☉ - Golden


Works Too Much
Feb 27, 2018
Dear Diary,

When I was a child that's how we believed everyone started writing in their diaries or journals for the first time. It seemed exorbitantly girly so I never wrote either one, I only ever wrote the date.

My entries in my diary when I was a child were always short. Another girl at school stole my sweater, I thought a boy at school was gross for trying to kiss me. But I wrote. A lot. An excessive amount, if you asked my peers. There wasn't a time when I was at school that I didn't have my paper with notes for the class sitting on top of my writing journal so I could switch between them when we got to the boring part of the class. (read: the part where people asked questions that had already been answered LOADS of times during the previous 10 minutes)

I also read. A lot. So much that by the time I hit fourth grade I only ever counted half of my books and time read over the summer because I didn't like the look of surprise or suspicion on my teacher's face. I was a terrible liar, yet told not to lie. Surely I hadn't spent 10 hours reading every day during the summer. They hardly believed I read Goblet of Fire in less than nine hours, or that I had bought it and read it all in the same day.

They believed me more when I did lie. I started not to tell them the truth: that I woke up at 7am, had breakfast, read until noon (3-4 hours), had lunch, finished homework, read until 5pm (3 hours), had dinner, and then read until it was bedtime at 11pm (4 hours) for a total of 10 hours. That was assuming that I didn't have issues sleeping at night and read more while my grandma was asleep. I only marked down 7 hours average a day for the summertime (49 hours a week) and break reading, while only marking down 5 hours average a day during school (35 hours a week).

I saw this image while surfing about earlier:


I feel nostalgic looking at it. It was my first book that was a departure from the 'kid' books that I had hoisted upon me. It was a stepping stone from the boring books that they had us read in class. I devoured this series of books and I found ways to get my grandma to buy them. They have animals on the cover, of course they were books meant for kids! Never mind the death and fighting, oma! (Note: This series actually is meant for kids, but my grandma was a bit conservative and old ;) Plus the Redwall copy that I got didn't actually have a cover! Some ungrateful cretin had torn it off!)

I wish that I had more time to read now. But so much of my time is spent taken up with work, writing, and games now. Of course, a fair amount of my writing comes after reading posts from my partners.

Hopefully soon I'll be able to at least read a bit, even if it's only while waiting for my battleground queue to pop in WoW. There's no reason not to multitask while waiting to melt Alliance faces off.

What's the point of having days off if people call off and you're called in anyway? I'd rather know I work all 7 days every week then think that I have days off and find out at the last minute I don't get to relax.
Super busy schedule this next schedule since my managers want to put their best foot forward and have me be there when corporate peers are in for a convention.

F/S 11p-7a
Sunday - 3p-11p
Mon - 6a-3p
(there's more, but these are the important days)

As a translation, I get off work Sunday morning at 7am and go right back at 3pm, then I leave at 11pm and come back at 6am that next morning. This means I'm going to be MIA from Saturday night until Monday night.
I made it through the crazy shifts! I do, however, need to play catch up now that I'm back-ish.
One of these days I'll be able to go home on time... :| Another extra 3 hours for me today. But at least they fed and watered me. I feel like a pet right now!
Woot! Just got my promotion at work! It was a big maybe, pending my supervisor departing for another job, but he finally decided he was going to leave.

I'm going to be training like crazy, we don't really have that much time to figure things out due to us not having someone ready to take my old job.
Thanks :)

Luckily we got a guy who was in the middle of hiring who was interested in doing my old schedule and I'll be training him a few days this next week.
My pay period had 125 hours on it.... Hopefully things will even out and I get a nice, normal schedule sometime soon. I've not even had time to do chores around the house much less do anything fun this last week.
I'm so happy that you're getting so many hours at work :heart:

You're worth waiting for. c:

Get some time to rest, too! Take care of yourself, sweetness.
Hehe. That's part of why I've slowed down so much on writing. I'm around mostly to talk, but I'm knocking out a few of my overdue responses. Luckily folks have been understanding.

By Tuesday I'll be doing everything for the new position on my own, though I'm almost sure I've got everything figured out.
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