside of her, hitting the back of her womb over and over again with his pointed tip. Blaze was nearly breathless as she felt the male slam into her so quickly and rapidly it shook her whole body as she felt her own cunt squeeze the cock that slammed rapidly into her. Her own claws dug into the hard ground, cracks forming around them in response in a similar fashion as the male's own claws. Her tongue freed itself from her jaws feeling hot pre-cum coating every inch of her walls and starting to run down her thighs as it prepared her for the male to release his hot seed into her and possibly even breed her.

Blaze's heart pounded in her chest as her cunt started to squeeze around him even tighter in attempts to milk him for his cum instinctively as her own stomach started to grow so tight it almost hurt her. She knew what was going to happen soon for she could tell her male was going to experience the same thing every soon, but Blaze couldn't keep her own under control anymore. Her hind legs dug hard into the ground as her back arched in pleasure. A howl escaped her maw as she felt a rush of her own cum started to coat all over the male's pounding cock. Her thighs quickly became wet with cum as she tried to keep her strength up despite her legs starting to shake underneath her weight. She wanted to be able to fight off the male if he turned out to truly be what she suspected him to be, but with the tiredness of the day in whole along with this intense act for her first time mating, Blaze doubted she would have the strength or energy to fight off even a Caterpie at this point. She had no choice anymore. Without Emily here to help her, Blaze was useless to prevent what the male was about to do to her. One of these thrusts were going to fill her womb with cum and possibly even make her belly swell with a egg of their own making. Yet, Blaze couldn't say that she didn't want to feel his hot, thick, ropes of cum filling up her insides at this point with it being so near.
The Zoroark delighted in the heat escaping the female Arcanine's maw. He did once worry that the truest way to get into this human lover's head was going to be treating her like a growlithe. Though, luckily, their exchange here definitely disprove that theory as his monstrous mating organ brought her mighty yet graceful form to a wonderful orgasm that even he didn't predict. Awestruck, the Zoroark let his disguise melt away as he buried his sly face into her neck and laid over her. This was bait in the truest form imaginable. And yet, he was almost too sure she'd fall for it while his hips continued to hump her rear-end even after her juices littered the ground beneath them.

With his body so close to her own the scent of his purely malicious form could soak over her with no filter. And it'd be impossible to miss out on the numerous benefits that Blaze could dutifully deliver to her human by learning how to track this mighty beast at will. Simultaneously, his grip on her tail tightened and pulled upward as his lower body forced his continued penetration of her weakened and overly stimulated form. Dominance, like it was his birthright to make her feel this way. As though no other male on the planet could do her quite like he could. And perhaps there was a modicum of truth to that. However, the precise moment where it would all pay off had now come.

One wretchedly powerful thrust later, the Zoroark would force his knot within the Arcanine. And on que, his pointed tip pressed to her deepest point and even arched upward as it was forced to accommodate that extra room for his knot to fit. Despite that added layer of sensation, being spread as though he were operating with a new and thicker tool, it would all be drowned out. The hottest, thickest sperm rushed from his heavy balls that now pressed to her thighs. Up and through his huge red meat that spread her so efficiently that the difference in it's thickness as it delivered his seed was almost immediately obvious. Like a hose delivering an instant pregnancy milkshake that was gooey and molten straight into a tiny area made even less available by what he managed to shove into her, he filled her insides as he leaned over her and lied against her.

His knot kept it all trapped within, something that thick couldn't be removed without a joint effort on their part and he wasn't ready to let her off the hook yet. He wanted to give her instincts a chance to really memorize this scent and attribute it to her proper baby daddy. The unmatched and dubious, powerful and sinister Zoroark they intended to defeat and capture. And it was all there for her powerful nose to accurately record. The scent of her defeat marked by her orgasm that only masked the hearty musk of his seed that also met the floor, her thighs, lubricated her cunt and has properly occupied her mating chamber like a full belly. The way he held her tail, made his body contact her own and buried his nose into the back of her neck to make intimate kisses and learn her scent, all could also be included as influences on the way he intended to teach her his place over her.

Whether his plan would work or not depended on the staying power of this influence he wanted to have over her. She could just as easily shrug this off as a fling, he didn't know if that Arcanine loyalty extended to life long mating partners or not. Either way, he had a good time fertilizing this righteously ready to breed Arcanine's egg. He'd release her tail as he wrapped both arms around her and gave her cheek a lick. With his arms around her body, his knot in her, and his body over her own, retaliation was probably difficult. Though, a far cry from impossible.
Blaze was dazed in the high of her own orgasm when she looked out of the corner of her eye at the feeling of his face nuzzling into her neck to see the male's form had melted away into something completely different. Her fears and suspicions were confirmed when the red, black, and orange fur of an Arcanine had turned black and red. While she couldn't see all of him, the fur alone and the feeling of his face shifting shape against her neck was enough to let her know that she had found what she was looking for all along. A little bit of shame washed over her knowing she had fallen victim to the dark pokemon's tricks, but at the same time, she couldn't find it in herself to pull away from him too much. His cock still hadn't filled her womb yet and despite learning the fact she wasn't mating with another Arcanine, her body still wanted his warm seed to breed her. A part of her wanted to pull away and bite him while he was vulnerable to present him to her beloved Emily, yet, she couldn't find the strength to actually free herself from his hold and his thrusting cock. If anything, her hips only bucked back into him in attempts to help his knot push inside of her. It felt wrong to pull away from him now, especially since her instincts began to tell her that she didn't have the right to. That he was dominate over her and he was free to do whatever he wanted to her. Blaze knew she could probably take him on, but after the rapid, hard thrusts keeping her low as he loomed over her, her body felt nothing but obedience for the Zoroark, even after he revealed his true form.

Her thoughts began to wonder over to Emily, her sweet trainer. The cock that was fucking her made her feel so good, so alive, that she couldn't help, but want Emily to feel the same thing. Emily worked so hard and showed so much love to every Pokemon she captured. Blaze knew for a fact that Emily was just as pure as Blaze was. It wasn't like Emily wasn't interested in potential mates since Blaze had caught her admiring other trainers before, but her determination to fulfill her dreams had prevented her from delving into the world of pleasure she could have been feeling for a long time now. Blaze has seen other trainers come up to her and whisper things into her ear before that made her face turn red and made her words come out in stutters. Yet, she always said no to them for one reason or another, mostly because they were distracting her from something she was after. However, now that Blaze was feeling what a fat, monstrous, cock felt like pounding into her pussy, she couldn't feel like a good friend knowing that she got to feel the ultimate pleasure while her hard working trainer didn't. That was when Blaze decided that the Zoroark should be delivered to her trainer, just not in between her sharp teeth like she originally planned.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a powerful thrust against her, force his massive knot inside of her cunt. She let out a pleasured roar feeling her sex having to stretch to it limits just to fit him inside of her. Her back arched, making her hips push more up into him as her hind legs readjusted to keep her firmly in place as she knew his orgasm was quickly approaching. Blaze let out a heated roar feeling his thick, hot cum shoot itself into her eager cunt. She could feel his heavy balls against her thighs, releasing his load inside of her. Blaze nearly stopped breathing as she felt his cum fill the back of her womb and then some easily. She could feel her belly extending from the sheer amount of hot cum that filled her as though an egg had already immediately started to form inside of her. If there was any doubt that Blaze would be able to walk away without a baby in her belly, it was dashed away the moment she felt the incredible amount of cum the Zoroark's dick was releasing inside of her. Her whole body felt warmer, especially around her cunt and stomach from the massive load that remained inside of her, held inside by the knot the Zoroark somehow managed to push inside of her. Her legs shook as she tried to keep herself in position, but with such intense orgasms being made, she wasn't sure how long she would be able to keep them up as fatigue and submission began to influence her body. Blaze wasn't even sure if she could defend Emily anyway against the Zoroark at this point if he went after her next. She wouldn't even try to anyway, the Zoroark had made himself dominate over her and besides, with the charms and cock that he possessed, she was sure Emily wouldn't be able to say no to him either.

The scents of heat, sex, and cum filled the air around them along with the Zoroark's own scent. It was all so heavy that Blaze couldn't even smell the forest or the grass anymore. It was just them she could smell and the act they had just committed. Blaze could feel his seed leaking out of her cunt even with his knot inside of her. There was just too much that even his knot couldn't hold in all of it. She could feel it running down her thighs and the pussy lips in a way that almost made her want to go again, but knew she was far too tired to do it anymore. His hand still holding onto the base of her massive tail and his nose taking in her scent made her feel even more submissive. He was taking in her scent as he marked her with his own. Where ever she went from now on, she would have his scent on her too, giving away the fact that Blaze had mated before. Blaze let out little submissive grunts and whines to show him that she had no intentions of turning on him the second he pulled from her. An overwhelming urge to protect the Zoroark overwhelmed her and nearly grew to the extent that she felt for Emily. Even if she wanted to fight him, she wouldn't be able to. Her loyalty to him had been made through their mating act. If Emily called for her aid against him, she would be torn, but ultimately Emily would win, but it would be a mighty difficult task for her to go through. The base of her tail was slightly sore once his hand let go of it, but the feeling of his arms wrapped around her and the lick on her cheek he gave her was enough for her to ignore it. Blaze returned the lick and gave him a loving little growl that still showed he was dominate over her as her tail wagged a bit behind her.
The moon's light wasn't enough to restore any given man or pokemon's energy completely after such a primal mating sequence between the Zoroark and Blaze. Had this beast above her been any normal pokemon, he'd surely be losing consciousness after unloading such a massive load and his steller performance. Just like the trainer told Blaze and her human partner before they entered these woods: They weren't going to be dealing with an average creature. Like a jogger who runs for hours every day. Their first day wasn't nearly as easy as their last. And it helped Zoroark that Blaze's sounds and reactions were all pleasant after he impregnated her. He'd let himself grow lost in her sounds, the way she responded to his tongue running along the fur of her cheek. It was all wonderful. For even just a moment, Zoroark let the idea of further ingraining himself into their lives just flood his evil brain. That way he could make them make these sounds every night, or whenever he wanted too. He could finally do his part as a prolific father to finally lend a hand in raising his wee lil pokemon that he bred with Blaze just now. It was a tender concept that actually served to lower his overall affinity for his signature dark pulse attack for just a moment.

Zoroark's arms slipped back down Blaze's body before his hands could take to her hips and turn her onto her left side with his knot still inside her. This way, he hand access to her front without having to be a contortionist. He'd lay over her again, this time with his lower body pressed against her own and his back arched a bit, bringing his face to her bust. However, he didn't bury his face into her right away. Like this, she'd be capable of taking in the sight of mate being over her, her perfect body and breasts nearly shadowed by his strong dark furred body. What'd come immediately next would be his eyes slowly closing gently shut just before he'd bring his nose to the fluff of fur above or between Blaze's breasts before sniffing lightly for her scent and brushing her adoringly in this spot. This took place all while his knot continued to fail to keep the sheer max load of sperm inside her stomach, the hot egg-making milk ran out all around his groin, her leg, and the ground. In this position, her tail wouldn't be laid on and wouldn't be disrupted by his lean, tall body.

His intimacy wouldn't end here, his own smaller tail quite visibly slanking from side to side from behind his mess of exotic hair. As his nuzzling stopped, his eyes would slowly open with his line of sight clearly being set on Blaze's own eyes. As his head raised, he pressed the tip of his long tongue to her collar bone before running the hot, wet, intentful tongue up over her throat. Before he'd get to her chin, the tip of his tongue would leave her neck and return to beneath her collar bone in order to repeat this. Again, and again, for at least ten times he slowly drew wet lines in her fur along her colloar bones and throat without necessarily drawing over exactly the same spot over and over. As he finished doing this, a puff of hot breath left his mouth and his eyes shut into an open-mouthed expression of delight. While his sharp features and striking details paired with the black and red colors surely marked him as a dangerous and unruly pokemon from the get-go, he certainly didn't strike her when she was vulnerable beneath him.

Pressing his paws into the ground on each side of her head, he began to pull his lower body backward from her rear in slow but progressively harsher movements. While it may have been a confusing action at first, the way his bulbous knot would tease and test her sex would surely make his intent obvious. He'd probably have more success by pressing his upper body against her own and using his arms to try to leverage her body away from his tugs, but he didn't mind if this took a little longer than it needed to. In a way, being bound to Blaze was hardly the worst possible outcome of this encounter. And it was hardly as if Blaze was the worst pokemon to be knotted too. Unless she had a sudden morbid inquiry about what a slow-baked Zoroark would smell like. She was, after all, an Arcanine and her body could most certainly raise to heat levels he just simply wasn't going to be able to withstand. And knowing all of this, Zoroark still took his sweet time just teasing her with the concept of pulling out of her without putting forward the effort to actually get it done quickly. He was having his fun.
Blaze could already feel herself growing attached to the Zoroark that mounted her. Her natural sense of loyalty through friendships and mating had kicked in the second he pushed himself inside of her, but the way his claws roamed her body and his tongue licked her made her growl happily. Zoroark had a charm to him that made it even harder for her to dislike the beast. She knew coming in that he was unlike the others of his kind, but never did she think he could charm her so easily into submission. If she had been wild, then maybe she would even go to the extent of following him around, but she still had Emily, and she wouldn't trade Emily for anything in the world. However, she couldn't deny that the Zoroark had his ways of making her less eager to turn on him. The feeling of his claws slipping down her body made her fur raise up a bit in a non-threatened fashion before feeling them on her hips. For a moment, she expect the Zoroark to start pumping away at her again, but he instead guided her into a nice position where she was able to look up at him with the moonlight reflecting beautifully off his black and red fur. The feeling of the soft grass against one side of her warm, tired body and the soft fur and warmth of her mate on the other was almost as comforting as Emily cuddling up to her to rest. She knew that his knot would keep them connected for awhile and probably moved their positions to make the wait a be a bit more comfortable, which Blaze definitely couldn't complain about since even her strong hind legs were beginning to shake under the weight and fatigue that was starting to settle in. Blaze could see her new mate now in full as his face grew to the same level as her plush breasts. Her ear twitched and her eyes studied him curiously at the sight of him. He truly was a handsome beast even in this form. The way his fur fluffed out completely untamed was oddly charming and cute while his sharp features were quite stunning to look upon. Arcanine or not, this Zoroark was handsome and charming enough to win anyone's heart in a single glance. Her heart fluttered a bit feeling his nose grow close to the fluff above her breasts to take in her scent and brushing her adoringly. He was quickly on his way to stealing her heart as she brought her lips to the tips of his long, pointed ears and giving them a playful nibble before pushing her own nose into the wild mess of fur near them to take in his scent as well.

Blaze could feel more warmth running down her thighs and onto the grass near her sex. Her tail, now completely freed started to gently wag in enjoyment of it all. His scent, the softness of his fur against her's, his cock still firmly pushed inside of her, the warm cum running down her legs shamelessly was enough to put her in a dream like calm. When she felt his nuzzling stop, Blaze pulled back to meet his eyes with her own and curiously tilted her head to the side as he brought himself up a little higher. The warmth of his tongue against her fur was a bit of a surprise at first, but she quickly let a little pleased growl rumble in her throat as his tongue ran up her fur. Her eyes fell half-way closed when she felt his tongue reach her neck, slightly lifting her head up to expose more of her neck to him to enjoy before slowly closing her eyes fully to enjoy the loving grooming. Her hands rose up from her sides to wrap around his shoulders, holding onto him as she felt his warm, wet tongue running up her neck in the most comforting way. She was risking endangerment by exposing her neck to him, but Blaze didn't think he would do anything to her at this point. If he had malicious intentions, he would of striked after he was done with her. His natural colors did make him look more of an aggressive and striking type of Pokemon, but from what she's experienced so far, he was actually quite gentle with her and showed no signs of aggression. A soft series of thuds could be heard behind her as her tail picked up a bit in pace of its wagging, slightly disrupting the grass behind her. His puff of hot breath against her newly wet fur made a little shiver run down her spine, but she enjoyed the sensation nonetheless.

Her eyes opened again slowly when her ear caught onto the sounds of grass crunching on either side of her head to see a pair of strong arms on either side of her vision. A little surprised whine escaped her feeling a little tugging down in her sex. It didn't hurt, but just simply surprised her. At first, she suspect the male was wanting to go at her again, but it wasn't hard for her to realize what he was doing. His hip movements weren't like before, but it did stimulate her in a similar fashion. Her used cunt was sensitive from the recent mating ritual so his knot tugging against her entrance in a attempt to pull out of her did make her growl in a bit of pleasure. It wasn't so much so as when he was going into her, but it was hard to keep herself quiet while he tried to ease himself out of her, especially when he made a particularly harsh movement. She would let out a little whine here and there, along with a little growl or two, but only making any real noise when he made a harsher movement and her sensitive, overfilled cunt buzzed in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Her hands ran down to his upper arms instead to make sure she couldn't hinder him from the process, giving her a moment to look up at him. Really, if she wanted to, it would be so easy to hurt him while they were connected like this. As a fire type, she was able to increase her body heat whenever needed, especially after learning Overheat. A dark type like him would get burned just from the slightest touch and more so while he was inside of her. A male Arcanine would have no problem with this, but a Zoroark wouldn't be able to stand it, especially while he was knotted to her, but she couldn't stand the thought of it at this point. If it wasn't the loyalty she had for him now, she might of done it, it would surely make it easier to present him to Emily, but she wanted Emily to feel the pleasure that she got to experience and if the Zoroark was too injured to perform then it wouldn't work out in her full favor. Sure, she would of gotten Emily the Pokemon she wanted, but not the pleasure she needed.
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