No strings, no gimmicks, just highschool


Mar 10, 2018
Hell-Also known as Bakersfield
This is Sakura Mikoto.

She's a second year in class 2-B at Tokuzawa High school in Tokyo, Japan. People wouldn't exactly describe her as shy, just quiet. She isn't usually one to start conversations, but she can carry one just fine. She likes to read manga in her own time, even reading during lunch, her chopsticks in one hand and manga in the other. She always brings a tasty looking, and healthy, bento to school, so either she is a good cook or someone she knows is, nobody has ever really asked her. Many people find her hard to approach since she always wears a blank expression, and she doesn't talk to people, resulting in her not having many friends. In fact, she doesn't have anyone she talks to regularly at all, so it's fair to say she has no friends at all. She receives the occasional love letter, but just tears them up without reading them. She either goes straight home after school or does some errands, usually including getting an ice cream cone. According to rumors, while she was a first year, she was invited to go to karaoke by some girls in her class, and actually accepted. Nobody knows what exactly happened, but none of the girls she went with ever spoke a word of it, and just bringing the subject up was like bringing up a trauma from their lives. Someone asked her what happened and she merely replied with "nothing happened" in her standard monotone. This event put an end to people asking her to karaoke full stop. The popular theory is her singing was so bad she traumatized the poor girls.

All in all, Sakura Mikoto is just a stoic, monotone, sweets and manga loving girl with silky brown hair, a pretty flat chest, kinda short stature, being on average half a foot shorter than normal girls her age, and a personality that while difficult to approach, nobody can really say she's generally mean or rude.

So this is the most straightforward and lacking in gimmicks RP you can really get. Just a simple high school maybe romance. I say maybe romance because nobody says you have to go out with her. Maybe you wanna be her friend? Maybe develop that a step further into friends with benefits? Or maybe you wanna be her friend but end up falling for her? I read quite a few romance manga, so i'm pretty interested to see what comes out of just a normal and simple setup such as this. In regards to smexy times, Sakura is not your play thing....well entirely, is all i'll reveal for now. You will have to learn what her personality is. What she likes and doesn't like. If you do things she doesn't like a lot, she won't like YOU. What happens if she doesn't like you? Obviously, she's not gonna want to be your friend, let alone sleep with you. So if you rock up and slap her ass as a greeting, that may just earn you a slap on the face. Or, she might kick you. Or maybe she'll just give you a glare and walk away. Or she may ignore it. OR, maybe she'll actually like it....probably not. This is up to you to find out, however you see fit, though trial and error is PROBABLY not the best strategy. I will give you a hint though, she's not an extremely strange person. She has her own personality quirks and is by no means just a copy paste, but she's no pinkie pie or Mako Mankanshoku(If you don't know who either of them are, congratulations, you have shit, so seriously, don't expect her to fall for you if you're a total asshole and enjoy coating people you meet in liquid cheese, as you'd expect from most girls. On the flip side what might impress the average girl may not impress her, so it's not a simple act of being nice or bringing her flowers either. If you want her love, you're gonna have to learn who she is. However if you just want her butt that's considerably easier.... She's not a prostitute! So don't try it! Good luck!

Disclaimer for people whose complaint is "Oh i don't wanna work that hard to bang her"
I said you'd have to learn who she is. I told you half of what you need to know in the big blocks of text above. Just use your brain and you can at least start going out with her fairly quickly. I won't lie to you though, this is pretty plot driven, rather than smut driven, so if all you're looking for IS smut....well hey, i'm open to ideas, and whoever wants to do this one can, and whoever wants to do something different with me can simply ask.
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