This happen to when I was writing superheroine stories with a wonderful guy named 'Doctor Droid'. We were doing a take off on Wonder Woman, we called her 'Ultra Woman' which is real original
, with me playing the young, Asian looking Amazon by the name of Rei. That was a fun character to play. In the 3+ years we wrote we did 2 megs, in plain text, worth of stories.
We normally figured out a basic plot of the story and did direction changes on the fly. It worked great! Until one story where did at least three different twists in the plot to go in other directions. As we went we realized two things: 1. We had NO ideas so we were just writing for the sake of doing it. 2. We didn't know how to end it. We did a Deus ex machina and declared it done. After that, we figured out the plot with a starting point AND the end point.
Sync probably has stories about me... We did a fantasy story that for many reasons never got finished. I got 'bored' at times and 'doodled' up scenes for future events int he story. Lots of scenes. Lots of large scenes. Scenes that I filed away in case they could be used down the road with a bit of updating. Poor Sync would get these massive replies like 20 minutes after he sent one to me.
When we decided to quit, i posted my remaining stockpile while a synopsis at the end. Sync was kind of surprised at it all but it was all stuff we had talked about at one point or another.
In a group RP I ran a couple of scenes by the admin because they were very, very dark in what I did to my character. One she said to trim sections out because it would freak a few other players. I actually enjoyed doing the aftermath, which was 'realistic', because the emotions and such were a challenge to imagine in my head. I had never experienced what the character went through but a few said I had nailed it perfectly.
Probably more than you wanted to know and for that I apologize!
Oh and I want to add that this board has great writers in it!