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A Lesson In Magic [Ama + PinkBunny]


Oct 26, 2016
Isabella McNathy did not understand why in the world she was paired up with the new girl - a transfer, and a muggleborn at that. It was something about helping her integrate better with Hogwarts life, making friends and breaking the stereotypes. The girl was untainted by bias and sometimes that was nice, but the rest of the school wasn't - she wasn't. In fact, Isabella was quite peeved to find that she of all people had to be responsible for the muggleborn's integration - she was Slytherin and pureblood, for fuck's sake. She was enough of a disgrace in their minds simply from being distantly connected to the Weasleys, even though she barely acknowledged their connection to her lineage.

She had a feeling that one of the staff was trying to screw around with her. Yeah, they shared a couple different classes together, but that didn't mean too much. At best it should have meant she was obligated to tutor the girl, Alicia, in things that she might not have been up to speed in thanks to the different education over in America. An even more confusing thing was why the young woman had transferred in the first place - that happened rarely enough to that any time it did happen it drew attention.

Either way it was... eloquently suggested to Isabella that she took Alicia down to Hogsmeade, the village near Hogwarts. She could tell by the way it was said to her that it was more an obligation however. Isa spared a snarky remark to the head of house before walking off, and that day after lunch was served in the great hall she approached Alicia with feigned happiness on her face. If nothing else, she was capable of faking emotion physically. Once she started speaking, though? Well, that was another story.

"Alicia-" she tried to catch the other woman's attention with just one word; the hall had nearly been emptied leaving only stragglers at this point... which was a good thing. Isa hated having to address the muggleborn in front of others. She was in casual clothes at the moment, a plain school-styled sweater over a t-shirt paired with jeans. She was a metamorphmagus, born with the ability to change appearances at will, but only recently had those parts of her genes expressing themself. So far she'd just about grasped the art of changing her hair color, which was currently blue, and was making a mess of gaining control of other features while in private. As she eyed the girl in question, Alicia, she urged the dulled blue in her hair to brighten in to an almost electric shade. "If you want to take a trip it's now or never. I'm going down to Hogsmeade."
Alicia Underwood was at Hogwarts for a peculiar reason. While she had been American, born and raised, up until that summer she had also been human. Over the summer, she and her friends had taken a camping trip. For most of the adventure it was calm, exploring the magical world a bit more than they had ever done, at eats until the fifth night. that i when it happened, a large wolf attacked their camp, and while most of the others had made it out with nothing more than few scratches from branches or rocks they tripped over in the chaos, Alicia had actually been attacked by the canine itself, and once they had gotten back, the ministry of magic had gotten involved.

Originally the idea of changing schools was irritating, Alicia had spent most of her life attending Ilvermorny and now she was being asked, no, she was being told to transfer. The reasoning? Hogwarts was better equipped to deal with lycans. that was a load of crap to her but since she had arrived, it seemed that was the truth. The potions master having been giving her wolf's bane to help with yield the transformation if it came to fruition, and if meant keeping others safe, it was a small price to pay.

Still Hogwarts was not so bad, as she had mad lead seeker on the Grfffindor team, and most people were being very nice to her. Well mos anyway, it seem her heritage just did not sit well with one house in particular. One house that had a student she was now paired up with. Like it or not it seemed that the faculty had purposely force the two to co-exist. One that Alicia did not expect to last long.

"Your hair changed color" Alicia sighed as he approached her peer. While she had never seen another student use a spell to change their appearance prior to Hogwarts, she noticed a few of her house mates have used, enhancing spells, to make them them more appealing to the opposite gender. Alicia never saw the use in that. She figured if someone could not like who you were, they were not worth the effort. That, plus she found her tastes were for the fairer gender. Sure she was still closeted and was not even sure if women were her only taste, but as of late, she found her eyes wandering. Sure she could wait until she finished her studies before dating, but she was also a teenager.

So maybe co-exiting with Isabella would not be the worst situation ever, after all she did find the woman attractive, and even if she just needed to keep something in the back of her mind it would not be the worse. plus Quiidtch had helped her take out a bit of her frustration lately. That plus she was the best seeker the school had seen in years, Which would have been great, had it not been or the fact that she was sort of cheating, suing her now heightened senses to get an advantage.

"Well you are suppose to escort me down there are you not?"
Alicia had dressed much like Isabella, had, though her clothing was more boyish in style. Alicia did envy boys, able to wear comfortable clothes without getting weird looks. In the end Alicia just went with what was comfortable figuring why try to impress anyone, again if they did not like real you, they were not worth the effort, and in the end her friends had no issue with her choice of attire.
Isa's abilities had a tendency of confusing most people at first - metamorphmagus blood was rare, something about recessive genes and blah blah blah. She hadn't really listened much to the background of it, she just knew it was fun when she wasn't accidentally messing something up. She didn't quite have full control of things yet so there had been more than one incident where one of her features had ended up skewed, but luckily she practiced the things she hadn't perfected with a mirror in the privacy of her own bunk - no one even had to know. While Alicia would have seen her with different colored hair before now, Isabella had never switched things up right in front of her - with a smirk on her lips she nodded. She kind of loved catching peoples' attention with her abilities - that was the main reason that she had settled on a bright blue hair color in the first place (excepting for quidditch matches - she didn't care much for the sport but out of house pride she turned her long locks the bright, distinctive Slytherin green). It made her stand out among the crowd with no spells necessary.

Alicia's question, however, made her green eyes roll. If she was capable of rolling them back in to her head, she probably would have. "Yeah, I just said if you wanna go then it's happening now," she replied curtly. Frankly, Isabella hated the way that having to talk to Alicia affected her perception with others - or maybe it barely affected anything more than her own perception of herself. After all, everyone in the dungeons took her grumbling at face value and sympathized that they too would hate to be assigned transfer-watch. Her arms were crossed loosely below her chest, which was a slightly reserved gesture. She did her best to be nice as the potions master had taken points from her house on the basis that she had been too short with Alicia at the very beginning of the year, but at the same time she was uncomfortable with the forced interaction.

Despite that things seemed to be... getting easier, if only barely. While she still had a habit of being a little snappy or snarky at times, they could usually have at least a small, basic conversation. Isa still preferred to do such things in private where there would not be prying eyes, though. "So are you in or not? It's a nice place, you'd probably like it, but I don't know when I'll be going down next."
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