Slice of Life/Experimentation RP, (F/F)

Apr 1, 2018
Hello all, thanks for having a look at my request thread, I'm new to the site and as such am on the lookout for some people to RP with!

What I am looking for in a partner

Currently I'm on the lookout for people who are willing to partake in some FxF roleplay, mostly on the lookout for slice of life/modern settings though I am open to suggestions from others. I don't mind what gender you are in real life, so long as you are able to write a character well all is good in my books.

In terms of writing style I'm afraid I only wish to roleplay via PM's here on the forums. I don't have any set paragraph per reply requirements or anything as how much you can write changes with the ebb and flow of the story, I just ask that you try to avoid one liners and the like. I'll do my best to return the favour.

In terms of relationship dynamics I tend to lean more towards the submissive side of things. In some stories this won't matter at all but it may play a part sometimes.

Story Ideas​

As already mentioned, I'm primarily on the lookout for modern setting, slice of life RP's. I enjoy building relationships between characters rather than just diving in to smut. For me, it's all about the dynamic of the relationship forming.

I'll list below any ideas I have, though should you have something you'd like to propose feel free to drop me a pm detailing it. These ideas are by no means set in stone so happy to play with and tweak them.

Let me buy you a drink

Essentially this plot would involve a situation whereby MC and YC meet at a bar one evening, YC could be working the bar, while MC somehow loses the friends she's out with. MC wouldn't necessarily consider herself gay, but might be interested or simply intrigued by the woman talking to her. As such, they strike up a conversation and arrange to meet another day.

Basically involves MC finding herself exploring her sexuality with a perhaps more experienced woman, plenty of wriggle room here for chopping and changing things.

We'll work it out together​

Similar theme here, but I have a further idea for two characters who for some reason are not well experienced with relationships again exploring their sexuality together. Maybe two girls raised religiously discover they have feelings for one another, or a pair of lifelong friends finally admit how they truly feel. Again, a very basic idea so a lot of things to build on and develop.

How did you meet?​

Our characters out of curiosity, or as a bit of a joke attend a BDSM beginner's workshop put on at the university they attend. By chance, they end up having to pair up with one another to practice some basic rope work, while it's a bit awkward at first they manage to laugh it off and one of them decided to ask the other if they want to get coffee some other time.

(As mentioned above, I'd prefer to play the more submissive character if such a dynamic was involved here. That doesn't mean you have to make all the decisions on how things go, just how our characters react to one another.)

Not many ideas just yet and those that do exist are very basic. Please let me know if you'd be interested in progressing on from one of these
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