Diamond Dogs - MGSV:TPP RP Idea

Apr 26, 2014
Who here would be interested in joining a Diamond Dogs RP in the great ol' MGS universe? Naturally this would be set during and after the events of The Phantom Pain in the year 1984, but player characters will be limited to the mercenaries and personel, such as doctors/medics/psychologists, Base Development Units, security teams, combat soldiers whether stealth operatives or full-blown one-man-armies and R&D nuts/geeks/nerds. There wouldn't be any limits to character creation, and with the vocal chord parasites coming into play during the events of MGSV:TPP, one could even say that a character could have a special power or technique like Quiet or The End.

Sexual shenanigans are accepted and encouraged.
I'd probably need a refresher on MGS information to avoid throwing off the overall theme. I can do my homework on it, no problem.

I am tentatively interested.
Viktoff Samson said:
I'd probably need a refresher on MGS information to avoid throwing off the overall theme. I can do my homework on it, no problem.

I am tentatively interested.

Just let me know what you want to know and I'll do my best to help you out.
Major Mario said:
MGS3 -> Peace Walker -> Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain's end will do, yeah.

Then I will be absolutely sure to be all read up should this move forward.

I play males, typically straight. Looking at a medical professional whose 20-22 years of age for his position gets him positive and negative attention.
I'll play whatever character is required to flesh out the group. A sniper, medic, officer, CQC expert, etc.

Also, when it comes to smut v. story, I like a hell of a lot of smut. Over 60-70% in relation to story. My scenarios will typically involve something to get the players either close to one another or riled up.
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