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After The War (Amaranthine + Goodwill)


Oct 26, 2016
Grace Talbot debated returning to Hogwarts at all. She didn't care if she got her full education, not after the Battle. The young woman, with a waif-like build and wispy blonde hair, had essentially been forced on to the platform against her will by insistent, but equally nervous parents. She'd seen it in almost everyone's eyes, from the new first years to those coming back because their final year had been interrupted. Everyone knew about what had happened, and those who lived through it found the thought of returning to be dreadful.

They had to start somewhere, though. Voldemort was dead, Snape and the Carrows gone. Everyone who had made the previous year oppressive and torturous was gone. So why could no one forget?

Facing death and walking away from it definitely was a factor for that.

She was reluctant as she crossed through to the platform, as she got on to the train. The only good thing about making her way in to the tainted castle was that she would be able to catch up with several others who she had kept close - and perhaps, if she was lucky, she would lay eyes on the reason she was still alive for the first time since the battle raged on.

Maybe that was why she wandered the aisle of the train after it started moving, unnerved and slightly pacing. Her dark green eyes scanned each car, and maybe it was fate that she froze in her tracks when she did, watching the surroundings through a window of a car that only held one. Just a moment later the lone occupant turned his head, just slightly, and Grace was struck with a sudden nervousness. It was him - quicker than she could even think about it she had pulled the door to the mostly-empty car open.

"I recognize you," the young woman spoke, leaning against the opened door frame to eye the man that waited alone in the car, focused intensely on whatever may be passing out the window. Grace didn't need to get a good look at the man's face to recognize him perhaps that was abnormal, but there was no way she could avoid remembering that familiar mop of hair and unforgettable profile.

She originally had no more to say, but within a moment she realized that he may not have recognized her in turn. She shook her head, obviously frustrated with herself, and then elaborated. "You helped me. I had a Death Eater about to kill me and you distracted them. Because of you I was able to run. You saved my life."
Miles Malkof always was torn between the choice of joining Voldemorts cohorts like many of the purebloods in Slytherin. His father and mother constantly berated him saying he was "half" the wizard that they were because he had never joined them in meeting with the dark lord himself so when he decided to fight on the other side they had a normal reaction and nearly killed him. Miles was a very fit student though had a well-toned body, but at the same time was obviously thin, his hair was very curly nearly engulfing his head in the blonde mess that it created.

After the fight ended though he had found out about how his parents met their demise at the hands of muggle-born people a fate no pureblood should have to face, but one they had. So now he was alone and attending his final year at Hogwarts, but had at the very least inherited a vast fortune from his family, but at what cost to him?

Quickly wisping through the wall as he had done every year he was once again in awe looking around the grand train station that never ceased to amaze him. Quickly ducking inside the train he looked around the cars with his light blue eyes making sure no one could recognize him since he would be ridiculed mercilessly for even having any ties to Slytherin, even though he had chosen the right side and even fought off multiple Death Eaters he would find no haven with his fellow students.Closing the door with a slam he peered off into the distance quickly scouting into the corner as he watched the scenery pass him by the train making a "click, click" sound as it made haste towards Hogwarts.

Right as he was dozing off though, a petite woman who appeared to be wearing a Ravenclaw uniform who had a cute hairstyle said she recognized him? "Um, you recognize me? I'm sorry, but I don't quite remember you..." Will, could not recognize this mystery woman he would have remembered meeting someone as cute as her right?

"Oh! I remember you now. Yeah, that was really intense I'm sorry you had to ender their attacks for so long before I got to you... You were barely breathing once I got them off you..." Once she told him about the Death Eaters he remembered the moment so vividly like it had just happened a day ago even though it was nearly a year ago. "Well, at least that's in the past right?" Will chuckled a little trying to make a joke to relieve the tension. "So, to whom do I owe the honor of saving?"
Grace was no stranger to coming off strangely; obviously, this man had no idea who she was. Luckily, he seemed to remember her after she explained who she was. Man, that could have been quite awkward.

"Uh, I'm Grace - Talbot," she replied with a soft, sweet smile on her full pink lips as she took a step in to the nearly empty cabin. She kept her distance, never one to invade anyone's personal space, but after she had cleared the entry way she grabbed at the door and then glanced to it before back to the curly-haired blond in front of her.

"Miles, right? I think I've seen you around before, though just in passing." They had never met each other in person, their sole interaction being the night that he saved her from the brink of death, but Grace knew about him in passing. He was a Slytherin, though his uniform made that obvious, and the son of a well-known pureblood family. It was likely that would be held against him by many others, but Grace had seen the good in him.

"Can I.. Can I sit here? It's okay if you would prefer I didn't just..." She asked, a soft-spoken request to enter the car and close the door behind her. Perhaps he was alone on purpose and wouldn't want to be bothered, but having come face to face with him the young woman had little desire to walk away. She had never properly had the chance to thank him and though being reminded of what had happened was rather unnerving, Grace figured it worth the hint of anxiety to be able to at least acknowledge him.
Grace came off to Miles as the type of cheerful woman who would be in Gryffindor even though she'd been placed in Ravenclaw. Still, she seemed to have a good heart I mean she hadn't even mentioned the fact of him being a Slytherin yet.

"Nice, to um... meet you, Grace... Well at least formally..." Miles tried to pay attention to the petite girl, but for some reason he couldn't, he just could only think about what his parents must have thought of him. All this war nonsense had terrorized him, but he had at least made the right decision in aiding Hogwarts right?"

"Yeah, that my name. I think we might have been in a class before." Then it hit him the two had once sat next to each other at a Quidditch match. Even though they hadn't talked and they were both engrossed in conversations with their friends he could hardly forget such a beautiful smile as hers.

"No, no, no, you can sit here. You seem like a nice person and I'd love to have some company... I doubt anyone else would be willing to sit next to a traitor hehe." Miles said as he tried to make a spin on the whole Slytherin being treated as traitors fab. Even, though Miles had saved her he didn't want that to be the whole sole reason for the two hanging out or even possibly becoming friends.
Grace knew that someone's house meant very little - all anyone inherently had in common with any other member of their house was one or two traits. Ravenclaws were everything from the serious, studious type to those with their heads in the clouds - clever and creative but a little bit airy. She personally fell in the middle of the spectrum - with the creativity and intuition, as well as the initiative to make something out of her own desires. She was not about to judge a man simply for a box that he had been pushed in to, especially not when he was the reason that she was still standing. The scars of that fight would dig deep, but she would rather see scars than nothing at all.

The blonde took his affirmation at face value and took a spot on one of the seats, sitting opposite him so that they were face to face. While she could tell that he had been making a joke, the self-deprecation in his tone made her wonder: did he truly believe that he was somehow a traitor? And if so was that based on what he believed others thought of him, whether that was true or not, or directed towards his own house and feeling like he had somehow been on the wrong side?

Grace didn't humor that and instead leaned in slightly towards him, displaying an interest that was based on a mixture of her love of observing the human psyche as well as personal connection rather then simply because she thought that she had to. "Do you really think that you're a traitor?"
Miles had always been a little different than your average Slytherin. He, had always felt a certain kinship with the Ravenclaw standards since he was more of a studious type who was loyal, but with his everyone in his family being Slytherin prefects, he had to go along and think thoughts of ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness right? Still, even with this, he could hardly believe someone from Ravenclaw of all the houses was willing to fraternize with him during such a soar time.

Peering over at her he motioned for her to take a seat since she seemed to be getting tired of standing all day. Even though he had obviously been joking she didn't even so much as chuckle she seemed to have taken him seriously. Thoughts wandered through his mind thinking of all the reason that she had taken him seriously was it his tone, the way he had motioned, or maybe she just didn't like him. But, his thoughts were unaffirmed by something that caught him off guard the question of whether not he truly believed what he was saying...

Pushing back a little into the seat Miles looked around anxiously he'd never had someone be so intrigued by such an off comment before and someone he had just met at that. "Umm, I-I don't know... Don't you think that's a little personal?" Miles paused for a moment he was just looking for excuses at this point to not answer the obvious. "Y-yeah... I guess you're right, but why are you so interested?"

Boundaries - those were a thing that some people had. There were times when Grace didn't realize she was getting too personal, but it was a desire of hers to know the intimate details of people. Perhaps holding off on asking things like would have been the better call, but it wad a little too late for that now. It seemed that she had already crossed a line without meaning to, but hopefully it was one that she could return from with a little proper care. She knew she could be pushy at times and obviously that had come out here, so it seemed like some damage control (or at least a good apology) was in order.

"You're right." She leaned back away from Miles, hoping to seem less like she was trying to get in his face. The curious look in her eyes turned to something softer, more careful, and the blonde gently held her hands together in her lap. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off as nosy. I just think you did a really good thing - not even with just saving me. I think you were on the right side of the battle and a lot of people would agree. It's not my business though, I shouldn't have pried." Yes, many people were prejudiced against Slytherin purely because, well, they were Slytherins but anyone who could see past the bias would know that a house did not make a person good or bad.
Sure Miles was feeling a little rough on the inside, but that did not mean he didn't want someone to talk to. Grace seemed to genuinely care about his feeling and actually wanted to learn more about him. Even if everyone else out there didn't believe he was truly on their side possibly Grace could be that person for him. "No, no, no Grace I'm sorry for saying all of that out of nowhere..." Miles could instantly tell she seemed less interested in his sudden outburst which he definitely didn't know.

"I don't know if it was good though. I betrayed my whole family and the majority of my house along with them... I guess I just kind of want someone to talk to." Miles said, rustling as hand through his locky hair in an attempt to make the whole thing go away. But, this wasn't something that could just go away this had become a large part of his life and even if he wanted to there was no way he could make it go away. "It's fine I'm actually quite glad you pried. No one else really seemed to care enough since I'm Slytherin... So, just the fact that you're willing to listen to me is enough."
Well, Grace liked to believe that she was overall a pleasant person. She was generally friendly and kind, the type to go out of her way to show someone that she cared. While she could definitely have a temper on her when she was upset or someone had peeved her, she was generally the type of person that could be trusted to be honest but still caring.

"I doubt you're the only person feeling that way y'know?" The blonde replied. A lot of bonds had been tested throughout the war. People had done bad things, terrible things - she'd seen people betray their families and friends for the sake of safety, give up when it seemed like all was about to fail. She'd watched people she cared for turn their backs on her and others for the sake of their own self-preservation. The worst part? She could barely even blame them.

"I think... I hope... That maybe now things can start to get better," she continued. "You chose the right side, at least I think so. That's enough to be in my good books. Besides... Maybe things can change now. Maybe not immediately, but everyone got hurt by last year in some way or another. I'd like if maybe that experience can make people realize there should be some change. Let there be good in the world now that the bad has been shaken off."
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