FxM - Romance, adventure, and writing


Mar 5, 2018
Hollow Bastion
Welcome to my request thread. You may call me Mina, or Princess, if you'd like.

Please read everything carefully. Doing so will ensure that you don't waste my time or yours. If you think we would be a good fit, please send me a message!

Thank you, The Management.

Will We Work Well Together?
Please make certain you can answer yes to all of these.​

You can craft a story
By this I mean:
  • Detailed attention paid to grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
  • Writing in third person, past tense only.
  • Writing decently sized posts at least three meaty paragraphs long. Longer is totally acceptable, too.
  • Showing, not telling. It's a thing for a reason.
  • Able to add to the story, not just react to what I'm writing.
  • Able to add in characters of all kinds, not just wait for me to make them.

You can post a few times a week, with an optimum of once a day, barring illness/life stuff.

You are okay with romance (not sex, romance).
You like long-term games.
You understand that I'm generally on a 80/20 split of plot to smut, and that won't change.
You want to play as a male protagonist. I only enjoy writing as female main protagonists that are heteromantic. There's nothing wrong with other preferences, this is just mine.
You respect my autonomy to make my character the way I choose.
You are fine with discussing things OOC with me, because nobody is perfect, and if you see a plot hole or something else that needs to be fixed, it won't get fixed if you don't tell me.
If you lose your inspiration, you'll tell me, and we can either say goodbye, or try to work on something else.

Maybe You Should Look Elsewhere
If you answer yes to any of these, we probably won't be a good fit.

You don't like to read long posts
You post maybe once a week, or longer in between posts.
You want nothing but smut in your game.
You want to tell me your fantasy character and expect me to play it.
You start any message to me with anything but some version of "Hi, I saw your thread, this is what I think we would write well together (then fill in this blank with a concrete idea)".
You tend to play whiny/passive characters.
You have any intention of suggesting a pointless hyper-sexualization of my character.
You disappear from games without notice.
You might try to be flirty or tell me too much about your personal life OOC. Friendship is fine, but I'm not a licensed therapist and I have no romantic feelings left in real life.

Absolute Nos
These are always no, so don't even bother asking.

Abusive relationships as the main relationship in the story.

Anything against site rules.
Furries/monster girls/anything not human-ish (nothing wrong with this, just not my cup of tea and it never will be) (Elves, vampires, werewolves with a human form do not fall into this).
Not taking no for an answer.
Non-con/dubious con of any kind.
Sexual practices involving bathroom related body fluids.
Non-realistic sex (For example, massive amounts of ejaculate, or bending that would require not having a spine).
Pain during sexual encounters.
Growth/pregnancy as a sexual thing.
Sexual content before the story is firmly established.
Playing Harley Quinn or Catwoman.
Master/slave relationships.
Anything that has weird niche hentai.

Did you read everything above? Are you sure? Great, let's get into some plot ideas.​

Escaflowne: I was just reminded of how much I loved this anime, so let's do something with a similar plot. A young woman is transported from Earth to a new world where her own planet is a Mystic Moon. She falls in with a prince saving his kingdom, and helps fight an evil empire. There can be mech, but I don't care nearly as much about the mech as I do about the story, so don't think I'm going to spend a bunch of time designing mech. To me, it can all mostly be hand-waved for princes and a girl who is looking for more in life and handsome swordsmen.

Rare Sci-Fi Plot: Like Guardians of the Galaxy or Farscape? This is in that flavor, where a group of galactic adventurers take on a passenger that turns out to be a lot more than she tells them.

Warbringer: A modern day urban fantasy story set in the backdrop of a gritty fictional city and a demonic underworld. A demon slayer (your character) comes across a young woman in the demon world which he frees because she's obviously an innocent. What he doesn't know is that she is a Warbringer, a direct descendant of Helen of Troy, and has the ability to plunge the human and demon worlds into chaos and bloody war. It is up to the demon slayer to keep her from the hands of those who want to kill her, as well as those who would control her. Would be a good vehicle for those who want to play Dante from DmC.

Mars: Ever read the manga Mars? I want to write this as a roleplay. Except probably college age.

The Future Sucks: A futuristic story where power is hoarded by the rich, leaving the young and the helpless to try and get enough to survive. Most people under the age of 30 are in a gang of some kind, and run the streets as there are no police for the regular people anymore.

MCU: A story in the MCU about a science-created vampire and the man sent to bring her in. Grittier than the movies, could involve any canon characters you want or an OC.

Characters I'd just like to play against, so we'd have to work on a plot together.

Riddick from Chronicles of Riddick
Captain America from MCU
Bucky Barnes from MCU
Prince Nuada from Hellboy
Dante from the DmC remake
Alucard from the Castlevania animated series
And I'm a sucker for bad boys.​
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