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♦ Exploring Character ♦

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Mar 26, 2013


My current craving is dark themes were the characters form intimate connections though communication, but not of sexual variety. Open to suggestions :)

Current Concepts


The Vampire Roomates
Two century old vampires share a flat assisting each other in surviving everyday modern life. For this play I would like to write more classic vampires. An interesting take would be a vampire frozen as a teenager and an middle aged individual. Different ways of thinking leads to disagreements they have to work though, but at the same time they help each other out, pretending a family relationship to their neighbors. This would have a largely slice of life feel.


One Stormy Night
Out on the rough sea a mermaid is caught in a fisherman's net as she stalks his boat looking for a meal. Pulling her up he watches as this strange creature turn into a young women. As the storm rages these two find themselves alone at sea. My take on mermaids are more of intelligent predators, but very smart ones.


Vampire Romance
I would like to try an rp where vampires after their tanformation no longer have a sexual drive, simply the hunger for blood. These are close to origanal take being nearly dead. I would like to explore a more asexual romantic relationship where sex is not something that would evolve. I would like to brianstorm ideas.


Into The Woods
A group of individuals, all from different walks of life are trapped in a shifting dark wood and forced to play a dangerous game by unknown observers. It is a game of survival, tensions run high and while some came to depend on each other others lash out as everything in the woods try to kill them.


A few quick notes about me and my expectations...
  • I like post length to vary with the Rps pace, but detail and quality are a must.
  • My response time can go from a few a day or one every few days, I will keep you up to date and would appreciate you returning the favor. If you ever disappear because life certainly gets in the way you're always free to come back!
  • I'm always looking to break out of the box, twists on old classics and tropes are my favorite.
  • I want partners who will pull their weight in the role-play, we both contribute to moving the story forward.
  • F-List | I have a discord for OOC discussion and am willing to rp there as well :)

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