Mx Female Radriar's Roleplay Requests! (Reduced and Revamped)


Aug 22, 2017

New Plot: Sketchy Lessons

General information
  • Ratio for smut to plot depends on the type of rp. Short terms tend to be really steamy so there's no need to discuss about that. As for long-term, maybe around 20/80 minimum with plot as the higher number.
  • Quality over quantity. I do try to mirror my partner's posting length but I am capable of writing between 1-5 paragraphs depending on the scene.
  • I'll be able to check the roleplay everyday, but I can't promise that I'll be able to reply just as much. I'll still try to get one out per day, but it's not set in stone.
  • I have my life outside of BMR and you have yours. If I don't reply in a few days, feel free to leave a message!
  • I will only do MxF pairings.
  • As for my kinks and sexual preferences, you can find them here! If it's in the no part, then it is a no for me.
  • I prefer my characters to be older than my partner's ones, but not a number too big. The age for my character's counterpart should still abide by the site rules so anything younger than 15 is a no.
  • Kindly send me a pm if you are interested. I would prefer to keep this thread clean. Thank you.
Favorite Kinks
  • Roughness
  • Size differences
  • Large cocks
  • Extreme Tightness
  • Corruption
  • Excessive cum
Full list: f-list

General Pairings
  • Siblings/Step siblings
  • Cousins
  • Coworkers
  • Cheating
  • Roommates (I have a rough idea with this one, let me know if you want to hear it)
  • Teacher • Student
  • Boss • Employee
  • God/Demigod • Human
  • Supernatural/Mythical being • Human
  • Best friends
  • Royalty • Knight/Servant
  • Strangers
Plots and ideas that I have:

"What are you?!?!" (Fantasy, medieval or modern)
  • My character has been a traveler for as long as he could remember, not because it was his passion to do so but rather because of the unfortunate circumstance he was put in. You see, he was a half breed between a human and a demon with his demonic blood coming from his mother's side. He could not be accepted in her mother's unholy place as he was not pure, and so he was raised by his father and tried his best to give my character a simple and happy life.

    However, word got out on their town that my character was a demon spawn, and the pressure of the townsfolk became too much for them to bear. During one of his days as an adolescent, the situation escalated to the point that his life was being threatened. The family had to move as far away from the town immediately and start from scratch at a distant land. As the years past, he eventually learned to control his demonic powers at will, allowing him to blend within the human society without a hitch. However, the royal family took notice of his feats as they got word of a citizen with an impressive physique after a run in with a band of bandits that was left beaten and empty handed, and they needed someone who can show as the family's protector. After being contacted by the guards of the hold and taken to the castle, he was employed to be part of the royal family guards, appointed specifically to protect the future of their kingdom, their daughter...

"They want us to do what?!?!" (From the movie: Nerve, modern)
  • If you do not know what the movie is, then I'll give you a short summary. Basically, it's an online dare game where participants perform specific acts appearing on their app and livestream it. Only people who have access to it can watch the players, and when players successfully follow the act, they are rewarded with cash depending on the difficulty of the said act.

    There are no specific roles or setting in this plot, our characters can be siblings, roommates, friends, coworkers etc.. I prefer if we discuss it in PMs if you like this idea.

"How can I help?" (Modern, Slice of Life, probably short term)
  • This is something that I picked up from a request thread a while back so if whoever thought of this plot sees this, I'm asking for your permission to have this here. Anyway, this is unlike my first two plots that gives you full freedom to create your own character situation. This time, it's your character that has one.

    For all of her life, she had been sucking her thumb. She tried to stop before. Hot sauce, horrible tasting pastes, mouth contraptions. She tried it all but nothing worked. Her dentist told her it would start to fuck up her teeth again if she didn't stop and she was becoming desperate. All she needed was something to keep her mouth occupied at night.

    Our characters can be any of our choosing. Siblings, cousins, best friends, roommates. Due to the nature of the plot, this will more than likely be short term unless you come up with something to extend it.

"Cabin fever" (Slice of life, modern, short term but can turn into a long one)
  • This is my go-to setting when I'm feeling extremely smutty so you can expect a pretty big ratio on that regard. The main pairing here would be best friends but it could change if you convince me, which by the way, doesn't take much! The roles can be swapped for something different as well if the best friends pairing doesn't resonate with you.

    His family had planned this vacation trip for so long to escape the impending heat wave that normally descends into their town every year, and he wasn't going to let his best friend suffer alongside everyone else. Their families have been a tight bunch for a long time but they had their own plans. With a little convincing, he managed to pull her to his family's own trip. But day by day, each one of them had to cancel due to bad luck and unforeseen circumstances until the only members left are the two best buds. The payment had already been made and the two were adamant to escape the local town with the heat coming to it. What they don't know is that a different heat will end up finding them one way or another.

"Sketchy Lessons" (Slice of life, modern, can be either short or long term)
  • A new one! Going to be a college setting with YC and MC being strangers for the most part. The story can go either pretty smutty or pretty story-heavy depending on the scenarios we decide to move the RP.

    She thought being an art student would be a breeze, choosing this art degree to try and be more laid back as she went through college, perfect for her shy and quiet personality. But it seems that this college brings in quite the artists, making the environment quite competitive in the beginning of the semester even. Whoever the professor chooses to be the best becomes the baseline for the highest score, and any art judged below will always have a lower score. A few weeks into it and she has felt the stress of the competition even more, not to mention the class just transitioned into human subjects for their reference. She has drawn people before, but not to an extent where every detail mattered. As expected, she struggled with her first attempt drawing the man in front of the class, and it did not help with her being distracted by his large and chiseled frame. As soon as her classes were over, she headed back to her apartment wanting to sulk. Before she could open the door to her room, her eyes caught a familiar glimpse; the subject from her art class standing behind her. He lives here! Will she take advantage of the situation to hone her skills? Perhaps the man can teach her something more than just being able to draw well. Who knows?

Thank you for visiting my request thread and have a nice day!
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