Yu-Gi-Oh (-based) (F/Fu)


Oct 22, 2015

Well, sometimes there are just certain cravings that take you off-guard, whether it be a particularly strange kink or a certain setting. And due to getting back into it as a hobby again recently, I'm going to have to go with the latter this time around. And while I'm not the best at request threads, I hope I've covered enough to be professional and give everyone an idea of what I want, while still giving people room to work with in.

I'm craving a Yu-Gi-Oh setting, badly, and working a few kinks in wherever adequate with my hopefully equally literate partner.

Of course, not everyone is a fan of the series, or the game, as much as I am, or other people who are way more hardcore than me. Most people I know who know Yugioh basically just watched the season 1 anime. I don't really mind. There are a lot of cards newer than that that I would probably include that only follow old mechanics people would still understand, and technically we could invent some if we really wanted to, but whatever new card type has come out whether it be link, xyz or synchro doesn't need to be included if you just know it from Sunday tv when you were small.

Some general things I would like to clarify:
1. Story is important, Kinks are important, smut comes third behind those two
2. Kinks are not mandatory, there's way too many of them to even expect such a thing.
3. It doesn't matter if you're a dedicated fan or just read the rule book for 5 minutes after looking at this request thread, it's all good.
4. As much as we change the general theme of it to be more adult, it should still function with the rules applied.
5. Conveniently drawing the card you need isn't a bad thing, I find it quite amusing to be honest when someone in the anime draws a card that noone with two brain cells would put in their deck but this is the exact 1/1000000 situation where it would help.
6. I prefer females, I prefer hermaphrodites. That doesn't mean I won't do a male on female romance, it can be quite cute. Generally, I'd like a focus on females when it comes to sexual things.

First question that comes up when discussing a setting that takes place in an already established universe is always canon or non-canon. The cards would usually be a canon, but depending on what kinks we go for there may or may not be a non-canon spin to them. Decks definitely won't be since that's quite hard to do considering that we don't really know how canon decks look since we always get to see like 15 cards and at least 10 of those repeat every duel. As for canon characters, I don't like playing canon characters. Realistically I should at least provide the option, but it never feels like I can do them justice. I prefer original things. If I had to decide on a general setting, such as level or technology or gadgets being used etc., I'd have to go for 5ds and maybe GX. I wouldn't mind them being solid like in ARC V and later either for reason that should become more apparent when it comes to kinks.

In general, I'm looking to play multiple characters. Usually, my partner should be able to do that too but it's not a necessity I guess.

That's also kind of where the sexual aspect of this rp comes into it. Oftentimes the series had times where certain cards spoke to their owners and materialised as spirits etc. Kuriboh would be the most famous example.

Now there are several twists one can put on this (Monsters as in the depicted 'monster' on the monster card):
-Monsters being able to assume physical form
-Monsters being able to switch clothing or get nude?
-Monsters being adjusted to female gender-wise
-Monsters being adjusted to Hermaphrodites gender-wise
-Monsters fulfilling different kinks if any of the above are applicable

Basically, a slight sexualisation of the cards being used to the point of being potential love-interests. Now I've given extreme examples, but it doesn't have to be.

Something rather important I should also add here is: I have an extensive image collection, I'm sure others have too. I don't mind if we make up at least a few cards with unrelated images. On the contrary, for antagonists or other just boss monsters it might be a requirement to keep things interesting. There's little fun in rummaging around in Yugioh lore to find some old boss monster that should then work whether it's good or not in some obscure situation where it doesn't quite fit not to mention it might actually have an underwhelming effect compared to the era of cards we're playing with. That's not to say things like the number cards can't be bosses though, just that the Wicked God cards can't XD

Another thing is that a certain amount of creativity is needed to make a decent amount of monsters your character relates to sexy. Obviously though, this brand of card is not going to be sexualized. It's really just ideas and a lot of cards are pretty sexy anyway or just need to be genderbent or adjusted for kinks.

Now for kinks, I know I'm a bit edgy, but there should be something for serious roleplayers that love realism as much as there is for kink-obsessers. Mainly because we can afford to be quite selective when it comes to these things. Kinks could only apply to cards for example.

Now I'm going to preface this by saying that I don't like gore. Shocker I know, but I have a point to make. Anything else, ask me about it, chances are I can deal with it depending on how and what. Obviously, gore isn't my only no, but I'd rather have you ask. I've had to tickle a bunch of kinks out of people which we used to have boatloads of fun right after.

So I guess main interests which are as previously stated not musts but make it a lot more fun to me
- Futanari/Hermaphrodites
- Big things, one might even say oversized things of much a variety, mainly body size or endowments. The bigger the better! The limit is yours, not mine
- Growth regarding body size or endowments
- Natural heels (as part of your body, can just be regular heels I suppose)
- Food play (just eating something in a particularly sexy manner is enough to satiate this kink tbh. This doesn't refer to doing sexual things with food I might add, more to quantity, effects or eating things you're not supposed to eat.)
- Sexy clothes and dresses (I'm sure no one objects to this)

This is just the start of it really. Like I said, the best way to go about it is go about those, see which ones you like, add whatever you like on top of it and ask me about it. If I had to write every kink I have down it would go into the hundreds.

Otherwise, I suppose I should add that all ideas are welcome, brainstorming is encouraged, and traps are gay.
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