Battlemaidens! (Seeking Small Group)


Jul 13, 2017
The AI Revolution had come. But it wasn’t the catastrophic end that everyone had predicted. There were of course problems. There were wars, extreme loss of life, and the destruction of whole civilizations. But the world went on, and rebuilt. Synthetic humans were the answer to the shortage of labor and life. So they became ubiquitous. But even as we created robots with artificial intelligence, we never really let them be free. We hardwired them to be owned. They had to be property. They craved it. They needed someone to dedicate themselves to completely. All the complicated thoughts and emotions and the solution to the worry that AI would displace humanity was simply to make it obedient to their owners.

Of course the world never really changes. It just evolves into something different but the same. These synthetic humans swiftly became weapons. Those who owned them were always developing new and more powerful models. Battle droids they called them. Synthetic men and women with an arsenal of futuristic weaponry and combat techniques far beyond the limits of any mortals. The powerful became more powerful, like they always do. And the weak of course became even more downtrodden. Mega-corporations displaced governments. Both Synthetic humans and regular humans were slaves to these companies and if they weren’t they were viewed as little more than cockroaches. The wealthy stayed safe in their fortified ivory towers, protected by the companies’ synthetic arsenals. It wasn’t uncommon for whole sections of the city to be destroyed as these Battle Droids fought for supremacy in the air and on the ground.

But the weak who lived in the ruins of the old cities below these glistening towers still went about their lives. Everything above them was well out of reach. The same was true for a very skilled young man who had spent his entire life inventing and tinkering. He scoured through the refuse pits looking for discarded technology from the wealthy towers above, fixing, salvaging, and disassembling everything he could get his hands on.

It was on a clear, bright day that this young man was scavenging through a fresh mound of discarded junk that he was caught by surprise as a battle began to unfold around him. Diving for cover as laser blasts and the clash of blades at high speed rang out all around him. A lone figure battling no less than six other droids. From his place of safety he watched in awe as the female battle droid above him fended off her assailants. Fast, agile, and powerful, she fought with incredible precision. He’d never seen one like her before. She felled foe after foe, but when reinforcements came in she was caught unaware and sent spiraling down into the refuse pit below.

With the battle done, he frantically ran to aid her, finding her hopelessly damaged. Without knowing why he did what he did, he grabbed her body and dragged her from the refuse back to his workshop. He knew someone would come to look for her, but he didn’t care. He felt the need to help her, so he set about fixing her mangled frame any way that he could.


I've been watching some battlemaiden animes recently and it's kind of put me on a bit of an android fetish track. I love a good epic sci-fi story, with evil corporations and intrigue and someone who is weak and powerless getting swept up in things. So, what I'm proposing is a small group dynamic. I'm comfortable taking on the role of a semi-GM to deal with NPCs and some evil Masterminds (though if someone else wants to assume an NPC role on top of a main role I'd be fine with that). ideally, I would love to have 2, possibly 3 people who would play battle maidens. More than that and I think it would be unmanageable. Ideally each of us would be able to assume several smaller roles outside of our primary role, but our primary roles would have the most interaction.

So as for main roles, I envision three or four main characters. My own character would be the scrappy inventor who discovers the first battle maiden and repairs her, taking ownership of her in the process. Obviously the first battle maiden. And then the next characters would be able to play as rivals/enemy/ or comrade battle maidens. eventually each of the battle maidens would end up on the same side, owned by the inventor character and battling against evil corporations in the city, and maybe threats from outside of the city.

I'm totally open to discussion on the story specifics and direction, I feel like discussion is key for anything like this both to keep people interested and to move things forward.

Regarding my own writing, I tend to write 2-5 paragraphs with a tendency towards more than less. I prefer partners that enjoy that same long format post. I'm also open to this happening through something like discord, in which case the format might be different.

Post below with the role you'd be interested in playing or PM me if you've got any questions.
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