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The HuniePop Dating Sim(vonchance and wiki234)


Aug 25, 2016
It was just an average day for Will he'd never really gone to the gym very often, but for some reasons, he felt it would be good to go out for once and exercise. With a deep sigh, he pushed back his brown hair and started the engine with one thrust to the side of the key. Finally arriving at the local gym he parked his car in the parking lot got out making sure to lock the doors behind him and took a step into the gym showing the employees his membership as he walked by.

Once he was him he immediately took a look around, him noticing a rather fit tan woman who seemed to be doing push-ups. She sure had one hell of a body and seemed to be way more fit than your average woman. What the hell what would it hurt to strike up a conversation with her Will thought as he got up and came up with the mystery woman. "Hey, I'm Will I noticed you from across the gym and saw your amazing form could you possibly give a rookie like me some pointers? Maybe with a private lesson?"
Kyanna sighed breathing heavily as she sat down to stop for a bit after doing a machine, though would eventually start again as she decided to strengthen her arms and her stomach by doing some push up, deciding to tie her hair into buns as a ponytail would have the same problem than if she didn’t do anything with her long hair. With that she found a spot next to a bench and leaned down to get on all fours, take a deep breath, and slowly bring herself down then up as the girl would start for a little while before stppping again.

Soon taking another break and sitting on what ground she looked up to see a boy in front of her as she slowly and a bit awkwardly replied being caught of hairs for the moment. “ kyanna, I was doing some push ups but of course if you need help then I can...get into the position first then...” scooting over as she waited before putting a sideways fist on the ground under his chest. “ keep you arms apart but not too far or too close, find the middle. Back and legs straight with legs pressed together. Now move your body down so your chest hits my fist, someone showed me this is a good way to see how far you need to go down. If your chest doesn’t hit my fist it means your not going low enough...” waiting for him to do it before fixing his form if she needed. “ well I don’t work here or anything though...”
Will was quick to take Kyanna advice as he got into position above her first he pushed his legs tight together then began to start his push-ups going down and up onto the fist she had placed on the ground for him. Will had done this stuff before though, he just wanted to have an excuse to get to know this woman a little more. "Alright, is this fine Kyanna?" Will said as he huffed and puffed with every push up he took going down and up constantly. Looking to his side for a moment he could hardly help but blush as he saw her ample cleavage almost instantly averting his eyes.

After a few push-ups, he stopped to take a breather as he brushed away a strand of sweat. "Wow, thanks a lot for your help I can already feel the benefits of doing it like this. Maybe the two of us could exercise together sometime? I don't really know anyone who's too good with this stuff and I've wanted to get my body into shape for a while now."
“ but don’t tighten up too much, relax and take it slow. Mostly all about form really...” taking her hand off from the ground as she stood up with a stretch. Slowly she looked around for a moment before back down to him before hearing his comment and thinking for a moment. “ well...uhhh...sure...” seeing of course as she didn’t see why she would need one but guessing that he seemed new and she should help him out a bit then. “ well I don’t really mind then, I’ll probably be going in a bit got work later so I’ll see you around then?” Asking with a smile as she started to walk off and soon after leave for the day as she went home then to work.
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