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eroticliteracy {Guardians of the Galaxy} LittleRed


Mar 10, 2018
Lyra had been on her own for what seemed like years now she had traveled in her little ship far and wide as she had soon stopped at a shop as she had dropped off a thing she had found that her boss had been wanting for a client. "Here" She said as she had walked in as the man smiled. "Ah Miss Orion thanks" he said as he had given her the cash he promised. "Now details" She said as she had looked at the man as he sighed.

"Fine, I know someone who told me about this Star-Lord, heck he came here at one point wanting to drop something off but I denied it" he added as Lyra had looked at him and crossed her arms. "He is somewhere near town I believe" he added and waved her off as she had growled before she had walked off. Once she had exited the shop, she had seen some lights going up as she had grinned. "Hmm looks light a fight" She added as she had ran toward the fight. Once there she had noticed a green chick, a racoon like creature, a tree thing and then a guy in a leather jacket.

Lyra had went toward the guy and used her whip and grabbed his leg. "You, are you star lord?" She called to the man as she had dodged a bullet that was aimed at her. "Hey' he's ours back off Chick" the Racoon creature called as she had whipped at the creature. "Answer me!" She yelled as she had tried to keep the male down on the ground
It was a bad day to Peter Quill.

His first attempt to strike out on this galaxy by himself was more or less ending in failure. The only thing he managed to do so far successfully was take the orb off of the dusty planet he found it on! His buyer fell through, his ship was being hunted by his old boss and somewhat father figure, and now he was being accosted by a weird raccoon and talking tree!

He was just about to make his escape from all parties involved when someone new entered the ring. He could see both the raccoon and the tree didn't know her and he shot a look at the green girl to try and figure out if she did.

"Alright I think its time to skedadle" He said kicking his jet pack up and shooting out of the grasp of all parties involved. He could here the Nova corps coming but thankfully the new chick seemed to have caused a mass of confusion. He used that to his advantage running full sprint out of the area and towards his waiting ship.

He jumped up the ramp and began to get to work starting the Milano.
Lyra had looked to the man, he had escaped and that was not good. Lyra wanted answers as she had growled. She didn't want to get caught by the Nova corp as she had soon ran after the man as she had pulled out her bow and a arrow as she shot it, the arrow wised passed Peter and his his control panel as she had grinned once she got up on the ship. "You ain't going anywhere until you answer my question Star Lord" She said as she had looked at the man.

Lyra had her arms crossed as her arrow was still in the control panel and if he agreed, she had soon whistled as her arrow came back toward her as she had smiled and pocketed the arrow back in her back pocket. "Now Star Lord, I can make your life a living hell or I can walk away and leave you be" She added as she noticed the Nova Corp outside all she had to do was make a big bang and they be arrested and taken to prison.
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