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Romance: Some Assembly Required (EroticLiteracyxApplepoisoneer)

Hoare frost stuck to the grass and tinseled the trees, heralding the approach of winter. The sun could barely permeate the heavy, Gotham skyline to warm the greenery of the park. What greenery there was to be had. The park itself was meant to be part of a "Keep Gotham Beautiful" project to pretty-up the worst parts of town. soccer fields look better than soup kitchens.

Harley shivered with the cold and the memory of the night before. Blows had rained down like led snowflakes, worse than ever before! She had never felt such an urgent need to get away, to claw her way out of his grasp. Something had gone wrong, and he wasn't laughing at the end of the night. Even beating her didn't seem to bring a smile to his face He just struck her with icy-hot indifference, which somehow amplified the force of his blows.

She couldn't help thinking it was exactly what she deserved. He hadn't said so, but she knew it must've been something she'd done. Why else would he have really tried to kill her?


She was determined that, if she was going to die on this park bench, she wasn't going to die blaming herself for his problems. Just her own. Somehow, that resolution warmed her, and she closed her eyes, and fell asleep. She did not expect to wake.
She was on one of her usual walkabouts trading the abandoned green house she was running her experiments in for the green of nature. It was cold and chilly out which gave her an excuse to rap herself in a coat and leggings instead of her usual skin tight green costume. Her shocking red hair was pulled back contained in a ponytail that kissed the middle of her ass. A scarf wrapped around her face hiding most of her green tinted skin and giving her some space from the preying eyes of Gotham.

"Hello my lovelies" She purred moving amount the flower beds and admiring the green. Every so often her gloved hand would pull out of her pocket sprinkling a little of her special seeds and chemical concoctions on a plant that looked in need. She hummed to herself as she worked her ruby red lips pursing as she fell into her natural role of mother and nurturer.

She was towards the middle of the park when she heard a low groan. She turned her jade green eyes assessing the park before she spotted a figure on the bench. Her eyes softened slightly. It seemed there was another poor soul of Gotham out in the park tonight.

Against her better judgement Pamela Isley moved towards the bench. She was curious. When her eyes fell on that shock of hair she knew all to well her curiosity went straight to fear and worry.

"Harley!" Pamela shouted moving forward as fast as her heeled boots would take her. She moved towards the fellow super villianess gather her in her arms and pulled her against her coat.

'Harley talk to me honey" Pamela said stroking her hair "What did he do?! What did he do?!"
There was movement in the darkness. Harley could barely feel anything beyond numbness. She heard a familiar voice, sounding as though it was coming from far away. She knew immediately who had found her, she if she had been more sensible, she might've laughed for the good fortune she had.

Her mouth worked for a while before sound came out in a barely audible whisper. "He killed me, Red." She managed. A tear stung her eye and practically froze to her eyelashes. She tried to lift her eyelids to look up into Pamela's face, but they each felt like they were a thousand pounds. She settled for brushing her fingers against the woman's arm.

Her blonde hair had come loose from its pigtails, and her makeup was smudged. Her face was bruised, and the thin, red cocktail dress she'd been wearing was torn in places. In her haste to leave, she was grateful that she'd managed to grab a ratty, brown coat before falling out the door. But somewhere along the way, she'd lost her shoes, and the coat did little good to protect her feet from the cold. She quivered and rested her head on Pamela's ample bosom.
"He didn't kill you honey" Pam cooed kissing the top of the usually bubbly girls head. She brought her even closer hoping that her warmth would be conveyed. Pam was already going into doctor mode assessing the damage and what she would need to do to fix Harley. There wasn't many she wanted to fix.

Harley was the exception.

"Just hang on Har" Pam said moving back towards her base.

"Let's get you fixed up"



Pam sighed rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she looked at her resting friend. She wasn't a medical doctor by any stretch of the imagination but she thought she knew enough to get Harley on the path to healing. She chewed her full bottom lip nervously eyeing the make shift medical table she set her up on using one of her babies. She willed the plant to morph turning it into a lush bed that Harley could rest on.

Once that was done she got up moving out of the green house and towards the small room she set up. She stripped pulling off her skin tight costume until all that remained was a striking red thong that showcased her shapely ass. She flopped into her bed deciding to remain naked as she let sleep consume her.
Harley slept so heavily, she had no idea that she'd been moved. She awoke slowly. She still felt so tired and heavy that opening her eyes was a chore. The glass ceiling above her head was glass, and the only thing distinguishing it from the sky in the park was the framework of the greenhouse. Her hand brushed the soft, velvety leaves beneath her and knew Pamela had rescued her. Even if she couldn't remember the redhead finding her in the park, it was clear that she had. Who else would bring her to a greenhouse to recover? But where was she?

With superhuman effort, Harley pushed herself upright and steadied herself where she stood. Carefully, she shuffled along, leaning into the doorway attached to the rest of the enclosure. Through blurry eyes, she saw clothing draped over a screen and a lump in the covers of a bed in the far corner. She crept across the room, dragging her feet and sat down at the end of the bed. Harley felt as though she'd just moved a mountain, and lied down against Pamela's form. She figured that was enough exercise for the day. Maybe for the rest of her life.
"You shouldn't be out of bed"

The voice was tinged with sleep and only half awake. The form she was cuddling with shifted and messy vibrant red hair filled Harley vision as Pam turned to her. Her soft naked body rubbed against Harley her emerald breast and soft green tipped nipples brushing her arm.

Pam reached out drawing her in for a hug and kissing the top of her head. She then released Harley stretching out and pushing her long emerald legs out before setting onto the pillow.

"Go back to sleep" Pam said yawning.
(OOC: Sorry, I've somehow managed to be concurrently busy and sick at the same time.. I'm kind of dragging myself along at this point, but I feel like you've waited long enough.)

Harley nodded and yawned at the same time, and slowly, she wiggled her way up the bed and onto the pillow proper. Lightly, unintentionally, she took in Pamela's scent; Pam, who always smelled like the finest herbal shampoo, even when she'd been fighting and sweating. Especially when she'd been sweating.

While this wasn't exactly the first time the two of them had shared a bed, it was the first time Harley was sure there was no where else she'd rather be. No one she'd rather be with. And despite the pain and fatigue she felt, she sank back into a sound and comfortable sleep, and dreamed of nothing.
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