A little of this and that -not currently searching-


Feb 9, 2015
Thank you for all the interest but I have more than enough Rp's currently and I'm unable to keep up with anymore at this stage.

Welcome and thank you for taking the time to browse my thread. It will likely have the bare minimum as this will basically only house my Hetero plots in situations where I am looking to actually play the female character for once. So without further a due, here's what you need to know about me and what I'm looking for at the time.

About me.

>You can call me Blue. I am 27 years old with about 16 years worth of RP experience.
> I am for the most part literate but I am only human and can and do make an error here and there. 1-3 paragraphs are my normal but I have easily managed 6+ paragraphs when the motivation and what my partner has given me calls for novel length replies.
> I will only at this stage roleplay over Pm's or maybe thread if convinced.
> I do long or short term roleplays depending on what we both want etc.
> Whilst I do enjoy a good story based plot. I don't mind a good old smut orientated RP. A good balance of the two is always nice though.
> Fantasy is awesome; dragons, demons, angels, magic, werewolves. It's all good in my books and what I usually base my roleplays around in most cases but not always.
> Rarely will I face claim for my characters and will generally just go about giving their details throughout the roleplay. You're more than welcome to use face claimed images, Just don't expect them in return as I generally have a preference for original characters. Which also leads me to mention I will not play pre-made characters you may have in mind beyond something like they may be wearing an item such as a necklace or something that ties in with a plot idea.
> Usually I will play switch characters, but I may play a Dom or sub character on occasion.

Partner requirements

> Literate. This doesn't mean i'm after perfectionist, we're only human after all and I won't get up you for grammatical errors and typos.
> Flexibility when posting. Have the ability to post from 1-3 paragraphs on the average with the ability to give more if the need arises. Quality over quantity but single paragraphs or less constantly is not going to hold my interest for very long.
> Be able to post at the very least once daily unless you are only able to get on a few times a week but on those days you reply multiple times.
> Long term or short term, multiple pairings or single pairings is fine by me but i do like to at least start out with one pair to focus on before we focus on others.
> Third person use only. Use of him, her, she, he terms whilst IC.
> Male, female or other. I have no preference for what my RP partner is so long as we're both enjoying ourselves.
> Any characters to enter into any kind of Sexual encounters are to coincide with the BM TOS as are those behind the characters. Both you and your character must be a minimum of 18 years old.

Turn offs

Whilst I reccomend checking out my F-list. I will do a very quick no go list

No scat, watersports (and I don't mean games played in water) or any form of kink that involves things that should be reserved and remain within the toilet.
Foot fetishes
Shota/lollicon/underage play in general.
Yuri/Lesbian. Nothing against it but I just don't do it.

Will do

Again for turn on's and offs I recommend checking my F-list. But here are just a few things that I'm cool with.

Oral (male and female)
Consensual and Non-con
Multiple partners/penitration/Harem
Beastiality (provided that the characters are shapeshifters. Not actual animals.)
Light bondage


I will clean up this thread a little more tomorrow in order to seperate pairings, any plots and extras I care to add here. But for now you will have to deal with the compressed thread due to the one bump a day rule.

Time periods and worlds

Whilst I will do anything from Medieval, Roman and even Egyptian times all the way up to modern day times. I do have more of a preference for modern or modern mixes that have a little of older times mixed in with technology. Kind of like Steampunk but not steampunk.

Worlds can be completely made up to suit our needs or the world we call earth.


Something smut based.
Teacher/student -preference of being the female student right now. Plot or not.
Furry, werewolf or shifter based.


What if your pet wasn't really what you thought it was?

M/F human x shapeshifter pairing I will play either role. We can discuss if later we want the human to become a shifter or something of the sort later. Doesn't have to be run of the mill, dog, cat, horse. Can be mythological creatures like dragons and unicorns, etc.

For all those people that have had a pet, everyone of them would say there is something special about them. It could be something as small as just the way a dog wags it's tail whenever they see you coming or how a cat purrs when contently curled up in your lap. It could be a special trick they only perform for you. Whatever it is, they always seem to be the constant companion that never judges and is always just happy to see and be with you.

But what if that dog you picked up from the shelter or horse nestled in your stable wasn't quite what they appeared to be? At first things may have just seemed like the normal. But what seems to be just a clever pooch starts to appear as if it truly understands what you are saying or starts to conveniently place itself in an area of your room just when and where you are getting changed or somehow manages to get into the bathroom as you shower. Watching ever more intently as the days go by.

What if your new horse starts to get a lot more nosy than the average horse, understands more and things start to go from just an overly affectionate and smart beast to something ... stranger? Worse still regardless of what particular pet or even just a stray hanging around by your home; one day that animal turns into a human or something between the two? Would you scream and try to get it as far from you as possible or ... embrace it as an interesting quirk that no one else could dream up?


M/F pairing. Werewolf plot.

Two packs have always been rivals, at each others throats at every encounter over many years and almost as many generations. Agreements could never be struck to share the territory or pair either alphas offspring together in the hopes of peace between the feuding packs. It has gotten to the point beyond patrols no wolf is allowed to cross to closely to the territory's borders in order to stop the bloodshed.
Of course there always has to be one foolish youth that has to disobey the rules and wander across the border. In doing so they wind up getting themselves captures by a patrol, teased and tortured. The problem with this is it can just as easily start up a war considering the captured wolf is none other but the daughter of the alpha and next in line to step up into the role.
Will it be war or will it result in peace?
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