OC Romance Time! [MxF FxF MxM]


Mar 24, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
Hey y'all. I'm brand spankin' new to this forum, so I thought I'd make a request thread and just see how it goes, yeah? I've been rping for 15 years now, and I love, love, love romance. Now, let's get something straight right off the bat, smut is fantastic, but I'm not here for 'how quickly can we get laid'. PLOTS people, we want PLOT. So, here's some ideas I have for a little romantic adventure, and trust me, it will be CUTE af. I usually match my partner, I like rapid fire posting, so I'm not concerned if your posts are short as long as they're descriptive enough for me to play off of. One liners don't work, we all know this, but I'm gonna say it anyway, that's not enough information for anyone to write anything, and you're not saving yourself from carpal tunnel just by writing as little as possible. Okay? Okay. Let me know if you have any questions- I'm flexible about kink when it comes down to it, and if your character is something other than human, that's chill ( Not that into furries but hey if you wanna be a demon or an elf or something, go for it fam). Also, I'm a little perturbed by how hetero all of this is? (no offense) but if you wanna do MxM, FxF, NBxWhatevs, just let me know- It's cool with me. I'm just posting in the female section because I thought why not, I can be honest with myself and say I like to bottom out 80 percent of the time lol. I will play switch or submissive characters-- you gotta have a REALLY GOOD CASE to get me to play a character that's dominant, but since so many people who want to be submissive tend to be pretty bad when it comes to understanding how to build a character around that attribute, I usually just avoid it. So basically, looking for doms and switches here. And just because your character is dominant doesn't mean you're gonna do all the work, get everything you want or always be in charge, so be prepared for that.


Time Period Based Romance: I dunno about you, but I'm a historical nerd to the MAX. If you want to go ancient Greece, Japan, Macedonia, England, the Wild West, like, hit me with it. Your character, my character, living in a difficult, murderous world, just trying to be in love. Extra points for ancient Greece because I just love it. You wanna play a Greek God, a Plutarch, a Spartan in Athens? Please, I'm HERE for it.

That Good Old Slice of Life: Character development is like, my favorite ice cream flavor, so here's some scenarios that are regular old life, but allow us to focus on building our character personalities and focusing on the relationship.
College Classmates
Apartment Roommates
Wealthy Family Forced Marriage (This is always so much fun)
MasterXNew House Maid (Household stuff, ya know)
"I've seen you a hundred times" ( This is applicable to 'I see you at my coffee shop/bar/library section, but our characters have crossed paths and now's the time to ACT)
PainterXMuse ( Not that I condone getting freaky with your figure drawing model lol)

That Fantasy Life: So, this is where we can get plot twisty and such, WHILE having fun character development. If you want some mysterious past, secret powers, whatever kind of stuff- these are the plots to do it in.
VAMPIRES (oh god do I love them, please, hit me up)
AncientXMortal ( can be a god, a vampire, whatever)
Old Gods ( Just fickle, emotional gods liking each other and having to put up with each other for MILLENNIA)
Prince/PrincessXSlave of a foreign nation
Political Marriage of different cultures
MasterXNew Maid (because adding fantasy to this is delightful)

As for kink stuff: I build my characters with individual kinks, depending on the plot, their personalities and how I want to play them, so I'm pretty open minded about kink stuff. Here's some that I think are hella fun, and ones I definitely won't do though, just as a frame of reference.

Sub-con/Planned Non-con/Rape Play
Heat/Rut with A/B/O
Rough sex
Voyeurism/Voyeuristic risk play
Master/Slave dynamics
Dress up/ Forced dress
Anthro stuff

Age Play
Extreme pain
Race Play (unless it's fantasy based)

Okay, I think that's enough gabbing on my part, I'm loquacious, you have been warned. But yeah! PM me, I also use Discord if that's your thing, and as mentioned, if you have any questions or want to flesh something out, please let me know.

Le Bump! Also update: Please don't message me asking me to play a character you made up. I'm not into that, I make my own characters. Thanks!
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