Pulling at the Gordian's Knot [RP Journal for Karameida & Raina Reader]


Sometimes a Dream, Sometimes a Nightmare
Jun 15, 2011

Name :: Ailith
Gender :: Female
Rank :: King
Race :: Drakaina
Kings World :: Lumea fiarelor
Image :: King Ailith
Extras :: Has only one clansmen member, Vixaela. Ailith is the newest "King" created by the slates and came into her power 10 years prior. This is her Ship

Name :: Lithiel
Gender :: Hermaphrodite
Rank :: Clansmen
Race :: Elven
Home World :: Alkar'ndor
Image :: Commander Lithiel
Extras :: Her King is Istrusia and she is the Commander of Istrusia's other 4 clansmen.


Name :: Kyra
Gender :: Female
Rank :: Clansmen
Race :: Elven
Home World :: Alkar'ndor
Image :: Assassin Kyra
Extras :: Her King is Istrusia.


Name :: Alana
Gender :: Female
Rank :: Clansmen
Race :: Elven
Home World :: Alkar'ndor
Image :: Archer Alana
Extras :: Her King is Istrusia.


Name :: Farah
Gender :: Female
Rank :: Clansmen
Race :: Elven
Home World :: Alkar'ndor
Image :: Healer Farah
Extras :: Her King is Istrusia.


Lumea fiarelor is home to many creatures and covered in various forests, mountains and swamps. Outside of, Niar, technology is found in almost no other place on the planet.
Important Locations :: Ailiths home
Main City, Niar
Second largest city, Mara

Name :: Istrusia
Gender :: Hermaphrodite
Rank :: King
Race :: Elven
Kings World :: Alkar'ndor
Image :: King Istrusa Moongrove
Extras :: Keeps many clansmen and advisors by her side. Incredibly arrogant and proud, just like her people as a whole.

Name :: Vixaela
Gender :: Female
Rank :: Clansmen
Race :: Lamia
Home World :: Drakaina
Image :: Loyal Vixaela
Extras :: Fiercely loyal to her king; Ailith. Venomous to others.


The Planet :: Alkar'ndor

Alkar'ndor is a relatively flat world covered in lush forests, small lakes and vast plains. Long before they became a space fairing people there was a bitter and bloody struggle over the control of their world with another sentient race with whom they shared the planet; the Dwarves. After winning the war, the Elven people enslaved the remnants of the dwarven people utilizing them to dig deep into Alkar'ndor for rich minerals. This brought about a golden age for the Elven people and a rise in industrialization and technology.

As they grew more advanced the Elven people who originally lived in trees, kept to tradition by building each modern city into the shape of a tree. Each city breaches the clouds and upon the plateau is a sprawling lush city center consisting of the richest nobles, where those of peasantry live within the tree structure its self.

Elven cities across the flat lands

The plateau of each tree

The Elven people worship their king as a diety. Due to their incredibly long lifespan, it is speculated that their king has lived since the war with the dwarves in ancient times. Many shrines worship her as such.

The various spacecrafts utilized by the Elven people of Alkar'ndor

Larger spacecrafts
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