Submissive interests - regular/fandom settings


Mar 25, 2018
Hello lovelies! Contrary to whatever follows this, I’ll do the nice thing and introduce myself. I’d like to be called Wind. I’m twenty-five and a lady. I’ve got a full-time job during the day, so I won’t be around for the rapid-fire replies. I might be able to do a few when I get home, though! I don’t mind light chatter OOC, but I’m not one to go into the personal information.

- I’d like to role play over messages or threads on this site.
- Gender of either characters doesn’t matter to me, so please specify which you prefer.
- Be aware that I am looking to play against dominant men or women.
- Replies can be anywhere from 1 – 3 paragraphs. Tell me if you want more, but my time is limited.

F-list. Please let me know what you’re interested and what needs to be included for you!

All the usual pairings | anything you can think of. We all know them.
Fandoms I would consider:
Star Wars
Sword Art Online

I have plots for certain kinks, but I want to keep them to myself until people come to me wanting them. I know that will hurt the interest I get in my thread, but I find that people jump on plots and then I end up doing too many of the same thing.
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