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How To Love A Luthor (EllieThePhoniex)

Mar 21, 2018

Her heels clicked along the marbled tile of her office as she moved to her desk. She waved her manicured hand as she passed the window activating the built in sensor that slid the blinds close. She pushed her jacket off as she continued to move exposing her white blouse and her full chest as she sank into her plush office chair. Her eyes closed revealing her make up and graceful eyelashes as her plump lips drew in a slow breath.

The memories of her brother in his cell flashed forward. She hated seeing him like that! Even if she knew he deserved it. Her relationship with him was complicated on its best day and a mess on its worse.

This was one of those worse days.

"Why did you do it Lex" She murmured to herself shaking her head "Why couldn't you leave it alone"

She knew thinking like that was going to do her no good. For better or worse her adopted brother and mother were of the same cloth. They saw the alien situation as a threat and reacted as such. She always suspected in her mothers case it was more of losing her son than anything else.

"Narcissistic bitch" Lena murmured before glancing down at her heels "I need to get comfortable"

She reached down working her heels off and then rubbing her stocking clad feet. She gave them a rub and worked out some of the knots before sliding out of her chair. She moved over to the bar fixing her self a strong drink before padding back over to her desk and sliding back into her chair.

"Wish Kara was here" She said sighing and taking a long sip of the amber scotch "I could really use her... well to talk to her at least"

Lena giggled at that before clearing her throat and taking another large sip of her amber scotch.
They hadn’t been to happy with Kara making friends with Lena, they still wanted to judge her by her brother’s actions. No. Kara didn’t see that. Kara saw a strong woman who was trying to make a difference and in a good way. A few stared to accept that she was friends with her now. Her sister was still a little on edge and Hank who was even hesitant on it.

Her cousin? Well, had no idea. Not that she was aware of and she’d rather keep it that way. There was enough bad blood with the one Luthor she didn’t want his dislike to transfer to the girl who was amazing and already making a difference in National City.

The day was a long one, two robberies’ one high speed chase that she ended quickly. To even dealing with a bad alien, who they finally caught after three days.

Passing by the building she caught her name causing her to pause. Giving a moment she glanced at the wall to see Lena was alone. Upset maybe?

A frown brushed against her lips as she quickly disappeared.

“Miss Luthor.” A voice came through the intercom. “Miss Dav…Wait!” The voice was cut off as the door was pushed open. “You really need to tell that woman to relax.” Kara said flashing a smile towards Lena as if she was unaware that her friend spoke her name. “As if I don’t come see you normally.” She said shaking her head moving towards her friend.
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