Gather Round its Storytime

Apr 8, 2018
I've been out of the role playing loop for a bit of time now, I would like to change that. I do have a fair amount of experience and I am a fairly literate writer, obviously I'm not the greatest, but I can string words together coherently.
I don't have too many rules but I will list them below. Also, the best way to get in contact with me is to PM ME! I check those more often than the thread.
I am going to be posting a few ideas I have been wanting to try and a few fandoms/pairings I am always willing to play. I will also be limiting how many role plays I take on at once. I have had the unfortunate habit in the past of taking on way to many role plays and end up feeling like writing is more of a chore than the fun pastime it's supposed to be. Thus I end up not wanting to do it anymore. In an effort to fix that I will limit the amount I take on at once.
My ideas below will have the basic concept, the character I will be playing, and the starter I would post set up. I'm hoping that this will save a lot of time and give you an idea of my writing style.
And finally, I love a good ratio of story to smut, about 70/30 or 60/40, favoring more storytelling. I enjoy a fair amount of detail, cooperative story growth, and twists. I tend to write anywhere between 2-4 paragraphs on average or at least attempting to match my partner. I love historical, medieval, fantasy, romance, traps, yaoi, and Ancient Egypt time periods. I dislike most futuristic settings and having to build a story alone. Otherwise I am fairly easy going and am always willing to tweak my story.

Onto the rules:
1) No one liners please, I am here to write and working off of one line is difficult.
2) My grammar is definitely not perfect, but I would appreciate a little effort, no text talk (unless necessary for role play)
3) I like to have an OOC PM open with my partner during role play to discuss the story and help further it with joint ideas.
4) Nothing else, just come and have fun with me ^-^

Reviled throughout England; beautiful, powerful, and cruel. Morgaine Le Fay wields powers most would never dare to dream of, her very name spoken with loathing and fear. The story of her liaison with her brother Arthur Pendragon and the birth of their son a scandalous rumor. It is she that is credited with his downfall.
But, she wasn’t always that way. Like every youth Morgaine was filled with passion and fire, wisdom and naivety, innocence and lust. When her mother Igraine sends her away to a convent for training Morgaine finds herself being inducted into an ancient order worshiping the Goddess. There she spends her years, training and learning, growing in her magical power. By the time she reaches her eighteenth year she is already a senior among her peers and chaffing at the bit. Cloistered as she has been she desires to experience the outside world, thus she returns to her mothers side at King Uthers court.
In a short time Uther Pendragon dies and is succeeded by the unknown Arthur, Morgaine meets anew her half remembered half brother.
As their relationship rekindles they find themselves drawn together into an incestuous union.

Essentially following the relationship between Morgaine Le Fay and Arthur in the beginning. If we wanted we could even develop it for the future as well. Thought it would be fun to travel the pitfalls of this famous relationship, both in their past and their future.

Morgaine (18)
Name: Morgaine Le Fay
Age: 18 young (36 older)
Height: 5’4
Race: Human with blood of the fairy folk
Powers: illusion, shape changing, knowledge of poisons and plants, transmutation

The castle hugged the coast, imposing and cold by the light of the full moon. Moonlight slanted into the richly furbished room, crawling along the walls, and illuminating the lone figure standing in the center of the room. A candle flared to life, adding its warm glow to the darkness. Sea air rushed in through the open balcony doors, breaking the silence with the roar of waves crashing against rock. The candle guttered as a dark shape alighted into the room, the animal form morphing into the form of a naked woman.
Raven hair cascaded down her back in a shimmering wave, pale skin glowing in the moonlight, she approached the lone figure silently, her shadowed face impassive. With the instinct of a hunted animal the figure turned, terror bisecting his features.

“Wh-Who are you?” he demanded, voice quavering. Her lips curved into a smile as she advanced forward, hands raised in a peaceful gesture.
“Get out!” The force behind those words lacked conviction, fear being the main component. He recognized her now, a barely remembered terror of his childhood. A woman spoken of still with loathing. Morgaine Le Fay. She could be no one else.

“Peace little lord.” her voice was low and husky, filled with all the mystery and power of the wilds.
“I am only here to offer my congratulations on the new addition.” Her hands lowered, slender fingers pressing against her shapely thighs.
“I also came to offer a gift.” At those words her hands rose again, something dark taking shape between them.

Stumbling back the young man pressed himself against the wall, hand scrambling for the sword that leaned against the wall near his bed. Left there when he had woken in the middle of the night. As the thought occurred to him, he propelled himself across the room. A soft sigh froze him in place, fingers inches from the safety the blade could afford. Trembling he snatched up the weapon, yanking the steel free of its sheath. Turning he drew himself into position, keeping his weapon between them. Her shoulders moved as she heaved another sigh, just that small movement sending a tremor of fear through him. The dark shape in her hands dissolved.

“That is no way to treat someone trying to offer a gift.” She reminded him peacefully, unfazed by the appearance of the sword. She had yet to move away from the balcony door, her bare form outlined in moonlight, smooth features set in a grim smile.
“It comes as no surprise in the end..” Words whispered in an aside, the meaning not heard by the lord who assumed her moving lips heralded a spell.

“I want none of your black magic devil woman!” He clutched the cross at his neck, his god giving him the strength to stop the quaking of his unruly limbs. With a shout he threw himself at her, slashing for her vulnerably neck. The blade encountered air, his visitor gone, leaving no evidence that she had ever been there. There was no sleeping for the young lord that night, his shout had drawn the guard, a search of his home turning up nothing out of the ordinary. A scant few miles away an owl winged away, settling into a towering pine. Shaking off her winged covering Morgaine sat naked a top the branch. Her reception was usually thus, none would trust the darkness within her. But, things hadn’t always been this way.

Born of her mothers first marriage Morgaine wasn’t received well by her new father. Within a few years of her half brother Arthur being born she was sent away to a convent. If there was one thing she could credit her mother with at least she had been sent to a convent of the goddess and not the cruel dead god of the Christians. There she found her calling, grew into her powers, and by the time she grew into adulthood had become a force to be reckoned with. Her Aunt Vivianne wanted to groom her to become the new Lady of the Lake. Morgaine desires to see the world beyond the misty shores of Avalon. At her request her mother, Igraine, eagerly accepts her back into a place at court. Wanting the comfort of her daughter after the death of her husband. It is there that they hear of the whispers of Merlin and Arthur, the sword in the stone, and the prophecy of the one who could free it.

Ancient Greece, the story of King Mino’s and his wife who mated with a bull is commonly known. As is the story of the half human, half animal monster that was birthed of the unnatural union. To hide his shame the king had a maze built, one that was unsolvable, and into it he cast the creature. There it wandered as year after year unfortunate slaves were put in, to become pieces in the monsters game. Among the slaves was always the random hero or two that would attempt to slay the creature but none who ever succeeded. The half human, half bull creature had the head of a bull and the body of a powerfully built man, standing head and shoulders above the rest. This creature came to be known as the Minotaur.
Enter Thea, a slave unlucky enough to be thrown into the Maze, when she wakes inside the maze it is to find herself alone. Will she survive long enough to find her way out? The twists and turns driving her deeper into the heart of the monsters home.

Fairly straightforward, my partner taking on the role of the Minotaur. I am thinking he can talk, not eloquently but well enough to get his point across. Aspects of horror can be integrated in, although if my partner prefers more romance we can tweak and play with the idea.

Age: 19
Height: 5’5
Personality quirks: logical, will do what it takes to survive, darker sense of humor, will help those she deems worthy of it (those kind enough to deserve it) but looks after herself, fairly level headed, good at masking her emotion
Bio: When the slavers came to the fort that housed the families of their kingdoms enemies, they found the place a graveyard. The occupants choosing to take their own lives over that of becoming a slave. Save for one six year old girl, the lone survivor among the dead. Bought by a Greek man and given a Greek name her past was buried. He was a fair enough Master giving her some learning and coaching her in other languages. She learned to read and write in multiple languages, and then her fair master died.
The man she went to next didn’t care that she was learned, he cared for the woman’s body beneath her tunic. Until the day she ran and got caught earning her the brand of the runner, her master didn’t have much use for her after that. Once a runner always a runner and no other Master would take her with the brand. So he gave her to the group that was leaving for the isle of Crete, tribute for the king there, the king and his monster.

Slowly her surroundings started to take on definition, the dizziness receding as alarm grew. The last thing she remembered was reaching the Isle of Mino’s. From the dock the famous maze was visible, the massive stone walls drawing the eye. Impenetrable, catching her stare a sailor had shaken his head. Informing her that the walls seen from town were the entrance, the vast bulk of the maze itself was underground. The thought of being trapped underground, unable to feel the fresh air, feel the sunlight on her pale skin, or taste the salt tang of the ocean sent her into a panic. All throughout the journey Thea had been fighting panic, using her time to think of escape plans. Now standing on the dock, she knew there wasn’t any. She would die in there and the same survival instinct that had spared her death as a child kicked in to protect her now. One small woman was no match for the guards or sailors. Easily Thea was caught and subdued, cuffed over the head and carried unconscious to her death. These memories filtered in as her eyes adjusted to the gloom.

No one else was around her, either the others had woken and left her, or they were dead. Thea assumed the former as why the monster left her alone made no sense, unless he wanted her alive when he killed her. Bracing herself against the wall she levered herself to her feet, the world spun threatening to send her sprawling. Gasping she focused on the rough texture of the stone under her palm, forcing the nausea back. Through sheer stubbornness she managed to keep her footing. It wasn’t easy. Examining her surroundings she decided she must be near the entrance, a large slab of rock was at her back. It’s height towering above her and absolutely impossible to move. It had to keep in the Minotaur after all. No way out at this end, so either it was at another end or none at all. She had to hold to hope that there was a way out, or be lost. There was no food, no water, no safety, and she had no clue where anyone was or where the monster was. Panic clutched her chest, her vision tunneling to a pinprick, there seemed no choice but to die.
You can choose to die a coward or fighting with all you have. the thought wasn’t a soothing one, but it helped her calm enough to venture a few steps forward, hand following the wall, half support and half guide. In a scant few feet she encountered a wall, forcing her to go right. This tunnel continued on and on, as she walked she realized it was slopping downward. The sailor had made mention that most of it was underground. After several minutes of slow walking Thea found herself at the first of many crossroads.

“You… or you?” Indecisive she looked down each corridor as if the darkness would resolve into something definable and make any sort of difference.

Thea was a slender woman of medium height. Fair of complexion and comely of feature with eyes so dark they are nearly black. Her true crowning glory was her hair, waist length, thick, glossy, and black as a crows wing. Marring half her face was a purple bruise, the product of her attempt at escape earlier that morning. She wavered between the two directions before finally deciding to go left. After all she was lost, one way wasn’t so much better than any other. Her head ached from the blow earlier, but at least the nausea faded to manageable levels. Everything was so quiet, except for her soft pants and the shuffle of her bare feet. The air got cooler the further underground she went, soon it would become uncomfortable or even dangerous in such a thin garment as she owned. As she walked her hand remained glued to the wall, if you follow a wall surely you must find the end at some point, even if it took a long while. After choosing left the first time she continued to choose left, even when at times it led her to dead ends.

Hours had passed since she entered the maze, ever new sound gave her a start, every corner peeked around to be sure it was safe. The waiting was the hardest bit, Thea’s nerves were frayed to the snapping point. Every moment she expected to run into it, to die at the hands of the half human, half bull creature that was rumored to eat human flesh and called her prison it’s home.

Society teaches that it is wrong for a teacher to fall in love with his student. Especially when that girl is still technically in high school and you happen to be their history teacher. For years he had watched Olivia Gearson grow into a charming and personable young lady. Thriving both academically and as a member of the cheer squad. Now finally a senior its harder and harder to remember that she is off limits.

A cliche story of a teacher and student. Learning to hide their relationship, it is open to many tweaks and I encourage new ideas.

Olivia Gearson
Age: 18
Height: 5’1
Personality Quirks: easy going, friendly, has a bubbly personality. She seems fairly in control in public but has a more submissive personality in private, heavily loyal, not very good at masking her feelings, appears confident but has many insecurities
Bio: Kind of heart and pretty Olivia is well liked by her fellow classmates. She moved into town at the beginning of her freshman year and joined the cheer squad as a sophomore. By the time senior year started she was the captain of the squad. But frankly none of it feels very fulfilling. It all seems rather tedious and mundane to her, a small town isn’t much given to entertaining distractions. Although it did have a few good looking men. One of which was the high school history teacher.

“Olive!” A familiar voice called for her, causing the young woman to turn, red hair swept behind her as the wind caught it. A smile bloomed on her face as her friend caught up to her, looping her arm through the other girls.
“Now Olive, its unfair to leave me completely on my own at this party tonight. Don’t you know you are my champion? With you there I can get really let go and not worry about making any bad decisions. Now I have to be responsible.. boooo” her lips pursed in a pout, the lip gloss making her mouth shine attractively. Lola was a pretty girl, with a mane of golden blonde hair, flashing blue eyes, and sun kissed skin. She was a fair opposite to her best friend Olivia who was fair of skin, with red brown eyes, and long red hair falling to the small of her back. The girls made an attractive pairing, drawing the eyes of the other students in the entrance of the school.

“I’m sorry but I have things that have to be taken care of, my future is a bit more important than grinding against some horn dog at a party.” Olivia tossed her head prettily, that and she had no interest in watching her friend make a fool of herself.
“You could always skip the party and come to the library with me for college applications.” She reminded Lola as the girls entered the school and headed toward their first class of the day, still linked arm in arm.
“Hell no!” Her curse drew the disapproving eye of a nearby teacher, this one a stickler for the rules. Before they had gone another three feet Lola was accosted by the teacher and subjected to a lecture while Olive fled down the hall towards her math class.

“You left me! Left me all alone while that witch reamed me out for saying a bad word” at the word bad Lola made air quotes, her face pinched with annoyance. The girls were sitting among the rest of the cheer squad at a lunch table, Olivia picking at a salad. A migraine had started during first period and her irritation was exhibited in her moodiness with others. The others thought her silly to be adding to that. Olive remained silent, stabbing a piece of lettuce viciously before shoving the plate away. Silently she stood and stalked away, ignoring all calls to come back. Someone must have detained Lola because she was blessedly alone as she sought a quiet refuge to nurse her migraine. Finding it in the form of an empty room and an empty desk where she laid her head.

Once upon a time there was a girl with a red riding cloak, who wore it everywhere she went. In town she became known as little red riding hood. Every day she would take a basket of goodies through the forest to her grandmothers house.
On one of these trips she meets with a wolf who attempts to draw her from the path so he could eat her. In the end little red continues on her way, although not before telling the wolf of her visit to her grandmothers house.
The wolf speeds ahead and gobbles up the grandmother. When red comes she finds the wolf in her grandmothers clothing. Her famous last questions known by every child.
My grandmother what big ears you have
All the better to hear you with my dear
Grandmother what big eyes you have
All the better to see you with my dear
Grandmother what big teeth you have
All the better to eat you!

When all seems lost and the wolf is digesting his big meal by the river a huntsman hears the two of them in the wolves stomach. Slicing the animal open he frees them and together they pile rocks into the wolf and sew him back up. When he wakes and goes to take a drink in the river he falls in and drowns.

This is not that story, this is the story of the mother of werewolves. The woman who became the mother of the first, and the creature she mated with to bear it.

Rose Wulf
Age: 17
Height: 5'2
Personality Quirks: fiercely independent, fearless, loyal, wild, has a strong sense of fairness, pretty good of heart, generally says what she wants
Bio: Growing up in a smaller village on the edge of a dense forest Rose has been exploring its shadowed glades all her life. Spending more time out of doors generally then in, preferring to be the hunter and gatherer for her family while her father focused on farming.
Rumors have been spreading of a new creature roaming the dark forests of Gors. A creature that has been capturing travelers and ripping them apart, part of their bodies devoured. Rose herself had come upon one of these bodies, a gruesomer sight she had never seen. Since the deaths had begun Rose's father refuses to let her roam the forest, lest she become another victim.

Wind whipped through the trees, thunder rumbling, and lightning streaked the sky. Inside the small cottage, tucked into a corner, Rose combed sheep’s wool along with her sisters. Her mother sat at the wheel spinning the wool into thread, Rose was hard pressed to guess which task was the more boring. Longingly she turned her gaze towards the door. All the windows were shuttered against the driving rain but beyond those doors and over the hills was the edge of the forest. Its quiet glades and the solitude it offered calling for her. Since the day she found the body in the woods and reported it back to the villagers, showing them where the local girl had been left. Since then her father had refused to allow her to go into the forest. An image of the body flickered into her minds eye.
Shredded skin and muscle strewn across the clearing, blood staining the ground and splattered onto the foliage, her body was barely recognizable as human anymore. She looked all for the world like a slain animal, if it hadn’t been for a hand that had been left whole Rose would have had a harder time guessing. She remembered the fear that had assaulted her then, there was a creature here that she was unfamiliar with. Something dangerous was in her woods.

Shaking her head she came back to herself with a sigh, dropping her green eyed gaze to her lap. The comb lay limp in her fingers, around her her sisters chattered gossiping about all the rumors about town. Especially concerning the murders. She drowned their voices out applying herself to her task once again. Dark strands of hair had escaped from her braid, the locks framing her pale face. Big green eyes lay under delicately dark brows, full lips curved like an archers bow complete her attractive features. She was the product of her family, most of her sisters were equally attractive, although not all. Joan was ordinary and she felt it, her envy towards her younger sisters making her bitter.
Lifting her gaze again Rose looked around at her beloved family. The Wulf family had six children, four girls and two boys. Pierce the oldest who was 24 and married his wife living with them, Joan who at 20 should have been married and found herself without a beau, Rose 17, Greg 13, Daisy 9, and Hope who was only 3. The newest addition was six month old Molly, Pierce’s daughter. The farmhouse had so many additions to accommodate the growing family. Much as Rose loved her family she found the constant company trying. She desperately missed the quiet of her beloved woods. She sighed.

“What’s eating you little sister?” Tilly, her brothers wife, asked kindly, her plump face filled with concern. Rose smiled more to put the older woman’s heart at ease, Tilly was kind but not someone she wanted to spill her secrets too and shook her head.
“Oh.. that… yes it must have been horrible.” She fumbled assuming Rose had been thinking about her find only a week ago. Guiltily Rose flushed, a blush darkening her cheeks, she had just been wishing she had never found the body so she could still be roaming the forest. It seemed cruel in hindsight and she did not wish to contradict Tilly when the woman was thinking of her kindly. Instead she nodded and remained silent. Tilly finally trailed off and returned to her own task of weaving the spun thread. She was the finest weaver in the house and had earned their family money with her quality. She was a good wife to her brother. Thankful for the silence at last she returned to her contemplation.

The following day dawned clear enough for the family to venture out of doors, although the autumn air was crisp. It heralded the coming winter. Rose raised her arms, her red cloak falling from her bare arms as she stretched in the morning light. Taking a deep breath she smiled widely, it felt so good to be out of doors. Her feet wanted to carry her towards Gors but instead they brought her into town instead, it was market day. Tramping along behind her sister she joined them in a day of shopping, her temper fraying as the press of the crowd closed in on her, the calls grating against her nerves. Desiring nothing so much as peace Rose slipped away from her sisters, without their presence she found herself moving at a quick clip towards the forest. Sliding into its shadows with relief and finding a familiar path. Within a half hour she was sitting in her favorite clearing munching on a few edible berries. For the first time all day she felt at peace, wrapped in her cloak and tucked into the branches of her favorite tree Rose dozed.

Harry Potter, Pokemon, Little Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan, SAO
Twins/Siblings, god/goddess/human, anything Egyptian themed, anything Victorian themed
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