Rie's Tiny Treasure Trove of Enticing Ideas [FxM]

Rie Seraphina

Apr 9, 2018
Did the title catch your attention? Hopefully it did. It was hard thinking up of a good one.

Hey there, thanks for checking out my thread. You may call me Rie, I’ve been roleplaying for about 7 years and I’m currently looking for some creative, literate partners to roleplay with.

I first started roleplaying on Facebook, and then slowly transited to Tumblr when the RP community on FB started dwindling away. It was pretty upsetting as I had lots of fun (and good memories) there but oh well... Things happen, I suppose. Tumblr was pretty amazing too but as time went by, the number of literate, quality roleplayers dropped by a ton. I decided to take a hiatus for a bit, and then happened to chance upon BMR.

Unfortunately, I didn't get much of a chance to fully delve into BMR back then as life got in the way but hey, better late than never right? ;)

So, without further ado,

♙ The Appetizer ♙​


Important things to note

  • My writing style is in third person, past tense, 1+ paragraphs. I have a bit of a tendency to match my partner’s length but if I'm really motivated and into the rp though, I can honestly go on and on and on and on...

  • I RP via PM, threads, Discord and email. The first two being a preference!

  • Though I may not be extremely strict on literacy, I do expect decent grammar and writing. (Please take the time to proofread your replies before sending it over too. Typos, weird sentences and errors appearing every now and then is absolutely understandable, but it does get a bit much when it happens consistently.)

  • I’m pretty laid-back when it comes to post frequencies. I don’t mind if you’re someone who replies within a day, or someone who replies only once a week. I personally have an erratic schedule and therefore, there’ll be times when I can respond two to three times a week, and times when I can only reply once a week. Nonetheless, I'll always let you know beforehand if I need a bit more time.

  • I currently do MxF pairings only, with me playing the female role. I've tried playing a male character before but unfortunately, I don't feel I do the role any justice.

  • I strongly prefer playing characters that are twenty and above, but if I had to play someone younger than that, the lowest I'd go is probably only eighteen or nineteen. I don't do age gaps which exceed 10 years too.

  • No one liners please! I appreciate a partner who puts in as much effort as I do. You don’t have to match me and I'm not the kind to have some sort of length requirement, but please try your best. It'll make me incredibly happy and motivated to respond back ASAP.

  • No godmodding. If you do this, I’ll /unfortunately/ have to end the RP.

  • “There is no ‘I’ in ‘Team’. “ Cliche, but accurate.

    When it comes to fleshing out the storyline, I expect the both of us to plot and exchange ideas. Don't leave it solely up to me because where's the fun in that, amirite? If we're going to start a lil world reserved only for us, then it'd only make sense for us to create it together.

  • I adore chatting and plotting with my partners so if you’d ever like to converse OOC about ideas, plots or RP feels with me, go right ahead. The only thing I ask is that we don't get too RL personal with one another, especially not when we've only known each other for a day or two. Please respect my privacy as I would yours.

  • You can check out my Turn Ons/Turn Offs at: https://www.f-list.net/c/blauerossen

  • When it comes to my limits, please don't ask me to try anything that's in my “No” section though. They were added there for a reason and I’d sincerely appreciate it if you could respect that.

  • If any of my plot interests you, do add in the number (e.g “#02”) somewhere in your title.

  • If none of my ideas interest you but you see a pairing/theme you fancy below and have a plot idea, feel free to send me a message! I’m always open to new ideas. Please specify what you’re interested in and/or let me know what you idea is though. It’ll save us much more time than if you were to send me a mere, “Hey, free to RP?” or “I’m interested and have an idea. Can we roleplay?”.

♙ The Main Course ♙​


Themes & Pairings


  • Psychological Thriller / Torment
  • Corruption
  • Dark/Twisted Themes
  • Romance
  • Smut
  • Crime/Mafia related stories
  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Slice of Life
  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Fantasy
  • Sci-Fi
  • Medieval
  • Edo Period

PAIRINGS (Bold = Current craving):

  • Survivor x Survivor (Post-apocalyptic setting)
  • Android x Human
  • Kidnapper x Victim
  • Criminal x Criminal
  • DemiGod x Human
  • Prince x Princess
  • Butler x Princess/heiress
  • Bodyguard x Heiress
  • Spy/Assassin x Spy/Assassin
  • Spy/Assassin x Cop
  • Assassin x Target
  • Cop x Criminal
  • Teacher x Student
  • Mythical/Supernatural being x Human
  • Master x Slave
  • Student x Student
  • Boss x Employee
  • + more. (Can’t think of anything else, currently. Will update when I do.)

♙ Dessert, Anyone? ♙​


Plot Ideas (More will be added soon.)

The roles in these plots can be reversed unless stated otherwise, and I don’t write much about my partner’s character’s background as I prefer to leave those lovely parts up to them. :) :

#01: Champagne Kisses, Burning Bridges | Psychological Thriller / Master x Slave (heavily inspired by Jiwook and Joonhoon’s relationship from ATEOTR || Current craving):

When my character’s father decided to remarry, it was a scary change. She didn't know how things would go but upon getting to know her step-mother and bonding with her step-sibling, things didn't seem so bad. Her step-sister, in particular, seemed to have much in common with her, and it came to a point where they were once almost inseparable. But as time went by though, she started noticing some 'changes'.

Her father’s once undying love and attention towards her seemed to be halved now, and the people that surrounded them started comparing her to her step-sister.

She tried to brush it off at the beginning— simply pretending not to notice whenever it happened during functions they'd attend but eventually, feelings of dissatisfaction and envy slowly arose.
She didn't understand what was it that had set her apart from her step-sister. Was she simply not trying hard enough at everything? Or was this just a simple game of favoritism? As the hatred and bitterness grew within her, she found herself going astray — hanging out with the rebellious crowd and venturing into places she shouldn’t be going to.

This is where she’d encounter your character. (We can definitely change or alter him if you had other character ideas in mind but personally, I envision him to be someone who's surrounded by people that both respect and fear him. They’re attracted to his allure and charm, as well as his strong and authoritative presence but they also fear him due to his dark and twisted nature. He might be someone who's good with words, enabling him to be friends with socialites/businessmen and those from the underground society. He's probably someone who's cunning, intelligent and extremely twisted.)

Upon meeting one another, he could see her as an interesting subject; a possible new "pawn" whom he could control and make use of until he got bored of her.

She in turn could find him maddening but entrancing, a person she keeps on going back to despite his wicked ways. [Do keep in mind that I don't plan to make her a willing submissive. She's usually pretty aloof and provocative; having a sly and complex mind just like his. She only really submits when 1) he leaves her no other option or 2) she feels vulnerable/emotional or so.]

Whether they eventually fall in love or are forever stuck in this cat-and-mouse game is entirely up to us but basically, they're two hollow-hearted characters trapped in a complicated relationship.


#02: A Bittersweet Symphony. | Fantasy or Criminal Organization:
I recently revisited an old favorite movie of mine called Shinobi, and was tempted to create an idea similar to it.

Your character is the son of clan A’s boss and mine, clan B’s. The two groups which were once rivals decides to form an alliance. The reason can be as simple as them feeling they’d be better off ending their feud, or it can be that another clan is coming up, and they think said group is going to be a huge threat to them all.

After much discussion, the two leaders decide that the best way to end their feud and establish their new found alliance is to have an arranged relationship/marriage between their children.

We can honestly go many ways with this plot. It can be a lighthearted one where two characters who used to despise each other slowly fall for one another, or it can be full of chaos where family conflict, betrayal, etc.. takes place. Anything goes with this idea, really.


#03: Hit, Run, Rest. | Post-Apocalyptic:

Ever since the terrifying zombie outbreak occurred, my character has been on the move; raiding every house/building she passes by, and avoiding any possible encounter with other survivors. However, a bad fall and an injured arm has her desperately seeking for shelter.

How she meets your character is entirely up to us/you. He can be another survivor who happens to chance upon her somewhere, or he can be hiding out in a house/place that she decides to check out. He can even be a leader or “governor” of some sort who ends up finding her wandering near their base.


#04: Yours, For One Night Only. | Edo Period:

This would probably take place in the 17th century where Yoshiwara still existed. My character would either be an apprentice or a high ranking courtesan working at Yoshiwara, and your character can be… Anyone you’d like him to be, really.

With a plot like this, the sky’s pretty much the limit. He can be a samurai looking to ‘relax’ after a hard day's work, a ronin wanting to hide from his foes, a foreigner from abroad (I know, I know. Foreigners weren’t exactly welcomed still then but since this is the RP world… Anything can happen. ;) ) or heck, we can even have a wealthy foreigner or feudal lord buy her out out of Yoshiwara and into his household, where other drama/chaos/etc can occur.

Just like #01, the genre/theme for this is flexible.

That’s all from me! Thank you for checking out my post, and please feel free to send me a PM if you’re interested in roleplaying!
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