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A Strange Night (Aqua and Saria)


Dec 6, 2017
School wa out and the sun was shining as a young teen by the name of Sora chuckled as he slung his bookbag over his shoulder. He was seventeen at this time, struggling with his grades but overall having a fun time with his school. He approached the main entrance of the school and sat down on a bench, waiting for his best friend to show up so they can hang out. He waved to some of his fellow peers, his goofy smile lighting up the area.

“See ya Tidus!”
Riku headed to the school to meet Sora after skipping classes for the day. He'd spent the day on the water where he was more often than not. He skipped school a few times a week at least, more interested in surfing or sailing or just taking a raft out as far as he could and sitting on the water, wondering if this was really all there was to life. Sora would probably be going to college soon, with Kairi, and he'd be... here.

He pushed the melancholy thoughts aside as he rounded the corner and spotted Sora waiting for him, running a hand through his hair as he stopped beside the other male. He'd pulled on a tshirt after getting back to shore and his swim trunks still dripped a bit of water down his legs as they dried. "Hey."
Sora was pretty happy upon seeing his childhood friend. They’ve been friends for as long as he could remember, with Sora trusting Riku with his life. Riku had been skipping a lot of class lately, causing the young man to worry for his friend. Sora and Kairi has been helping Riku not fall behind with classes, but at the end of the day attendance still counted.

Sora threw his arms around Riku with a chuckle, not even realizing that the older male was still wet. Sora backed away and rubbed the back of his head, his pants and even his shirt now wet as well.

“Whoops, didn’t realize you were swimming.” Sora said with a grin. “Wanna come over? Kairi has practice to go to.”
Riku eyed Sora in amusement when the hug got him wet. He hummed softly at the offer and shrugged. "Sure. I'm starving, wanna grab food on the way?" he asked, ignoring the squelching of his sandals as he turned and headed towards Sora's place.
Sora places his hands behind his head, not really caring that his clothes got wet. It was only water- water could dry. The teen immediaty nodded his head. The sound of food was great. He was starving, anyways.

Sora nodded and followed Riku. Soon he placed his hands in the pockets of his shorts as he walked along. Nothin like a good old day having a friend over.

“Yeah I’m starving.”
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