Zookeeper, student, and abused employee: This is me.

Jan 30, 2017
United States
I have a lot of thoughts, and maybe someday someone will be interested enough in me to read this thread! Or, perhaps, someone will just be painfully bored.

I lead a crazy life. At the point in time that I am writing this post: I am enrolled in 18 credit hours at an accredited university, I work 20 hours a week in retail under a boss who hates my guts, and I am caring for... 13 animals in my home. (To be fair... 5 of them live in a fish tank together.) That's my zoo. This is my life.

Read on to learn more about my adventures and misadventures... you might find a laugh there.

A little about me first:

Call me Sketch.
Im 21, and I drink it up from time to time. Mike's hard is my favorite.
Im an Animal Science major, studying to be a vet.
I know how to castrate males and I'm not afraid to prove it.
I love to write. I've been doing so since I was.... 13?
I'm a sarcastic asshole, but if you see that side of me it means I like you.
City Raised. Country values.
I have a lot of typos.

Pet inventory:

Ernie, Fred, George, Sugar, & Spice

April 4th, 2018 12:23 pm The kittens are walking.

I currently have 4 foster cats living in my half bathroom: A mother cat and her four kittens. Arent they cute?!? Anywho, when I got these babies two weeks ago, they were basically just litle squeaking potatoes. They didn't really do much except MAYBE crawl a few inches, cry for mom, and nurse. They were cute to look at, but they didn't have that characteristic kitten playfulness about them. However, as anyone who has ever raised kitten would know, these little speedsters grow up fast as hell. The last two day, they've started getting their sea legs.

They're now wobbly little potatoes with the lungs of yodelers. They'll approach me for love, but as soon as I pick them up for snuggles they start screaming bloody murder. How can I please them?!? Well, that I don't know, but I love them just the same. One of the kittens, Creme (I obviously didnt name him), decided last night that the lap is a good place to be, be he will ascent the mount everest that is my thigh using tooth and nail so that he can sit perched on top of it like a little lion looking over his pride.

Am I obsessed? Probably. Do I have a problem with that? Absolutely not.
RE: Zookeeper, student, and abused employee

I love to read about everyone's life outside of role-playing.

What animals do you own? I'm an animal lover, especially cats, and I have 2 of them. :)

April 8th, 2018 11:43 AM Here I am in an Urgent Care.

My thumb is swollen to twice it’s size on my left hand with two punctures. My right hand has a laceration two inches long with multiple punctures peppered around it. It hurts to type, so my partners here can hopefully understand why I won’t be getting responses out for a couple of days. Schoolwork is going to be hard enough.

What happened? Donut, my foster cat.

Last night, after doctors offices had already closed for the night, I quite literally reached into a cat fight. As many with animal experience may know, mother cats are very protective over their kittens. Donut, the foster momma, is not a fan of Lexi, my personal cat. She attacked, and I, being the protective mother that I am, interfered. After all, it wasn’t a fair fight to begin with: Lexi is old and doesn’t have all of her teeth. I came out the loser of that battle.

Six puncture wounds, countless scratch marks, and an infection later... I’m on amoxicillin for the next 10 days. Lucky me! I get to take horse pills. :dodgy:

Click if you want to see my nasty hand! Warning, it’s gross.
Day of.
Next morning.
April 15th, 2018 10:28pm Bitch, I win. A rant.

So a little info on my life: I live in a college town (duh, I’m a student) and I live in a family owned three bedroom apartment. I claim the master bedroom and we rent out the other two bedrooms. Pretty standard except for the fact my parents are our landlords. This gives me a leg up, and I’ll tell you why.

Basically this year one of my roommates is a total bitch. What started out as weird but tolerable has become a silent war in my household. So this girl, we’ll call her K, is 23, she’s in the same major as me, and she’s dating this fake, punk ass cowboy who we’ll call D (but not because he has a big D, I’m sure he doesn’t). Well, before she ever signed a lease and moved in she was made aware that this is a house that focuses on studies. We don’t party. We don’t have late guests. We do our work. Guests are welcome at times, but they should not be present in OUR home all that often. This was reiterated AGAIN in February when the other roommate and I became increasingly annoyed. K and D have blatantly disrespected this request all year along with a list of other things that annoy us, so we have decided not to renew her list on account of her being terrible but also because she only wants to stay another six months and we’re looking to do a one year lease.

K is pissed we’re kicking her out and all hell has broken loose. Holy. Shit.

The worst of it is that K and D have made it a point to stay as late as possible and make as much noise as possible: screaming, laughing, banging things around the kitchen and her bedroom, stomping in their boots all around the house, watching TV loudly, etc. Last weekend the only way I could get them to shut the fuck up was by slamming my door closed and damn near breaking the mirror on it. The response to which were complaints about my being obnoxious. I then took it upon myself to post written rules about the 10pm agreed upon time when guests need to leave the house on school nights otherwise a complaint will be filed. Guess what happened tonight? Oh yeah. You guessed it. The bitch broke our golden rule and our landlords will be contacting her officially tomorrow about her unacceptable behavior. Bitch. I. Win. Adios. Good. Riddance.

A list of other things K does that make her a bad person:

1. Constantly using mass amounts of Lysol which is poison to all of the animals that live in this house. (You study animal science and want to be a vet, how do you not know this?)

2. Complains that our kitchen is so disgusting that anything that touches the floor is dirty. I sweep multiple times a week to control cat litter even though most of what I sweep up is dirt. (Most of the dirt is tracked in by her and her boy toy who won’t take off their muddy shoes by the door)

3. She takes up 60% of the fridge space with her AND D’s food even though she makes up 33% of the people living here and none of D’s food should be stored here to begin with.

4. She does laundry when I’m trying to sleep fully aware that our washer and dryer are against my wall and quite loud.

5. She leaves hair in the drain all the time. Ew.

6. Loud sex when roommates are here.

7. When we told her we were kicking her out she took and hid the paper towels simply because she bought them and she’s bitter (Bitch, you wipe your ass with toilet paper I bought.)

8. Our heater broke in the middle of winter when she was the only one here AND SHE DIDNT TELL US.

9. She’s literally hung out with us twice all year and just ignores us when we’re in the same room.

10. Refuses to use our dishwasher and hand washes her dishes just so she can leave them to air dry on our counter 24/7.

Rude. Rude. Rude.

Here’s what’s been on my plate lately. Anyone else ever had a bad roommate? Do you think I’m overreacting? Is my bedroom totally cute or what?

For those of you only here for animal content:

Here’s Kovu

Here’s a kitty vid (only works on PC)
April 23rd, 2018 2:28pm So I bought something... unconventional

As you know... I have a few pets. As you may not know... I'm always looking to get more. A few days ago, I made a purchase that I don't think anyone else here can relate to. Here's the story.

I have a snake and lizard: two pets that are seen as somewhat unconventional and some people even fear. However, at 2:30 in the morning on Saturday I found myself in the black hole of the internet and I made a bit of an impulse buy: a singular hirudo medicinalis. Aka a medicinal leech. I spent $20 on an animal that is actually going to need to drink my blood in order to survive, and I wasn't even drunk!

My little leech arrived in the mail today and is now taking up residence in a mason jar on my bookshelf. He's quite active as he explores his new home, and I'm actually finding myself even more fascinated by him than I already was. His coloration is actually quite beautiful and he's such a curious little creature. I've considered rehoming him (Remember: impulse buy), but now I'm beginning to think I want to keep him. He's tugging a bit at my creepy heartstrings. Plus... what a conversation starter.

I think I'll call him pickles.

Meet Pickles
Shhhh. It’s okay. Look at this kitten pic.


Dont mind my dirty dishes in the background.
June 11th, 2018 6:28 PM Tragedy has Struck.

I.... I just got back from the doctor.

I’ve been diagnosed....


..........allergic to cats...
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