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looking for a partner in crime


Mar 29, 2018
North America
Hello, LunarWolf here,

I have been doing up's for several years now and I am looking for active partners as I am able to respond from either my computer or my phone. While I am active if you don't hear from me after about three days feel free to MESSAGE me and ask I may just be having a case of writers block or I had read the post but forgot to respond or on rare cases I have been sick and haven't even seen the posts yet. If you lose interest or are starting to let me know so we can try and jump start it or figure out something new. If you like longer posts please let me know and have some patience with me I am working on making sure I provide longer posts as well as using not only proper spelling but grammar as well.

While I don't have a K-List on here yet it is a work in progress some things that turn me off right off the bat are incest and easily submissive characters. If we do an RP I will try to work with you on having the character be slightly submissive but having my character fully submissive is not something that I like or want to happen as it leaves me feeling like I have no control over my character I will do my best to make sure this doesn't happen to your character either. Listed below are some plot Ideas as well as general genres and pairings that I like to do but I am open to discussions if it is not listed here. My biggest pet peeve with a partner is making the thread and them not responding. I am not big on PM RP's as they can be hard to remember to respond to but if I like the plot enough and feel that it will go somewhere I will give it a try but please don't assume I will write in a pm simply because that is what you like to do.

Listed under each plot will be a spoiler that can be altered for male characters and the names will be changed as well depending on the gender and my mood at the time.

Real Life

Rich Kid/Poor Kid
(if you need more feel free to ask as these are only a few)

The demons Maid

A demon lives between the demon realm and the human realm in his human home he keeps only one servant an old man. One day he returns to find out the old man has passed on and left the duties of running the house and catering to his will to a young girl whom he found while out doing his food run. The demon decides to let her work since she already knew how to do everything that he asked. One day the demon learns that the house he was using is to be torn down and he decides to take her with to the demon realm. When they get there demon powers that were once dormant awaken in the girl after an incident with her master and she doesn't know the laws of the demon realm or how to control her own powers.

Deep in the woods just outside of a major city stands an old mansion that had been there since the beginning of the city if not earlier not many people remember how long the Mansion has been there and those that do have smartly decided to keep quiet. this Mansion was not owned by some billionaire's family but by an arch-demon of hell who needed a place to go when he wanted to relax or to meet with someone that he didn't want others to know about. the owner of this mansion comes and goes through a door that connects the two worlds somewhere in the house but finding it is nearly impossible if you are not aware that it is hidden by its master. Until. recently the house was cared for by an elderly human male and his young adopted daughter whom he was grooming to take his place when he passed away. over the years the girl grew up into a beautiful young female and after seeing her enter adulthood her father passed away from an illness neither of them knew he had at the time, leaving the caring of the house to her. Even now months after the death of her father the female stilled cared for the house.

Serena stretched as she felt the sunrise, quickly changing into her work uniform which consisted of a plain black skirt and a white dress shirt, her work shoes were sensible flats that she could slide on and off with ease. Serena then tied her knee-length black hair back off of her neck so that she doesn't overheat while cleaning the house and deep cleaning the library as that was the day she had assigned to get is spotless and make sure the books were all in good shape. Following the death of her father only months prior Serena sighed and looked in the direction of his gave and wished him a good morning and then headed down to the main level and then to the west wing of the mansion. For Serena starting there would make it easier as everything was covered in furniture dust covers that simply needed to be changed out and then washed. cleaning that section of the house took her only a few short hours and then she was headed to the east wing of the house and then started at the top floor and worked her way down. Serena passed the door leading to the basement and while she wanted to go down and see what was down there she also knew that it was forbidden and he father had stressed that from day one making it clear that no punishment he could give her would be worse then what their master would do if he caught them down there.

The Cavern

A well-known city cannot simply drop off the face of the earth...can it?
A well known, and popular trade capital has had a very sudden decline, all due to a new king. Or so the people thought. The first few months of this man's rule went well, with a flourishing city, becoming richer by the hour due to the trading of its people and their goods with outsiders. This city was a safe-haven for most, full of peace and life, then things began to change. Slowly, almost un-noticeable, The people saw more of the King's guards roaming the streets, the city's rules being enforced more strictly and the punishments for simple crimes becoming extreme what would once result in a fine now resulted in the person being taken away never to be seen again. Then...people were starting to disappear even those who had committed no crime what so ever. One by one the population of this once grand city vanished. The townspeople had been forcibly located underground, into a system of caverns, forced to become the king's slaves. Forced to mine deep into the earth for valuable resources, that had no use to the people who had once lived above ground in prosperity. These once-happy people have been isolated from everything and everyone, they haven't seen sunlight in ten years. But all of a sudden there have been rumors of a rebellion among the younger workers, but will it be successful? will they be able to overthrow the king? Or will they forever be left underground?

While no one is allowed to leave the caverns one small group of people are allowed they are the females who are able to dance this small group is very special as they have to pass a surprising number of tests just to be accepted into the group let alone allowed to dance for the king and his people. the day before a performance the women are pulled from the mines and take to shower and prepare for the command performance while under extreme guard so that no one can escape. these females all dread going above ground as not everyone returns right away occasionally one or two of the females will be called away to do a 'private performance' for the king and his head general. Sometimes it is simply overnight they are gone, or it is one or two days but sometimes the girls never return and no one ever hears from them again

Deep beneath the city near the very back of one of the twisting mine tunnels was a large room filled with women of all ages who were sitting and chipping away at the precious stones on their tables that they were to have cut and polished by the nights' end. one of these ladies was one of the king's dancers. Bailey groaned when two guards walked into her workspace as she knew what it meant, there was another command performance the next day and all of the king's dance troop was being called top side. Bailey knew better than to fight with them as the first time she had she had been beaten rather badly and hadn't been able to dance like she had been called to do. Bailey finished her work and then stood up and followed them to the landing where they would be gathered before being taken top side. Bailey looked at the others there and they were all scared and she could see it in there face. Out of all of them, Bailey had the most unique coloring as she had tanned skin as if she spent every day in the sun but her hair was pale platinum in color with the tips of her hair being blue in color.

Up in the castle stood the head general Lo-Wen he was waiting with his king as the commanders were coming to give their reports on the most recent snuffing out of rebels. While they hadn't been able to find the leader they all felt as if they were getting close to finding out who the leader was if not actually being able to catch them. Lo-Wen looked over at his king and nodded alerting him know without speaking that those who didn't do their fair amount of work would be punished and severely at that once the meeting was over. Lo-Wen was the most brutal of the generals but also the most loyal to the king so he had complete access and no one worried about him betraying the king.

the cops new partner

What happens when a cadet at the academy gets bit by a werewolf and becomes one? NOTHING, this cadet remains the same by sheer will and graduates at the top of their class. but when they are assigned to work with an experienced detective who is not only very good at their job but they are also very observant, how long with this new cop have before their secret is found out? With the full moon rising during their first case will this rookie cop be able to hide from their partner or will they have to run and leave everything behind.?

Kanaka stood outside the door of the fifth precinct and home of the homicide division and took a steadying deep breath to steady her nerves before she pushed the door open and walked into the building. Kanaka then headed to the captain's office as she was the youngest cop to ever be promoted to detective in the history of the department. no cadent had ever gone form the academy to detective but her scores and skills had gotten her this honor. Kanaka had been told to report straight to him for her assignment as she wasn't being put on patrols like the reset of her class was but was being assigned to a veteran homicide detective. With having been the top of her class Kanaka had been hand-picked by the commissioner to be moved right into the homicide division. after knocking on the door to the captains' office Kanaka walked in and spotted two males. Kanaka assumed the male behind the desk was her captain and that would make the other male either her partner or she had interrupted a meeting.

Kanaka stood and looked at the two with ice blue eyes hiding the wolf within her. Kanaka could already feel her wolf's desire to run and hut and with a mental shake, she got the wolf to calm and rest after promising to go hunting later that week when the moon was closer to full. because of her change from human to werewolf Kanaka's normally black hair had shifted to look like flames danced in her waist-length hair. thankfully she was able to keep others from knowing that her hair was multicolored since she always wore it in a bun and then tips were well hidden. along with some minor physical changes, Kanaka also developed a supirior sense of smell and sight.

The Mobsters Hotel

a large and elaborate hotel stands tall in the busiest city in the country a total of 16 floors of which only 8 are seen by the public eye. each room is impeccably furnished and the service is worth every dime that you spend to stay even one night there. however, below the hotel is another 8 floors these floors are for the criminals of the world where they could stay when in town without the worry of being found by the cops. there is also a strict no-weapons policy so that no one can use them to kill each other. the very top floor of the hotel is the personal residence of the Male known as the Red King and a ruthless mobster who will not hesitate to shoot you point-blank if you angered him. because of a high staff turnover rate every year a new front receptionist is hired. seeing the ad for the job a newly graduated female applies and gets hired on. while she follows all the rules given to her what happens when the Red King takes an interest in her and decides to see if he can get her to break any of the rules so he has a chance to punish her.

In a run-down apartment in the outskirts of a major metropolitan city sat a singular female, Her waist-length hair was dingy and oily from not being washed in some time and her stomach cramped from hunger but her fingers flew over the keyboard and she worked on hacking into the computer system of a major hotel in the city that had supposed links to organized crime. Her goal to prove it was run by a mobster but mainly to steal some money so she could move and feed herself. Holly knew if she didn't work fast that someone would be able to backtrack her location but with hos much, she was taking she should hopefully be able to find employment somewhere before the money ran out

Alexander sat in his office and looked at the employees that were sitting in his office from his accounting department and it took all he had not to pull his gun and put bullets into all of them. Alexander rubbed his face lightly and then calmly asked “and just how did someone manage to make off with almost 160,000$ and no one notices a damn fucking thing” Alexander watched as all of them flinched at his words and then the youngest one spoke softly "they hacked in and by the time it was detected they had already taken the money and left the system so we were unable to back hack it" Alexander starred in anger and then nodded his head before dismissing them and summoning his second in command

The Dragons Tribute

Surrounded by mountains there is a kingdom that is home to Dragon shifters and just beyond those mountains, there are several large cities and villages. every generation these cities and villages send up one member of their community to be a tribute and work in the dragon's castle, this is to secure protection from the dragon's so that their homes would be safe and should they be attacked aid would come. every generation one city or village is given a great honor as their tribute is chosen as the dragon king's consort, the city would be notified after the consort was chosen and never before.

Allison rushed home after picking some flowers for her mother only to stop when she spotted men from the village standing outside her home. watching as he father spoke to them Allison felt her stomach drop when she heard what they were talking about "it is only right that your child goes to the dragons this time every other family has given up their child for the dragon's protection and your family can no longer claim not to send a tribute. we will be back on her 18th birthday to claim her and send her up to the dragons so be ready" Allison watched as they left and her father turned to her his eyes sad. dropping the flowers she raced into his arms and cried. her father knew she had heard their words and he knew that she was scared. "calm little one your mother and I will help you so that you can hide your true self from the dragons." Allison nodded her head and then went inside with him so that she could start learning.

Allison stretched as the carriage rocked on its journey up the mountain to the dragon kingdom. the people had decided that she would be the one to go even though her family line would end with her as her father and mother had both passed away without having any more children. Allison shifted so she could try and sleep better after shaking the remnants of the dream away but it seemed like the people hauling her up there enjoyed keeping her awake even though they knew she needed the rest. Allison knew if she didn't sleep soon that she would not be able to do her duties once she arrived at the castle. not that she knew what they were. it seemed like no one knew what a tribute would do in a castle filled with dragons.

Circ Du Demons

near the city boundaries, there is a circus that just popped up and while the humans from the city come and go to see the show the workers are there until their contract is filled. one of the flyers in under a two-year contract and is open to more when it comes up but what she doesn't know is that the demon she had been sold to is looking for her and has tracked her down to the circus. one of the maids was sold to the owner/ringmaster and she has a lifetime contract. what none of them know is that someone is out to destroy the circus and take over. while they work to keep the circus open love forms but is it just false or is it true and can it withstand the things to come?

Children of the Gods

Centuries after the fall of Greece the Gods finally settled in Athens and opened a hotel. All of them had children in which they passed their powers onto. But the downfall of finally settling down is that the Gods could only maintain their powers while they were on the grounds of the hotel, but the moment they left they were mortal. Soon enough the world is faced with a new threat, something more terrible than even the Titans. The Gods know that alone they will not be able to stand up against this strange new threat, especially if it requires leaving the grounds of the hotel, alone. At first, they wanted their children to live as normal of a life as they could but this new threat causes the Gods to call their children to the hotel and ask them for help against this new threat. But will the Gods be able to defeat this new threat with the help of the children or will the planet be destroyed?

The Night Walkers

a vampire prince and his sister are both being pushed to marry by their mother but their hearts lie with other people the princess her personal bodyguard and the prince it's his personal servant who happens to be human. but because of the difference in their stations, the prince and princess have to keep it a secret but unknown to them, the others feel the same way since they don't know about the others feelings friction has developed between them and causes problems
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