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Seeking Roleplay Partners


Aug 27, 2011
Hello Blue Moon peeps, and welcome to my roleplay request thread,

Currently craving someone to play in a post apocalyptic world loosely based on the Mad Max movies. It would feature a female version of Max as my primary character. Though they would be similar in name only. I have a starter typed out already I will include here. You can either PM me to discuss further or if you’d like to just send me an IC reply, I would be okay with that too.

The starter:
Max had found the mountain pass quite by accident. But, it had played a key roll in her managing to evade the pursuers Bonebreaker had sent after them. The winding narrow path lead up into the mountains and away from the desert below. It would take them a couple days to hike through the mountains, but once they reached the other side they would be safe from Bonebreaker's men. Of course, there was no telling what other dangers might await them, but that was life in the post apocalytpic world they lived in.

Max stood about 5' 10", her height aided a bit by the 3" heels of the black leather boots that rose up to just below her knees. The heels were chunky enough that she could manage to navigate the terain in them. Form fitting black leather pants rose out of those boots, laces running up their sides, showing off some of the lightly tanned flesh of her long legs. Her narrow waist was left bare by the bustier like top she wore. It was red and made of a velvet like material. It cupped her shapely 34DD breasts, and displayed a generous amount of cleavage. Long blonde hair spilled over her shoulders and came down almost to the top of her firm, rounded ass. Her eyes were blue like the sky on a clear day and her face was beautiful. Unlike so many others in the wasteland, her sun kissed flesh was virtually unblemished. There were no signs of scars, burns, or disease. One would have to lift up her hair and look at the back of her neck to see the only marks that existed on her supple flesh. The numbers 346 tattoed there in small green letters. Indicating she was the 346th woman to come out of a program that what was left of her countries government came up with in it's attempt to repolulate the world and save the human race.

She glanced behind her to make sure her companions were keeping up. There were three of them. All young and attractive, much like Max herself. Seira had long red hair, that flowed along porcelain skin in soft curls. Mina was Asian, with short cropped dark hair. She was also the shortest of the group standing about 5' 2" tall. Then there was Abby. She had mousy brown hair that came to just below her shoulders, and bright blue eyes. Each of these girls bore their own numbers on the backs of their necks. Mina's was the most visable due to her short hair. The three were all clad in simple white garments that left their midsections and most of their legs bare. Max hoped to find them some more practical clothes at some point, but for now, the main objective was to get as far away from Bonebreaker's territory as possible.

Max carried an AR-15 rifle, and slung across her hips was a belt with some extra clips. Bullets were worth more than gold in this world, and they were getting harder and harder to come by. However there was a warlord that made them and other warlords like Bonebreaker usually had things they could trade for them. Max had managed to aquire both the rifle and the magazines while freeing the women that now accompanied her.

The sun was setting and it was getting dark. Continueing to try to travel would be hazardous. The group reached a slightly more open space in the pass and that's were Max decided they would sleep for the night. She went over by some large rocks and sat with her back against them. She would watch over the others while they slept for a while, then wake one of them up to take a shift standing guard. The girls did their best to make themselves comfortable. Tired from all the walking, they were soon asleep, leaving Max the only one awake.

Another possible Plot: I currently have a rough idea where I would play an exotic dancer with a heart of gold. She's not sexually inexperienced by any means, but she's not a slut either. The club she works at is fairly high end and topless only. However, what I'm looking for is not your typical stripper/client RP. It may also call for you to play multiple characters. Or, I'm perfectly willing to share the responsibilities of playing the NPCs. Now for the plot! Your character was a bit of a nerd in high school. While MC was no bully, she just pretty much didn't know YC existed, despite the fact he was thoroughly obsessed with her. A couple years after graduation, YC discovers mine is working her way through college stripping. He of course has to go see, but finds it all the more infuriating when there is no recognition at all in her eyes upon seeing him at the front of the stage waiting to tip her. He decides she must be punished and plots his 'revenge'. YC happens to be a computer and computer gaming genius. His super immersive VR gaming system will one day make him a millionaire. However, he has other plans for it at the moment. He sends one of his high tech gaming chairs, and one of his VR computers to the house MC is renting. These items are sent under the guise that I’ve been selected to test the new VR game before it goes on the market.

MC likes computer games, and she’s super excited to try out this state of the art VR system. The VR helmet actually directly links to the wearers brain. Everything that happens in game will look and feel completely real to them. Once my character is inside, she'll quickly find that this “game” is quite sexual in nature. As she progresses, she'll be told she has to face a series of "bosses". Each will be a virile male (Or possibly futa or female if my partner chooses) character who mine must engage in sexual competition, a sort of sexfight. Should my character cum first, she'll lose that round and another boss will be added to the number she must defeat to win and free herself from the game. What she wouldn't know is that all this is being recorded to be edited into porn videos by YC. Another thing she isn't aware of is that if she loses too many rounds her conciousness will be permanently transferred to the game where YC will make sure she continues to make him money by being put into one porn scene after another.

(This is all open to changes and I'm open to hearing your ideas for this concept. Also, YC doesn't have to be a nerdy or even former nerd character if that's not what you want. He could even be just a club client that's mad at MC because she won't except money for sex. Or, something else.)

Things I enjoy: Breast play, Non-con sex, Consensual sex, Performing felatio, Sexy clothes and costumes (This doesn't always mean less is more), Collars/chokers, light to medium bondage, Forced cheating)

Things I do not enjoy: Snuff, Extreme violence toward MC, Having a cock violently rammed down my throat (seems to be how a lot of men on this site think oral sex is supposed to be. I don't mind being forced to give felatio, but rough throat fucking just isn't a turn on for me.), Scat, Vore.

I prefer to play in PMs here on BM.

My average post is a paragraph or two. I try to be descriptive and often will post more than that for an opener or depending on what is happening in a scene. I do this for fun, and I'm not a serious writer. So if you have to have several paragraph responses, I'm probably not your girl. Also, I do have real life responsibilities and I do get busy at times. Sometimes I'll be able to post everyday. Sometimes I might go a few days to a week without posting. So I need patient RP partners.
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Currently craving to play a warrior nun or priestess of some kind in a fantasy setting. She would battle against the forces of evil both human and otherwise. She would end up over her head and in sexual situations. PM me to discuss details or share ideas.

Sex, Breast Play, Fondling, Groping, Tit fucking, Blow Jobs, Sexy Outfits, etc.
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