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Pokemon Adventure Caught in Frames [Azecreth & KalTammy]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
Sighing to himself, Michael glanced around as he waited in the park that he had chosen as the site for his photo shoot. His equipment rested nearby, while a purring Delcatty rested on his lap. She was happy enough, basking in the sunlight and enjoying the petting that she was currently receiving from her trainer. He'd put up advertisements and now he was just waiting for people to actually see it and show up. So far he hadn't had much luck, but he was still hopeful that he would get a response to it sooner or later.

A native of Viridian City, Michael Henderson had found his calling in photography, at least if you asked him. From modest beginnings with a camera he had bought in a pawn shop, he had grown in recognition and talent as he sold to bigger publications and galleries. This had taken him across Kanto and further regions, as he looked for good pictures and things to test his skills on. His topics included people and Pokemon, and he liked to say that he was fairly good at taking a picture of any species. Though at the moment one of his dreams was to take pictures of every Legendary he could find.

Of course he had become used to hardships along the way. Bad weather, getting lost, losing equipment, financial problems, getting chased by angry pokemon, to say the least of the stuff that he had been through. But he had gotten through it all and he liked to think he had come out the better for it. And of course, he had Amethyst with him the entire time too.

Right now he had a contract going, and was effectively pursuing a talent shoot. If he could sell anything for this or find the right people then they would get a cut of the profit as well. Which you'd think would be a bigger draw for people but apparently his actual name wasn't big enough for that. He wasn't worried about it though, he'd had worse things happen.

With the sun overhead he relaxed in a blue polo shirt and khaki shorts, his head tilting back as he closed his eyes. The park was pretty busy at the moment but none of it was near him Just people jogging, playing with their Pokemon beneath the shade of trees, that sort of thing. There was the hum of activity in the air, even if it unfortunately did not include him at the moment. At least it was a nice day out. And if no one was here then he might as well relax as he kept waiting. There was no harm in it, right?
Erika glared at her Pokegear, a scowl on her face as she read the message for a third time. Course, this was more than the third time she had gotten a message like this. Every time, 'I'm sorry you didn't make the cut. However we will be putting the pictures up on our site, get you some exposure.' Exposure, sweet Arceus how she hated that word, if she had a yen every time, well, suppose she'd be better off than she was now.

For months now she'd been chasing up shoots, magazines of all shapes and sizes, looking to start a modeling career. But she never quite got it, there was always someone prettier or sexier, just slightly better in the body than her, less work with the airbrush. It drove her mad and she just couldn't take it anymore!

With a sigh Erika got to her feet, and headed out of the little boarding room in the back of the Pokemon centre, she needed the air. Dressed in a cream sweater and tight jeans, she was still a looker, but was a little on the... flatter side she supposed?

While lost in thought she came to the sign, someone was doing a photo shoot in the park. This was a stroke of luck now wasn't it? Walking towards the area, she soon picked out the man sat by the camera gear, a Delcatty on his lap. Smiling she stopped and cleared her throat to get his attention. "Excuse me, you are doing a photo-shoot correct?" Trying not to sound too eager.
"Huh-what?" Michael's eyes flew open as he was addressed, the photographer looking around in confusion for a moment or two before settling on the pink haired girl in front of him. He'd just been settling into a nice dream when she had alerted him to her presence, courtesy of the sun overhead and the Delcatty on his lap. Nonetheless he did his best to shake it off now that he actually had something to do.

"Oh, yeah. That's correct. Well, attempting to do a photo shoot anyway, though you may have noticed the lack of candidates," he confirmed with a nod and a rueful chuckle at his own expense. There was no harm in making light of the situation, at least so far as he could tell.

Scrabbling about a bit, he produced a clipboard with a sheet on it, as well as a pen so she had something to write on. "Go ahead and fill this out. Name, phone number, and then your initials so I have permission to take the pictures. One you're done with that we can get to it. Assuming you're here for the event." He gave her a curious look, pretty confident but not entirely sure. It would not have been the first time he had been approached just because someone wanted to know what was going on.

Looking at the sheet, she would be able to see that there was only a handful of names on it so far. Perhaps there was hope this time
Erika took the clipboard, glancing at the list of names with suppressed excitement. So few of them, this might be her big break. Sure, she didn't know exactly who this man was doing the photo's for, but at this point she was far from caring. She signed her name away, giving him all that he needed before handing the clipboard back.

"So, I'm ready when you are, assuming this shoot doesn't call for special outfits?" While it would be odd for a clothing company to do a shoot out in the park like this, it wasn't unheard of. But with the minimal equipment here, she doubted it was something quite like that.
Michael waited patiently as she signed the paper, contenting himself with petting Amethyst in the meanwhile. She purred happily, watching the girl as her tail waved. She didn't take an immediate disliking to her, so that was a good sign as far as Michael was concerned. If there had been some disapproval then doing the shoot would have been a much greater hassle and he would have been less confident. He had determined that Amethyst was a good judge of character some time ago, and he knew to trust her.

Taking back the clipboard, Michael glanced at it and memorized the name of the girl that they would be shooting with today. He then stood up, Amethyst hopping off his lap in mid motion with a yawn. "Alright Erika," he replied with a nod of his head as he picked up his camera. "You don't need a special outfit, not for this. Just go ahead and take a stand over here." He gestured towards a nearby tree, getting his camera ready as he headed in that direction as well.

As she did so, Amethyst moved along with them, weaving past Erika's legs and rubbing against her at the same time. Michael resisted the urge to vhuvkle at that as he came to a stop. "Have you done this sort of thing before?"
Erika nodded at the instruction and walked towards the tree, glancing back at her cameraman as she went to her spot. However her attention was quickly caught by the Delcatty, the large feline weaving between her legs. She came to a stop with a little chuckle and bent down to pet her. "Well aren't you just a pretty girl."

She looked back up to Michael, debating just how honest she should be about that little question. "A few times, been trying out at photoshoots here and there." Not going just into just how many times and how long she'd been trying for.
Delcatty purred happily, shifting into her petting as she tried to maximize the area covered as much as she could. "Heh, I spoil her too much," Michael said with a rueful grin as he rubbed the back of his head. It was true, but he just couldn't help himself. With all the work Amethyst did to help him out, acting as his Pokemon assistant in taking pictures of other Pokemon and that sort of thing, she deserved to be pampered and spoiled a bit, didn't she?

He nodded as she explained how many time she had done this in the past. Not a lot, but it seemed that she had some experience. "So you know how this works already, that's good," he decided. He would let Erika finish with Amethyst before moving on with the actual photo shoot. "Just stand near the tree and give me your best pose," Michael offered with a gesture in that direction, ready and waiting for her to do just that. He had the time to kill, so he wasn't in too much of a rush right now.
"Hard not to spoil her I imagine." Erika commented, being sure to get every spot the Delcatty seemed to like before pulling away and turning her attention back to the shoot at hand. Simple enough, just pose by the tree, she could do that.

Moving over, she considered the light before turning and striking a fairly good pose. He time with the other shoots had helped with this at least, giving her a few good ones she knew worked. To this effect she was going with a more 'cute' pose than some of the sexier ones she'd been doing at other shoots.
Michael agreed with a chuckle at her observation. "Isn't that the truth." Sadly, but he wasn't too broken up about it. Amethyst purred happily, making it quite obvious what she enjoyed the most before pulling away so the photo shoot could get going. She knew how important this job was to her trainer, so she wasn't going to get in the way of it for too long.

Lifting the camera, Michael waited for Erika to pose before he got to it. With a developed eye he snapped pictures at slightly different angles, making sure to get her best features as she moved through a few of the poses that she knew. It was a bit soon to tell but as an early observation he could tell that there was definitely some talent there, and some looks as well. He wasn't sure if the people he was working for would go for it, but there was promise here.

"Not bad, not bad at all," he said in between shots. "Just a few more then I think we'll be all set. Unless you're starting to get into your groove, of course." He could humor her with a few more photos, it wasn't like he was burning through film or anything at the moment.
Erika did well enough with the camera, not looking into it when she wasn't supposed to, keeping in the pose and all in all being cooperative with anything he asked of her. With his last statement she considered before holding up a hand. "Yeah, let me try something."

Reaching down, Erika pulled her sweater up and off. There was a few moments where the cameraman would unintentionally be teased with her bare belly and back as she lifted, but soon the tanktop she was wearing beneath fell back into place. Tossing the heavy garment aside, she once more struck a pose, going for sexy this time with a little grin. "Another set to consider..." Figuring best play both her strong suits.
"Hm?" Michael paused, looking on in confusion for a few moments as Erika announced that she wanted to try something a bit different before starting to take off her shirt. Of course he quickly clued on to what was happening, since this wasn't the first time he'd done something more erotic oriented. Art the same time he had to admire her willingness to do that in a park. Some people would feel uncomfortable with the attention that they might attract.

Grinning, he lifted the camera while doing his best to banish the glimpses that he had seen from his mind as he focused on the job. "I can definitely consider it," he replied as he started taking pictures, drawing on the previous ones that he had taken to find the angles that would make her look the hottest and most appealing to the viewer. "I guess you've seen some of the more risque work that I've done, eh?"
Erika seemed perfectly fine with this, though she was only going down to a tank top, any further and well, then she might have considered where she was first. The poses started to come easier, focusing on her need for success.

At his question she blushed slightly, doing her best not to look away all embarrassed. "If I'm honest... I found you by accident. I haven't had a chance to look you or your work up yet..." The fact he did risqué work did her attention though, the saying was sex sells, right?
Though she had admitted that this was more of a happy accident than anything else, Michael was not going to complain about it. One had to take such opportunities when they arose, there was plenty of talent which had been discovered in such ways that he could think up off the top of his head. Perhaps this would end up being the same sort of thing after all. Only time would tell if it was the case, but he was definitely looking forward to it. And not least because he was the one who would have discovered this particular talent.

"Ah, I see," he remarked, pausing in his camera assault as he enjoyed the way she reacted to the information he had given her. "Well, once we're done here I can show you few things if you'd like. Just so you'll know if I'm scamming you or not, that sort of thing." He shot her a confident grin, sure that she would approve of it. He would only take a few more shots before he was satisfied with what he had, but until then he gave the procedure his best effort.
"I don't think you are scamming, but I would like to see some of your pictures, get a feel for your work." Erika was hoping for their work to continue past this one shoot, so getting to know him would help out. Maybe she would need to buy more of a certain kind out outfit to get a look he was good with for example.

When all was said and done, she bent over and picked her discarded sweater, folding it over one arm. "So, think I have a chance?"
After a few more shots the session would come to an end, as Michael lowered the camera and indicated that Erika could relax from her pose. He walked back over towards the bench, putting his equipment down before picking up a manila folder that he had left under the clipbord she had used before. Glancing back, he shot her a nod. "Yeah, I think you do. At the very least there's definitely something there."

Stepping over, he passed her the folder before stepping back. "Here, that's some of my stuff," he explained. the shots within were varied in nature, though the quality was nonetheless good. There were landscape shots of the ocean, picturesque cliffs, fields of grain, Pokemon, crowds, trainers, enough to provide a decent idea of his work. At the bottom were the more risque shots, though nothing was explicitly erotic within. Just a few shots with a bodybuilder or two, girls in swimsuits, even a couple Pokemon. This section was a bit smaller, but she would be able to see that his experience level here was comparable to the rest of his stuff.

Michael waited patiently until she was done, if only because he needed those pictures back. "What about you? Feeling hopeful?"
Erika followed along, taking a moment to enjoy the nice day as she walked. She really needed to get out more, sticking inside worrying about news between shoots wasn’t good for her in the long run. When she was handed the folder, the pink haired girl began to flick through the pictures. The man certainly had a good eye, genuinely impressed by all the photos she came across, and that was even before she got to shoots like hers. She took a moment to look at the more risqué stuff, seeing about what she expected. Implied nudity at wise, but always tastefully covered by something, just enough to be exciting.

She handed back the folder with a smile, yeah she could probably do that if it came to it. “I have a good feeling about this one.” She paused and got a little nervous, glancing down at her feet. “Any idea when I might hear back from you?”
Taking the folder back, Michael set it down on the bench that he had gotten it from. He'd be using that later if anyone else showed up for the shoot. At this point it didn't seem very likely but one could still hold out hope that it might end up being the case. It would be very depressing otherwise if it ended up being such a disappointment for him.

"It should be within the next couple of days," he replied as he remained on his feet for the moment, while Amethyst hopped onto the bench and purred happily as she laid down there. "I have your number so I'll be in touch. Just don't lose your Gear or something, alright?"
"Okay, yes, I won't lose it, don't lose my number." Erika fumbled with her hands for a second, trying to think of something clever or witty to say to end, but she had nothing. After so many tries she really wanted this to work, she was liking this guy so far and... she was now just standing in silence, yeah better not let this get more awkward.

"Call me." She said in way of parting and went to leave, hoping to hear from him soon.
"I will," Michael agreed as he settled back down into his seat on the bench, to wait and see if anyone else did show up for the shoot. She might be able to head where she wanted now, but he still had an event to finish.

Nonetheless, he would be true to his word, and in a few days she would find her Gear ringing with his number displayed. "So Miss Model, how's your schedule looking for the next week or so?" Michael asked over a phone, grinning at the same time on his end
Erika had spent the past few days trying out a few more shoots, but knew those to be duds. All the good jobs were in high demand, the rest either just planned to pay in exposure or were.. well... a pretty girl could always get work, but she didn't feel like stooping that low yet. She was her own woman still, wanted to make a good name for herself.

When the gear rang and she saw who it was, the pink haired girl was only too quick to pick up. "Next week? I'm all yours!" She bit her tongue before she added anything else that could be taken out of context.
On the other side of the line, in his studio, Michael grinned at the eager response he got. Good to know that he had her attention, and that she was apparently looking forward to working with him. he knew how to read a cue, and this was a clear sign that she would probably have dropped whatever she was doing if he had asked for it. She probably hadn't had any luck when it came to modeling since they had last talked to each other.

"Great," he replied, nodding to himself as he looked over the assorted papers and photographs in front of him. "Do you have something to write on handy? I'll give you the address for where we're going to be meeting." He would wait until she indicated that she was before giving her the address for a small studio on the other side of town. It was his own personal place, but it would suffice for the initial shots.
"One moment..." He'll be able to hear as she quickly grabs a pad and a pen, holding the phone by her ear. "Okay, hit me..." She jotted down the address, attentive and clearly eager as she got his details down. "I can be there shortly." Now or at a specified date, she'd be there.

When the time for the meeting came she arrived promptly. She was dressed casually again, this time a skirt that stopped half way down her thighs and a matching V-neck T-shirt. She took a moment to inspect the place as she knocked on the door, eager and ready to go.
The meeting was set a week later, just as Michael had told Erika that it would be. The studio itself was fairly plain, with an unassuming exterior for a one story building, in a neighbor that could hardly be upscale. Not that it was bad either, but it would be apparent that he wasn't in the lap of luxury himself. Still, that might be for the best. It meant that he would understand her concerns. There was a small parking lot that clearly didn't see much use, and a shed in back that she might notice if she cared to look. A cursory look would indicate that it wasn't what one would call busy, though there did appear to be people inside.

Past the front door was a small lobby with some chairs, dated magazines, and a potted plant or two, a closed door, and one of those reception windows waiting for her. Though there was nobody at that either. But there was a bell sitting on the counter, indicating that she should probably use it. It was her last chance to back out, if she wanted to change her mind
Erika took a moment to inspect the lot, the shed, being careful not to disturb anything as she looked around curious. There was worse places to be, she wouldn't of come if this had been on the shady side of town... Though on second thought, she may have been desperate enough to try it. Just how long would it have taken to take such risks? She wasn't sure, all she knew was she wasn't going to back down now.

Approaching the desk she took up the bell and rang it, using it for a few long moments to check she had been heard. She didn't sit once she was done ringing, she was too anxious for that. So she stood, tapping her feet in barely contained energy.
A few minutes after the bell rang Michael emerged from further inside, Amethyst clinging on to his head in a manner that indicated she wasn't particularly pleased with him at the moment. He wore a pained wince, though he managed to compose himself as he caught sight of Erika. He still had a job to do, personal problems aside.

"Hey there," he said happily, doing his best to hide the tremor in his tone. "Come on in." He gestured for her to move inside, doing his best to shuffle out of the way so she could do so. Meanwhile Amethyst looked approvingly at Erika, more pleased with her presence than she was with her owners at the moment. Who knew, perhaps she could get some belly rubs out of Erika. Or just some petting. She didn't mind either way.
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