Character’s looking for a new home


Mar 18, 2018
Note: at this point both characters are in discussion for role play and so until further notice are unavailable however if you like what you see and wish to rp with me just send me a message.

Hi ^^, welcome to my thread!

So to explain, I thought of a few characters for role plays that never took off but I still love the characters and so now I’m looking to find them a new home. I do have story prompts but feel free if you like the character but have another plot in mind to still give me a buzz.

A little about me.

Firstly I’d like to mention I’m a multi-paragraph roleplayer this means that I’m looking for someone capable of at least constantly giving me 2+ paragraphs, I can understand writers block so if every now and again I’m given less I won’t make a big deal about it however even writers block in my eyes can never be an excuse to give me a one-liner and I’ll be blunt if I ever see one then I’m not going to respond and will immediately discontinue the rp.
With spelling and grammar I’ll be the first to admit I’m not perfect and I don’t expect perfection from you either, as long as I understand what you’re writing I’ll be happy.
I am someone whose inspiration and creativity feeds off my partner, I give what I get so if you want detail you have to give me detail.
I won’t demand you give me a post a day but that being said I’d very much appreciate it, at the very least please give me a couple of posts a week.
Smut to Story ratio is something I see a lot of people talking about but I don’t think it’s something separable when writing erotica. I’ll use an example of what I mean, a story where two people fuck all the time for no real reason or emotional development is just bad writing and frankly unenjoyable and boring however you can still have a story with plenty of sex where the characters relationship and emotions, experience change, hardship and happiness, and that right there is how you can still have plenty of smut and have a good, interesting story.
I can write anything from vanilla to the extremely dark and depraved. I will admit I probably enjoy being closer to the darker side of things, not just because I’m a kinky person but because I like exploring the psychological impact on my character. That being said a sweet, slice of life romance can be just as enjoyable.
Dominant or Submissive, once again it’s a hard thing to say one way or another. Most people like characters have dominant and submissive traits, however that being said I don’t particularly enjoy playing opposite characters that are too submissive.
As I was saying, I enjoy the darker sides of life and so my yes list is impossibly long but my Hardcore No’s are: Vore, Scat, Snuff.
At this point in time I’ll only be role playing through thread because pm’s are too messy.

Anyway, onto the characters:
Face Claim: (Pending)
Name: Alexa Evans
Nicknames: Aly, Alex,
Age: 18
Height: 5’6”
Hobbies: Gaming, Roller skating, skateboarding and anime.
Info: Some people would refer to Alexa as a tomboy though she doesn’t wish to label herself because sure she swears like a sailor, is stubborn , isn’t afraid of breaking a nail and would rather stab herself in the eye then participate in the gossiping and needless chatter most girls do but she also never leaves the house without make up on and has just as many dresses and heels as she does jeans, t-shirts and sneakers. Alexa is a confident outspoken young woman that knows what she likes, what she hates and she wasn’t changing herself for nobody. Her attitude was, they can either like her for who she is or fuck off.

Story prompt:
Alexa has an obsession with a recently released mmorpg game, this is where she meets someone online who she finds really easy to talk to, they quickly become good friends who chat whenever they’re online. Their friendly banter quickly turns into something different after a few sexual jokes, things turned sexual with private messages and even pictures (no faces shown). The thing is what happens when they find out who the person behind the screen really is? [now this could be a case where the two know each other I’m open to incest, teacherXstudent , family friend, perhaps they are even enemies, if you have another pairing in mind that’s okay too. It could also be a case where they don’t know each other but going along this line I’d be more so thinking of a darker story that could contain stalking, kidnaping, force etc.

Face Claim:(pending)
Name: Monica Kojiro
Fake Name: Lucy Li Yin
Age: 25
Height: 5’8”
Info: Monica like most people when they were younger made a mistake. It was a mistake that helped contribute to her friends death and so she can’t help but blame herself. It was this incident that shaped her to be the person she is today. She is a goal driven young woman, though her goals consist of taking down some very dangerous and powerful men. Monica feels like she owes a debt and that by risking herself to save others would be able to give her give her some sense of redemption. Her own happiness and love seem to be the last thing on her mind, she is a rather close off person who puts up walls around herself to stop people from truly getting close.

Story prompt:
- the original story was actually someone else’s idea and I’m not one to copy anyone else’s plots so it isn’t as figured out as Alexa’s. Basically I’d like to base the plot on the idea of espionage, wether she is doing as a sort of vigilante move/ for revenge or wether she’s actually apart of a government agency. YC could be one of the dangerous men she wishes to expose or he could be her handler etc.

Anyway thanks for reading and if you’re interested please don’t post here but send me a pm.

:heart: Honey
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