Mx Female Sully's Succulent Selection of Salacious Scenarios (Mainly looking for Fandoms)


Mar 23, 2018
Hello all! I'm Sully, and I'm pretty much brand new to the site as of the time of writing. Anyway, I figured I should throw out a couple of ideas and see if there's anybody else out there who'd be interested in maybe starting up an RP. There probably won't be too much here to begin with, but I'll expand on it as I go.

A couple of things about me first: I've been RPing online for about a decade at least, probably slightly longer, so I consider myself to be pretty half decent at this whole 'writing' thing. In the past I've usually had single partners and we've built entire worlds together, but I've found that recently, RPing with the same person all the time has led to my writing getting a bit stale, so I'd like to try and mix it up a bit by finding some people to RP with on here! My preferred writing style is third person, and usually multiple paragraphs in length. Though one thing I cannot stress enough is that this is entirely subject to change, and most of the time I can cater to whatever length my partner is comfortable with, and what fits the story. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine to have an arbitrary post length, which leads to simple conversations that could be done in a few lines, stretching over multiple paragraphs without giving one's partner a chance to respond and react. If a character's only saying a couple of lines, then I think it's totally okay to have a post with a shorter length for that particular instance, rather than taking three paragraphs to comment on how nice the weather is.

That aside, I usually RP in fandoms, and usually with canon characters. I'm open to discussing OCs, or potentially doubling, but right now I've been craving canon characters involved in one way or another. I can play as both male and female characters without much issue, though I usually prefer for my partner to play a female character. I also greatly prefer for there to be a level of build up and character development in my RPs; I'm not really one for diving straight into the sex unless it makes sense story-wise, or it's something specific we'd planned for. Now I'm not entirely against pure smut RPs, if that's what you're looking for, they're just not my preference. I'm sure there's probably more I'm forgetting to mention here, so I'll add to this as and when necessary.

Now onto the important parts - these are just a couple of ideas I've come up with for the moment, but I'll add to this as I think of more scenarios. If none of these appeal to you but you think of something you think I might enjoy, then send me a PM and I'll be happy to discuss possibilities. These ideas are intentionally vague and not at all set in stone. Also, fair warning, images may be NSFW. Also, my f-list, to get an idea of how our kinks line up. Admittedly it is a bit out of date, but most of the stuff in the favourites column are still appropriate.

Overwatch (Craving)
So after the new short that released featuring D.Va (even if it was a little disappointing) I'm really eager to try out an RP involving her. While the short didn't exactly expand on very much of the lore, it did at least give some concrete background to D.Va and provide some characters for her to interact with. I'm open to a lot of suggestions in regards to the kind of story we could explore here. While we could go for some romance with her friend Tae-hyun (sp?), either exploring their life before the MEKA program since they seem to have a history together, or just them living and working together on the base. Alternatively, we could do something with one or all of the MEKA squad, risking life and limb out battling the Kishin Omnics, or anything else we decide to throw at them. We'd also be free to explore their day to day lives around the base too, for some downtime between action. Even throw in plenty of drama with someone getting jealous that D.Va's the one getting all the fame. Who knows? Either way, while I would like to include some sort of romance, whether its genuine or more of a sort of love-hate relationship, it's totally possible to do something without any romance if we want. Regardless, I'm really craving something like this right now!

Kill La Kill
So I've been rewatching Kill la Kill lately, and it's really gotten me in the mood to try out an RP with some of the characters. I might be willing to consider OCs for this, but for the most part I'm looking for canon pairings. When it comes to those canon pairings, I'm open to just about any of them really. My real craving right now would be Nonon Jakuzure x one of the male characters. Inumuta or Sanageyama would probably make the most sense, but I'd be willing to pair her with somebody else, maybe even one of the female characters too, like Satsuki or Ryuuko. Regardless of the pairing, I think it could be fun to set it after the events of the show where we could make it a bit more slice-of-life-y, but I'm perfectly fine with setting it during the show too. So if you have any specific pairings in mind you'd like to try out, just let me know!

My Hero Academia
I've been super into this series lately, specifically the manga. I'm getting all nostalgic over it from when I used to read other Shonen manga like Bleach and Naruto, but the series changes up enough of the formula to keep things interesting. Not to mention the character designs are absolutely gorgeous, and every character looks wonderfully unique and full of personality. Not to mention with all the powers and stuff flying around that I think this could be a really fun setting to have an RP in - again whether it's as canon characters, either present or future, or as OCs. This is another scenario where I feel like even just setting it in UA, or some other hero school, and just having it more slice of life focused with the inclusion of super powers could be a lot of fun; but on top of that I'm once again happy to make things darker or more serious, or make the story more action-packed. When it comes to canon characters, there's no one character in particular I'd like to play as or with, I'm open to just about anyone!

RWBY (Craving)
So I'm a huge fan of the show. The characters, the world, the weapons. Unf. I feel like there's so many possibilities that could be done in this setting, and I'm willing to give most ideas a go. What I'm specifically looking for though would be an RP involving Weiss and/or Yang for the time being. As far as the actual scenario is concerned, I'm happy to do something more slice of life-y and lighthearted, involving just regular school life stuff around Beacon, maybe with the occasional bit of training or fighting thrown in. Although I'm also more than happy, and actually rather eager to do something maybe a bit darker, with more of a focus on combat and action and stuff, whether it's fighting Grimm or the White Fang or something else entirely of our own creation. I'd also be happy to set the RP at any point during the series, or even in the future or an AU. The main thing right now is that I'm just really looking for someone to play as either of the aforementioned characters.

Mainly looking for OCs for this, although I'd be happy to consider canon characters if there's a particular one you'd like to include. The premise itself is probably pretty obvious, but I'd like to try an RP following a pair of trainers on their journey. Whether childhood friends who grew up together and started their journey at the same time, or just two complete strangers who originally met in the heat of battle, then decided to travel together to the next city. Eventually they grow a bit friendlier and decide to keep travelling and training together in a friendly rivalry. Whatever the premise, I'd like romance to develop at some point during their travels. Whether its feelings towards one another that finally come to the surface, or just a heated night of passion one evening while sharing a tent. I'm open to any and all ideas! There's also the possibility of including Pokemon in some way when it comes to the lewd stuff, so if that's something you'd like to include just let me know and I'm sure we could work something out! I also adore the Alola region, so I'd love to set the RP there, but I'm happy to discuss other regions too.

Other Fandoms
So these are just some other fandoms that I enjoy, and I'd be up for discussing an RP set in one of them, whether it's as canon characters or OCs:
Kingdom Hearts
Something in a D&D/Pathfinder-themed fantasy setting
Avatar (Both Last Air Bender and Korra)
Harry Potter
League of Legends (Willing to do an AU for this, considering how all over the place the lore is)
Genshin Impact

Other Ideas/Pairings
So these are just couple of other ideas that I might be interested in, though I've been doing them a lot lately so I'm more focused on the fandom RPs for now. Characters and such are open to discussion, but for the most part I'd prefer these to be MxF, with me taking on the male role.

Roommates - I've always enjoyed the idea of our characters being roommates in some kind of college or academy type setting where normally coed dorms aren't a thing, but our two characters wind up together either through some kind of mix up, or because it's the only room left and we just got unlucky. Obviously this idea leaves a lot open in regards to development, but I do enjoy the idea of our characters hating each other at first but simply having to put up with one another. From there, it wouldn't take long for them to start lusting after one another, which could very reasonably lead to some angry, passionate hate sex. Where things go from there is up in the air, whether they keep their relationship entirely physical, or if they start developing genuine feelings for each other over time. I'm also open to setting this either in modern day, or in more of a fantasy setting, perhaps at some kind of magical academy, or something along those lines.

Boyfriend x Girlfriend - I'm in the mood for just some regular old, sweet slice-of-life romance between a boyfriend and girlfriend. Whether they be highschool sweethearts or young college lovers or anything else, I'd just like something nice and romantic. That's not to say there can't be drama and stuff thrown in here and there though, and I'm also happy to have this kind of follow the highlights of their life, maybe from first date, to first time sleeping together, to celebrating birthdays and stuff, to finally moving in together, getting married, the honeymoon, all that good stuff. Again, this very much open to development too, and I'm happy to hear your input on things to include in this!

Survivors - So this is a bit of a vague title because I've got a few ideas, but the general gist of them are two people surviving together. A couple of settings that spring to mind would be perhaps a zombie apocalypse, or the only two survivors after a plane crash on some deserted island. Of course I'm also happy to go more fantasy for the setting, with magic and monsters and our characters are lost out in some wilderness together, or even sci-fi, maybe with our characters being the only two survivors after something happened on some huge colony ship, and now with nobody around they're left to live the rest of their lives in this massive ship with enough food and water to satisfy thousands while it drifts through space. And for all of these, it's not like our characters have to like each other. They could hate each other at first, but be sticking together out of necessity. Over time their relationship could develop into something more lustful or romantic. And of course plot points could be developed, twists could be added, I'm very open to suggestions and brainstorming with my partner for these!
I'm actually really craving this idea right now, specifically the zombie apocalypse one, or the crash survivor one, so if they interest anyone at all I'm more than happy to discuss ideas if whatever I've posted isn't quite what you're looking for!

Romance Abroad (Craving) - I'd love to try out some sort of RP involving my character travelling to a foreign country where he knows very little of the language or the culture. Maybe he's part of some foreign exchange program at his college or university, or maybe he's visiting family, or maybe he's just looking for a fresh start. Whatever the reason, I think it could be a really interesting premise for an RP if he meets a girl there and they fall for each other, but they have to try and overcome the language and cultural barrier between them. In that regard it would probably make the most sense if your character knew a little of my character's language so they're able to communicate a little, and she could then proceed to teach him her language. The exchange student premise would probably work best, since that way each of them could've already been learning the other's language before they met, and once they meet they could both tutor one another. That said though, I'm totally open to my character being thrust into this place where he has no clue of the language or the culture, and some kind soul takes it upon themselves to help him. Whatever the reason, we can always discuss further!

Of course when it comes to the actual logistics of including multiple languages in an RP, I'm not expecting somebody to be interested in this who's actually fluent in another language. I was just imagining using italics or something to represent speaking a language other than English, while the rest would just be written normally. Either way, we can come up with some method to make it work. I just wanted to clarify that I'm not actually looking for somebody multilingual for this. (As amazing as that would be.)

So that about covers it for now. If any of these ideas interest anybody out there, then please send me a PM and let me know, and maybe we can work something out! Right now I'm mainly looking to play as male characters, but that's not 100% set in stone.
I hope to hear from you soon!
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Bumping again, still craving Hero Academia and RWBY for any and all who are interested! Willing to double up for these fandoms too.
Gonna give this a quick bump. Really craving some Overwatch-themed stuff lately, any and all pairings welcome but the ones I mentioned in the post I'm especially eager to try!
Back from a bit of a break due to personal matters and looking to dive into some more RPs. Added a couple of new ideas, some of which I'm really craving!
Hi Sully, I've just come across this thread and it sounds great. I'm Lucia, 31, and a fellow Brit. I particularly like the idea of a good romantic RP, or perhaps the romance abroad idea. Would you like to discuss over PM?
So after a bit of a break from RPing, I'm finally finding myself with a bit more free time and I'm hopeful I can get another RP or two going, so I'm gonna give this a bump (and possibly an overhaul at some point).
Building up that motivation to get back into roleplaying, so giving this a quick bump.
So it's been a long time since I've really been around, and an even longer time since I've been in a good head space for much in the way of RPs. But I'm hoping to get back into things, so I'm dusting off this thread with a bump for now. It's quite out of date and in dire need of updating, so expect to see changes soon.
Hoping to get back into writing more consistently again, so giving this a tentative bump. Will update thread soon with more specific ideas and current cravings, but the current old post still gives a general idea of fandoms I'm interested in.
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