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Final Fantasy: Parallel Realms


Sep 30, 2016
"It was by the will of the gods that the worlds remained out of reach of one another by the rift that is the Void. Only few beings outside of their influence have wielded some control of this power to make those realms intertangible... It was only a matter of time before someone with a vile enough heart, and a greater knowledge of its potential, was able to achieve what their predecessors could not."

While there have been instances where warriors of light and dark have combat one another for many ages and worlds, some even a chess piece by gods and goddesses, but no god or goddess would come to be aware that one lost in the rift, would come to gain possession of its power to the fullest, claiming themselves a god. With this power, they sought to sow the seeds of chaos and destruction through the many mortal realms that exist. The watchers, however, became aware of their plights, yet their power was unable to be used to interfere with mortals directly; hence, they sought to the assistance of those of which have overcome the beings of discords in their worlds, and gathered them together.

The gods sought to corner this abuser of the rift's power within a realm to take advantage of time they need to recover to leave again, and send the champions after them; with the control of many different fates, as well as a diverse number of powers beyond one might expect, it will prove to be a difficult journey and objective, but it must be done, else all worlds will end up in ruin, and what the gods sought to achieve must be re-written from the beginning. These champions... are the only hopes for their many worlds!


So, this is the latest idea I have in mind; something along the lines of Dissidia, however, there is no 'good' or 'evil' god to control the champions, each one is entitled to their own beliefs and strengths, and some might prefer fighting alongside others while some may opt to try and handle things by oneself. Pretty much all Final Fantasies, including mobile games and spinoffs, and their protagonists will be the basis, so long as they're at least 15 years of age; it doesn't have to be the main hero of each of their respective games to be considered a 'chosen champion', and they may not even have to be a protagonist. After all, even antagonists don't like being contested with in terms of their destructive capabilities, though they must have a reason going after this abuser of the rift, rather than, 'Oh, a chance at redemption? Sure, I'll take it.' cliche. For all we know, the gods may not have chosen them, yet they somehow managed to become a part of this.

Sexual scenarios might come to be, but VERY dependent on the situation, and I prefer that they be consensual in nature; if they must be non-con, I request they be taken to IM/PM. Godmodding, of course, is a no-go here, and avoid there being drama or character bashing; everyone is entitled to their own opinions, which includes whether certain games are overrated and others are just downright terrible, but keep them to yourselves, please. And, try to stick it to one character per title, though I might allow two maximum if the argument to have them involved alongside the first is strong enough. We have so many characters and potential paths to choose from and play out here; consider them carefully.

I'll make the character sheets once enough people have become interested in this. Hope to see you there!
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