How dark is your shade of pink? [F for M]

Pink Nightmares

Apr 3, 2018
✧ Intro ✧

Hello everyone! I’ve never been on a forum dedicated to RPing before, so if I commit a faux pas of any sort, please feel free to let me know. A little more about me; I am female, late twenties, and I’ve been RPing with other writers on and off for about 10 years. What always brings me back to role playing has to be the personalized responses between me and my partners.

✧ The Players ✧

Myself; As a lady, I only like to play other female characters. Sorry, I’ve tried running a futa and even more feminine men, but I just can’t swing it. My posts tend to run anywhere from 400 - 1000 words and I'm good for one or maybe two posts a day. The whole dom/sub thing isn't a requirement, but I love the submissive role if that dynamic is chosen. Also, I'm more than comfortable playing a brat or determined/pushy sub. Generally I'm going to request playing a younger character than yours, even if the age gap is nothing more than a couple years. You’ll find I’m a very open, honest, and communicative RP partner. If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hold back! This is fun for me and I want it to be fun for you too!

You; An interest in collaboration. You don't have to approach with some fully sketched out world and premade characters, but be prepared to collude. If we choose a scene that isn't modern, world building will be part of the process. Regardless of our world's background/history, another part of the fun for me is creating character backgrounds that will help solidify the future choices our characters will make. I'd also love it if you could post at least once every few days. I'm a patient girl, and I understand that work/life is always first. If you'll be away for a lengthier period of time, please tell me. I'll generally send you a direct message once to confirm a continued interest but if no response follows I'll just move on. If you've lost the chemistry in a story of ours or perhaps things somehow don't/aren't playing out the way you envisioned: lemme know. I won't be offended, I won't stalk you, and I'll wish you the best!

✧ The Roleplay ✧

The RP, why we’re here; Realism, as in realistic body proportions, plausible character actions and sexy scenes are my three requirements. Yes, a woman can be quite busty and yes, alcohol can impair judgement. But there’s no sense (or fun) in a busty, drunk girl handing herself over to a kidnapper. In the past I’ve incorporated A LOT of dom/sub play. If chosen, I adopt the sub role and I love it. Adding a relationship like this to my plots tends to become... the main plot itself. So if you’re looking for more smut that requires less planning, I’m pretty good at starting this up fast. Dom/Sub isn’t necessary! I have an f-list for quick reference of my kinks, feel free to ask me about anything on there or missing!

My preferred posting mediums include these forums, emails, and google docs. If you insist on IM, I can be persuaded to Discord, but I'm not the type to sit around for hours on end immediately replying to posts. As mentioned previously, you can expect one or two replies per day from me. This is why my posts tend to start around three paragraphs in length, minimally.

✧ Inspirational Themes ✧

♥♥♥Do Me, Daddy- Wincest, er incest, anyone?

Personality Overhauls- A feminist submitting to misogyny; The wallflower learning to perform, and loving it. Being altered (mentally) by force or through slow and subtle grooming. Pick your poison.

♥Dress Up, Dress Down- Spending hours finding that perfect outfit only to have it slipped/ripped right off. Of course, if more control is preferred... perhaps a uniform? Or would a morning inspection suit your sensibilities?

♥♥Make Me A Princess- Be it a damsel in distress or a damsel soon to be under duress due to outside forces, sign me up! Be my hero or my villain! This was previously listed as dark Disney; I found a deeper intrigue with the time period itself rather than the actual use of a Disney princess.

♥♥♥Touch Me, Tease Me- Anything from a lengthy lubed up massage to spooning in bed. After all, sexy time doesn't always have to come to completion.

Dreams or nightmares, it’s all just perspective.
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