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Yu-Gi-Oh: E.R.B. (Spirit & wiki234)


Feb 11, 2018
A modular, brick-like object sat behind a podium. It was broadcast on three separate holographic screens, displaying the same angle to the different participants of the Kaiba World™ Tournament. The brick glowed a bright orange hue, and out from it appeared a tall man wearing a white coat with a popped collar. As the light died down, the silhouette had turned out to belong to none other than Seto Kaiba, who of course is a man who needs no introduction.

Kaiba stretched out, rotating his shoulders back and forth in front of the audience, as if he had just gotten up. He had a faint glow to him, and though it had been years since his last appearance, he looked no older than thirty with the same clean-shaven appearance as usual. Finished stretching, Kaiba manhandled the podium and tossed it aside. He didn't need a podium. Two staff members were ready at the side to catch the podium, taking it off stage though still visible to anyone who was physically close enough to it. Kaiba looked to the crowd with a smug grin on his face.

“Welcome duelists young and old to Kaiba Corp’s newest and greatest creation. I, King of Games and CEO of Kaiba Corp, Seto Kaiba, present to you, Kaiba World™!

Kaiba World™ is comprised of five separate theme parks: The Seto Kaiba King of the Jungle Wildlife Park™, the Blue-Eyes White Water Rapids Water Park™, the Kaiba King of Games Kingdom theme park™, the Kaiba Corp King of Video Games Technologies Center™, and Seto Kaiba's Water World Water Park™. You will also have access to our Kaiba World™ Golf and Minigolf Courses.

And of course, after several complaints of my Kaiba Land™ theme park having only one restroom, each theme park within Kaiba World™ is equipped with two restrooms.”

Collected before the stage was a large crowd of people of all shapes, sizes, and especially smells. They were sat around the Kaiba World Grand Amphitheater, an open-air stadium with glass suites occupied by VIPs in fancy clothing; the exterior was stylized as the head of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the back of the head opening to reveal the Colosseum proper. The rooms were nice and air conditioned, providing shelter from the warm, humid tropical air outside. Those outside, of course, had water misting fans rigged over head to keep them cool.

“You have all been hand selected by me, Seto Kaiba, as the first to experience Kaiba World™, based on your performance in our virtual console World Championship™ games, our mobile game Duel Links™, or based on your records and performance at sanctioned OTS™ stores. Rest assured that the men, women, and variations thereupon who stand among you are indeed the best of the best in terms of dueling capacity, perhaps even enough to rival the King of Games himself, that is me, Seto Kaiba.

As appreciation for playing our Duel Monsters™ game, brought to you of course by our partner Industrial Illusions™, and of course buying our Kaiba Corp products, we have chosen to reward each of you with an entire month’s vacation. This includes a stay in one of our Kaiba World Premium Blue-Eyes White Dragon Resort Hotels™, lasting the duration of your stay here in Kaiba World; a $200 pre-paid card good at any of our Kaiba World restaurants™, concession stands™, and gift shops™; and a chance to duel, none other than the King of Games himself, me, Seto Kaiba.

The tournament's events will begin tomorrow morning. Until then, please do find the time to settle into your new rooms. I hope you enjoy your stay! Wahahahahaha!”

Then, with a swish of his coat, Kaiba stepped off the podium, taking the brick with him.
Monique sighed as she had finally arrived at the odd new place she had heard about...kaiba land. It sounded very strange but it sounded interesting with the fact that there was even the strange possibility she could finally find some answers about her father very much wanting to finally meet himagain after a long time apart being she only saw his face for the first time when she was just a small lonely girl. Life wasn’t so nice to an innocent girl like her as how quickly she saw his face and remembered it for a moment, just as quickly she had lost the image of her father again growing up after not seeing him for a while. The park was even bigger than she could even imagine especially looking at it up close. The girl was a short 5”5 wearing black shorts and black stockings along with a grey jacket over a long sleeve white tank top. Hopefully she would finally have some answers from the big shot man himself if he would know where her father would be or even better if he had a job at the company somewhere. Of course as well with a small deck box of cards hidden in one of the pockets of her jacket, Monique hoped as well about the idea about having him teach her to be better at the game and one of the summoning mechanics being fusions as her deck was built completely around the idea with every card moving toward that goal one way or another. After nervously pushing herself into the main lobby the girl took the large view of the room around her before asking about a chance to meet kaiba himself and even ask him about her missing father. Looking up at the screens, her eyes widened as she could feel the strong aura of confindence and determination inside of him as he was truly a genius to have been able to have everything like this and share it with so many other people but deciding now that if she needed answers she would have to be forced to play his game.

- Flashback -

“ lifepoints zero, Monique wins the duel....” a robotic voice said as the field was soon cleared of the virtual monsters. As a women stepped toward her with a smile, “ that was very much a close one, surprised you managed to get back strong against him...” the women had told her as Monique blushed embarrassed, “ I’m not even that good, my deck is easy but I want to get better though...” replying as she stepped off the platform before the women started to finally try and convince her. “ I know there was a reason for you to have wanted to do this...I can already see that your looking hard for something and that the kaiba corps tournament will help you find answers...” Monique sighed as she surrendered, “ I want to learn how to be better from kaiba himself and....and somehow...I mean I do want to ask if he knows where my father is and what happened to him, kaiba should be able to do something and if I’m gonna get answers then I need to win!!” Shouting with a bit of passion as the women chuckled. “ kaiba himself sent me along with others to scout out duelists for a tournament soon, and if your this passionate and sure that you’ll fight for your answers I’m sure it will all be worth it...” soon she turned away as she pressed a button on her earpiece, talking to kaiba directly and confirming she had found a duelist for the tournament. “ all you’ll need is your deck to’ve been accepted to the tournament by the man himself. Well I must go back now so I’ll see you at kaiba’s new theme park kaiba land...” as she slowly walked off.

Izumi sat with the crowd as she watched the event, it was already stressful for her to even be watching a duel as the rules actually applied to her and of course all the other duelist that she would be out there fighting. She wasn’t very much used to doing something like this very competitively and mostly winning by luck or with somewhat of a strategy but now she was facing stronger opponents which she did kind of want anyway but still. The idea of being in an event that was such a big deal, it was just too crazy to even think about right now as she watched the first and now awkward duel as she didn’t even know what was going on with the two down in the stadium right now as they haven’t even started.


After a while having monsters that were so easy and powerful to summon meant winning some duels and even after a while people would even turn her down, Izumi would have no choice but to reach for something new and even more challenging than before...the kaiba corps tournament. After receiving a mysterious letter, it seemed that someone had heard about the rumors among some duelist about someone strong enough to have beaten them almost countless times, a girl who used fast attacks and brute force to win quickly. Now that odd recognition has brought her to this place now battling in front of the king of games which was such an odd and crazy thought to her still now but with a chance like this izumi would now be forced to take it now.
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