- Dark Desires -


Dec 9, 2016
Birmingham, UK.

I've been having cravings recently for something very much on the darker end of things. A story with no chance of a happy ending for my character. Heck, probably a story with no chance of a happy beginning for her, never mind an end. Something dark, and gritty, where we can explore all sorts of kinks and themes together.

I don't want to scare people off by listing anything too dramatic kink wise, but from the title of this thread you can probably guess that what I'm looking for right now isn't fluffy romance. Torture, rape, violence, kidnapping, brutality and abuse. All acts that I would never condone in real life, but that in recent times have been holding my attention, and my muse. All acts that I'm looking to write about now.

I'm looking to write as a female character, opposite a male, female, or even a group. If you're interested in anything within this kind of pairing, and exploring these kind of kinks, drop me a message. I'm going to outline a few brief starting points below, but even if none of them catch your eye, feel free to start up a conversation.

  • An almost 'Guantanamo Bay' style, modern day internment camp. Run by the military of a western nation, with all the trappings that can come with that, but with the 'detainees' coming from a wider range of backgrounds than just those associated with terrorism. Political dissidents? Anarchists? Protest organisers? Journalists that dug too deep? Witnesses to high level crime? Anyone that the government might want to see quietly removed and 'interrogated' could find themselves in an orange jumpsuit, being subjected to all manner of horrors at this camp.

  • A rich psychopath's plaything. A modern setting, or perhaps a slight alteration where society has become divided between the vast majority of people, struggling to get by in life, and the super rich, who are all but above the law. So much so that when a member of this rich elite decides that they'd like to let their sadistic side out, all they have to do is call the right number. Whether she's the cute barista from down the street, the receptionist at the building, or even a random woman walking down the road who catches the eye of the wrong person from behind the tinted glass of a luxury car.

  • Someone sold into modern day slavery. From a desperate background. Poverty, or a war torn nation, perhaps somewhere in Eastern Europe. Maybe her parents have debts, and the seedy gangsters come to collect? Or maybe they come to make an offer for the daughter, and the parents simply see it as an injection of cash and one less mouth to feed. Either way, she finds herself in the well oiled system that is the black market human trade in this modern day setting, finding herself in a market, or maybe on an auction block.

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